2:58 AM......BAD news....

thanks everyone! I am trying to pull resources for the travel its a bout 700 miles from me to his driveway so.....

All else is well, the easier part of it its that damned drive that sucks! I wantto be out the doors sometime today....

I get time, I may be online at his house as they got a computer and such to let everyone know how all are going.........

Sadly, the ole 67 won't be making this trip (he wanted to ride in it) but, the Buick gets better mileage so.....PLUS rides a bit better, as its pretty new!+
Awful sorry to see this. Prayin for you and your family.
John, sorry to hear of the loss of your father, be safe in your travels. Prayers to you and your family.
sorry for your loss. stay strong. take care
Thanks EVERYONE! I am now back home, (not easy to make the return trip) But, with my daughter I had to to get back to to a somewhat "normal" routine, you know?

I thought I'd be strong, but.....

See, my step-Mom, and I swore to each other the day before and the morning of the viewing, that we weren't going to break..................I killed it, (I got to say, I don't care who you are, or how strong you think you might be), you can say what you wantto anyone, but the sight of seeing that person, you know? Kills me, I loved my Dad, and still do, still kicking my *** to think I won't be able to see, talk or anything to him, to hear him in return.....His dreams, everything, that he'll not see, (Yeah its nice, he had dreams, but didn't see them completed, or all the way through....) He wanted to get his 39 Chevy on the road, and it was REAL close done! He just got the damned tittle and **** for **** sakes....

SO, with that, I'm going to see what he didn't get to as he wanted it done....... I'm going to walk in his footsteps for the sake of him and the carrying on, you know?

We're (my Step Mom and I) going to keep the 39, and do what he wanted...She hates it, BUT, won't sell it in Honor of Dad.. I told her, I'll see it done for shows and such as its a long drive for me, but I have a VERY trust worthy friend of the family that will see this through in honors of as well.........

What does this mean? WELL, my 67 rebuild will wait,,,,,,,,, its a turn-key truck, it is road legal everyday driver............ the 39 isn't. and I'm going to take the funds of the truck and put it towards the 39.......

In time, I'm going to be getting another Mopar so. my Dads 84 Power Ram...... My step mom is keeping it for now, but she has to think about it and I understand her and we both agree, but..... She told me it will be mine when she can wrap her head around all this, she and I just has a lot to clean up otherwise, outside of this first.....

But EVERYONE, THANK YOU from me and my family for the well wishes and condolences, its very much appreciated. I currently have my Moms, mother left at 84 yrs old, and my Step-Mom....A few uncles and Aunts, I've lost both Grandparents on my Dads side of the family, and my Grandfather on my Moms side.....I did this 3 years ago with my Mom....So, sadly I'm not all alone as far as "parents" are concerned, Mom, I didn't take as hard, but was difficult.. Dad, This has got to be the most difficult time, I've every survived....(Yes, we were close) Like my Grandmother that I lost back in 93......(My Dads mother)

I've been told, it gets easier, but DAMN.......

Thanks everybody!
Thank you....Really, its much appreciated. As you just read, I got a bit of "healing" shall we say?

Its almost better to try not to think about it, but then that sounds harsh, but it gets to me....like I said, Dad & I were close......Both car "nutz" you know?
I know exactly how you are feeling. I had the opportunity about 2 months ago to take another job back in Ontario where everything I hold dear and love is. BUT the job wasnt in Water Treatment, which is what Im doing now and love it. I turned down the Ontario offer(I have 10 years experience in that field). And it was the most excruciating decision as Dad was struggling with his Cancer. Dad passed last month, Im glad that I was able to be with him in his final days and made frequent trips home.

I find it so surreal if that sounds right. He would have been 70 today and was a true car guy.
My condolences again and glad you got back safe n sound!

Can we see pics of the 39?? Dad sold his 58 Apache and bought a 67 "S" 2 years go. I got a funny feeling he had a motive for that...
I know exactly how you are feeling. I had the opportunity about 2 months ago to take another job back in Ontario where everything I hold dear and love is. BUT the job wasnt in Water Treatment, which is what Im doing now and love it. I turned down the Ontario offer(I have 10 years experience in that field). And it was the most excruciating decision as Dad was struggling with his Cancer. Dad passed last month, Im glad that I was able to be with him in his final days and made frequent trips home.

I find it so surreal if that sounds right. He would have been 70 today and was a true car guy.
My condolences again and glad you got back safe n sound!

Can we see pics of the 39?? Dad sold his 58 Apache and bought a 67 "S" 2 years go. I got a funny feeling he had a motive for that...

Glad to be home, and be I suppose, in a routine again, on here, to try and keep the mind off things, and heal, you know? Its hard, I never felt quite like this over a death, and even so, the only hardship like this that I recall this bad, or well close to it was my Gram, my Dads mother....so, yeah....

As for the drive yeah, 700 miles one way (over 1500 round trip) the ole Buick done well, and didn't break the bank! Sadly,. just saying this, I didn't get to spend as much time with him as I would have liked too. but.....it wasn't something, he "suffered" from, it was all sudden, no one even knew he had that as a risk.....I guess, we all have risks so to speak.....But, I'm not even sure he felt it, he was found in his sleep when it all happened around 1:30 that night (my step mom works night shift) and she came home to no Dad, greeting her through the door as he normally would have. Which is why she went to look for him....

Well, I can post pictures of the 39. its not Mopar, but.....has a Dodge D50 front end......SO, I guess that counts as "some" Mopar.....

I have to get the pictures uploaded onto my photobucket account first....Will post 'em here....
Our condolences

Lost my dad to cancer 10 years ago. He didn't leave me, he is still here every time I go to fix something. He taught me so much. I use some of his tools to do repairs and have to remember, if I break it now he isn't here to fix my screw up, so don't screw up.

So he will always be there with you, he might not have gotten the 39 done, but when you do he will ride with you.

My dad said I would never get my dart done. He was able to help was I was tearing the 340 down and some as it was going back together. He even drove the car, just didn't have some minor things like exhaust, hood, front fenders, lights or paint. But he still got to drive it down the road.

I feel he would be proud of how it turned out, just as your dad as you drive the 39.

Take care of yourself, make him proud!