1970 Steering column question



Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Metro Detroit
I'm looking for a column shift automatic power steering column for my 70 Dart. Is the 70 column a one year only column? I thought I read this somewhere once. I know other year columns will interchange but I want to put the correct column in the car.
I think 70 automatic column shift steering columns are pretty much the same as 71 and later columns except for the flasher switch. 70 was the first year the flasher switch was placed at the bottom right side of the column and you have to push it in to activate it. According to my drivers ed teacher, people would bump into the switch exiting the car and turn on the flashers. To solve this problem 71 and later switches are in the same place but have to be pulled out to activate the flashers. Usually when people talk about 70 being a one year only column they're referring to the lack of a key release lever on floor shift columns which were added in 71 School me on a-body steering columns please.