489 solid pinion spacer



Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Champaign IL

Anyone used one of these? I got one, its got no shims and no instructions...

What are you supposed to do? Just give it hell till the pinion nut stops turning?

Any help appreciated.

I had one installed in my carrier. I'm not sure about the shims, cause DTS installed mine. They said that the solid was the way to go as it didn't lose it's preload and no risk of failure. I would think that shims would still be used and once you have the necessary preload, then it would always be set. I've heard that it saves having to set it again in case you need to change the yoke for any reason. The rear end guys on here know better than I, so they could tell you for sure how to set it up.

It should have some shims with it. Don't just crank down with too much preload, you'll kill the bearing in short order. A quick short cut is to measure the old crush sleeve height and set the solid spacer to the same height as a start point. Provided the crush sleeve wasn't destroyed/crushed further like some do when used in race situations.

Don't know where you got it, but, Dr. Diff should have the shims. I know he sells the better of the ones out there as there are a couple solid spacer set ups.
Yeah, no shims.

I cant wait so I'll go with the regular crush sleeve. Thanks for the help!
bought a solid spacer from the Doctor and it came with shims.
I used one and it had shims. They must have forgot yours. How soon do you need it together Steve? I have some extra shims. If you can give me an idea what you need I can look and if I've got them send them out first thing Monday. As close as we are you should have them Tuesday.