1966 Valiant Signet Convertible Resto

BTW. Here is a heads up on the color I chose. Big tease for me right now seeing this car. This convertible is just north of me. She's a beauty. Mine will not have the Silver and will have the SWS wheels of course.
Looking good Dave. Progress like that in a body shop these days is kind of rare...right John? That's the original EE1 paint you're going to use? That's the color that was on mine when it came from the factory. Keep up photo'd up on the progress. :)
Yep, it's the closest EE-1 from PPG that could be made. I'm glad I got my car into the shop when I did. Apparently, everything has to be switched to water-based paint here in California within in the next year or so according to my painter. Bad news for the little resto guys because of some of the extra equipment needed in the shop but good news for the environment. Good thing I had him mix an extra gallon for me. I will keep up on the photos for sure. This is sort of like blogging.
Have not reported in for a couple weeks now. We had a bad cold snap here a week or so ago so my painter could not get much done. Plus the usual life circumstances.
I do have new progress though: The completed doors and trunk lid should be delivered on Monday. Unless the paint is not cured enough for transport so as not to leave any impressions in the paint. This would be great because I can install the window regulators, glass and door hardware. I've already done some of the new window weatherstripping. I hope to have some new pics this Monday. Don't anyone hold their breath though.
You have to be a good guy Dave,
This could not happen to some off the wall guy.
I am enjoying your build and your decisions and doing it right.
Hope everything keep's going good for you.
Thank's for letting use watch this build. :thumbup:
Thanks again for the kind words. I love this project. If you put enough time and love (eerrr $$$) into something you are bound to get good results eventually. Each step is a learning process and that is part of the fun. Thankfully, I have not had too many snags. Just the extra time it takes to resto/mod one of these great cars. Oh wait......another snag....it's rained the last 4 days here in SoCal. My painter doesn't have his own fancy heat/humidity/moisture contolled shop. He shares a booth with a few other shop owners. The paint would not have cured to well I guess with HIGH humidity and lots of moisture. I'm sure he doesn't want to strip the car down again. What does all this mean.....he didn't shoot the doors and trunk lid meaning more block sanding on the body by the painter. Yeehaw...even better results I hope.
DOH. Another snag from the painter. He and his son got hit by a car while on a walk. Luckily neither were hurt too badly just shaken up. His ankle was swollen up like a grapefruit and his wrist is messed pretty good. Nothing broken. The guy that hit them didn't have a license or insurance :scratch: Glad they are okay and things could have been worse.

Take care of yourselves out there.
You have come a long ways...and it looks like you left out nothing. She's going to be very beautiful but mean car. Well done :salute:
The waiting game really sucks. The painter has had my car since I don't know when. Oh...September. Super nice guy with some bad luck lately as per previous post. I got a bunch of stuff done today and am please with the results of some of it.

Dyed my seat belts Navy blue to match my seats. They were really faded and they came out awesome using navy RIT dye. Great stuff.


Then decided to do the tranny mount for dual exhaust. I already have a tranny mount for the 5 speed. This will be just in case I ever want to put the automatic back in the car. I doubt it once I'm rowing those gears down the freeway. The template is from the tti exhaust intructions. Maybe I'll post it in the early a-body section when I have it completed. I'm just about ready to weld the plate on. Then primer and paint black. Pretty simple and should work great for anyone wanting dual exhaust on their early A without the passenger side hanging down low.





Oh and I sandblasted my shock mounts as well.

Really productive day.
You are going to have an incredibly nice 'vert when you're done. Hope you enjoy the ride...I'm jealous!...sorta....mostly excited
Got a few things done today. Finished the tranny mount for the 904 if I ever decide to use it again. Turned out pretty well. Posted more pics in the early a-body discussion forum. Here is one.

Also decided to paint the intake manifold with Aluminum Dupicolor 1200* High Heat paint. Was going to powdercoat it but decided not too since I was going to get all the suspension parts done in black. Would have cost and extra $85 to do just the intake in silver. Was cheaper to do it this way and I could always recoat if necessary. Looks pretty good to me. Just trying to keep busy with little stuff while I continue to wait on my car. :sad:
I love seeing this post! It helps keep me motivated.
I really like the dyed seat belts. I was thinking of getting another set for my car, I do have a set from a parts car that look really poor. I hadn't thought of dying them, I might need to do that.
Keep us up to date on the progress.
Hey guys just got a call today that my car will have base color on it this monday or tuesday. The weather has been really great here in Cali and is perfect for shooting paint. I can hardly wait. If all goes well I should have my car back by the end of the month. It's been a longer than expected wait, but I think it will be totally worth it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though. :angel9:

Don't worry there will be plenty of up coming photos. I'm going to try and visit the shop next week for sure.
Delays delays delays.......but finally...really getting somewhere on the paint job. The car is almost primered and should get some beautiful midnight metallic blue this week. These are the only pics I have so far from the painter. MOre should be coming tomorrow. It has been a really long road just for the paint and body work. I still have to put the thing back together. It sucks to be idle for so long. Have gotten some stuff done but things will really start to come together once I get the car in the garage (outside garage that is....hehehe) Hope to have color pics next weekend. :salute:


I`m getting anxious too, wish they`d finish that paint! That`s going to be one really nice vert when she`s all done. What will ya` do then?
take it to shows, cruise the coast, run it at the track a couple of times and enjoy it as often as i can. :toothy7:
WoW your 66 is coming along nicely !!

this has been a good project to watch. :salute:

Can't wait to see it in its new skin :thumbup: :thumbup:
Very cool. "Cruise the coast and take it to shows", man im dreaming of the day i can do that. I bought my car over a year ago, half apart and never even got to drive it. Sense then ive taken it apart even further. Are you gonna have them paint the enginebay? Im thinking of buying a fairly priced spray gun and doing the trunk and enginebay myself. When im ready for paint ill see how much they will charge me to do it. My fenders, doors and trunk lid will be off the car, so im thinking it souldnt cost tons more.
Looking good, cant wait to see it done, and i really cant wait to see the 5 speed in it.
Hey, i had pics of that valiant you had also. I modified them abit. the last one didnt turn out too well.



Dodgenut64 said:
Very cool. "Cruise the coast and take it to shows", man im dreaming of the day i can do that. I bought my car over a year ago, half apart and never even got to drive it. Sense then ive taken it apart even further. Are you gonna have them paint the enginebay? Im thinking of buying a fairly priced spray gun and doing the trunk and enginebay myself. When im ready for paint ill see how much they will charge me to do it. My fenders, doors and trunk lid will be off the car, so im thinking it souldnt cost tons more.
Looking good, cant wait to see it done, and i really cant wait to see the 5 speed in it.
Those pictures are awesome. I love it. The black convertible top will really set it off with the dark blue body. Now if you could get the SWS wheels on there. I'm not that good with photo shop. I saved a couple of those pictures. I lost the guys phone number. He lives 30 miles north of me in Santa Barbara. Hope to run into him some time again.

My painter is painting everything, engine bay, trunk, inside, floors, undercarriage, chassis. I am very patient because I know that good work takes time. The stars have to align just right for a guy to get motivated to work on these old cars, especially when they have a family to feed. :thumbup:
Been busy with the trial 5-speed swap using the parts car. Should be nice when it's in the convertible. Here is just a little of what's been going on.





Will be visiting the car this week to see what else has been done. It's been one delay after another but it is getting closer to being done and back inmy garage. I'll be pissed :cussing: if I don't get to drive it this summer. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.
It will be home soon Dave and well worth the time it take's. :blob:

The tunnel looks great. :thumbup: