3M Bedding and glazing compound not available...what now?



Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Elkton, TN
I've been trying to locate this stuff everywhere I know to look and just everyone that carries it is either out or almost out. I ordered 2 from NPD and they emailed me and only had one. What gives? Is 3M withdrawing this from the market? If that's the case what is an acceptable, PROVEN replacement with the same non-hardening qualities as 3M bedding compound? Don't say butyl, clear silicone or to skip the sealer entirely. Thanks.
Plenty in stock at Napa, ebay, and a online dozen hardware outlets.
3m site doesn't say discontinued.
Probably just out of stock. Lots of Chem plants have been running behind on inventory the last few years.
I used a combination of the things you don't want me to say.
I took pointers from magazine articles and members threads here.
My windshield is leak free and trim is perfectly placed.
As jeffery dahmer would say...
Theres more than one way to skin a ***** and burn her over a barrel fire..
Or was that buffalo bill... ehh whatever
Call 3M. Their customer service is badass.
With all the train derailments going on and a lot of those bulk chemicals transported by rail…. There is bound to be a delay.
You won't use 1/2 a tube of 8509 putting a windshield gasket in place anyhow !
Good. I suppose I can can start looking around for half-used tubes instead of full ones. I used 3/4 of a tube on the last one I did. Maybe I did it WRONG, but it didn't leak.

Don't know about plenty at Napa. I bought the only tube left in a store within 250 miles. Memphis hub had one tube left. Ordered two from NPD, they had only one, so at least have two for the two cars I have to do coming up. ETA for back in stock is sometime in June.
what is this stuff? seam sealer?
It's like seam sealer, but is used for window installation. You put it in the groove of the gasket that clings to the body and also at the bottom channel where there is no lip on some vehicles. I've seen people use it in the groove that holds the glass also, but have seen it ooze out of that groove in the hot sun later. It never hardens. I have a 30 year old partial tube in the basement that isn't hard. I used it to seal around the butyl strip of the windshield in my 71 Challenger conv. in 1993!
3M is having troubles sourcing the raw materials to produce the sealer.
I believe the raw material was comming from Russia.
We use alot of their fuel tank sealer on aircraft, and just cannot get it.
Even masking tape from them is a problem.


And yes it does set up and seals.

Just a note, don't get it on your skin. Really hard to get off, like black ink.

Clean smudges off car bodies with enamel reducer solvent.

OP was asking about the Bedding and Glazing Compound with the 08509 part number. The 08609 is a urethane glue that you use to glue windows in without using a rubber gasket. Totally different products that both work great for what they're designed for.