68 Barracuda dash pad removal.Help!



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Can somebody tell me the easiest way to remove the top dash pad on my 68 Barracuda with A/C.Can you get your arm up the back to undo the pad screws?Will I have to remove the whole dash?Not looking forward to removing the whole dash to change the top pad.Thanks for any help in advance.:read2:
Hey scott, I took one out of my 68 and it was nothing short of a pain in the arse!! Laying on our bad backs and feeling waaaaayyyy up to the top. In hindsight, I may have taken the dash out....but at the same time your interior is so unmolested its a shame to have to take it right out. I think I started a thread with mine, lemme do some diggin.
I would think you should be able to get to them from under the dash if it is anything like my dart there was 6 fasteners I seam to remember and one at each end that was tight. I also had to remove the glove box to get at 2 of them Good luck.
Scott, I did some diggin for the thread ..no luck. You can get at it, but it will be very difficult. Other options is to remove inst bezel to access the top easier. Good luck and have some percocets ready for your back...and your cell phone within reach. LOL....I believe the nuts for the pad are 1/4 or 5/16
Might be easiest to remove the front seats so you have some room to lay down and maybe just pull the glove box, bezel and gauges out..... might be easiest. Take a look at the wiper pivots while your under there. Good luck
your friend
HaHa Martin!.Do you believe I,ve found a mint 68 Barracuda dash pad(top and bottom)and it,s also maroon.What are the chances eH??LOL.It,s only about 1 hr away too.8)

Thanks for the tips guys,I removed the pad on my 66 Dart and no the speacial contorsionist moves to get at the little nuts up behind there LOL:clock:
Have done this job a couple times with my 68 Barracuda, like someone already mentioned, pain in the *** job. You will be working blind on alot of the areas, I used a flashlight and a mirror to help with this. No you don't need to extract the whole dash.
I removed the cluster, it makes it a lot easier. You dont have to lay on your back to do it. They are two bolts on the ends and five or six nuts on top.
Gonna need a 1/4 drive ratchet and 2 extensions....good luck and have someone take pics of ya all twisted up!
Remove the cluster and the glove box. Also no small children with in ear shot.
The only way I was able to remove my 70 Duster pad (with a Ralley dash, so similar) was to remove the cluster, then it was not too difficult. Otherwise you are working blind.
I,ll remove the cluster and glove box liner,I was more worried about A/C hoses and such.Don,t want to be replacing $$ any of them piece$.I,ll get er done.Thanks for tips.:happy6:
I removed mine but I don't have AC. I could imagine how hard it will be with AC. Also it really depends on how flexible a person is, big arms or small, weight and height also health.. lol
When I pull them, I take out the glove box insert, radio, heater control, and instrument cluster. Fix anything else that needs doing at the same time. If you have a windshield or windshield wiper leak, nows the time to fix it. If you pull the windshield you can take out the whole dash assembly....framework and all....and access the dash pad a lot easier but you'll need another person to help handle it.