71 Duster hood decal - red or white lettering?


- Marvin -

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria
I have a question to the 'decal specialists' here, which haunts me for years.

I own a H-code Duster for nearly thirty years now, and no, it has out of factory no hood treatment, but a stripe kit. But I added a hood treatment with decal - with white 'WEDGE' lettering and stripes without white 'DUSTER' lettering in the front ends.

In stock trim my Duster had black stripes with white 'DUSTER' lettering on the front fender.

Over the years I gathered a lot of pictures of stock cars and out of brochures and I have seen only these two combinations:

Side stripe with 'DUSTER' lettering and a hood decal with red 'WEDGE' lettering



side stripes without DUSTER lettering and hood decal with white WEDGE lettering:


Is this pure coincidence or factory planned?
I don't know but I'd love to have a poster of that! Hope you find your answer.
The "340 Wedge" Decal was only available in white from the factory. The Red wedge decal was seen in a Rapid Transit System Brochure which is not a picture of an actual car but an artists interpretation and probably was made pre-production. I had read that the 340 Wedge decal was to simulate a stamp on a crate and that is also the reason it is at an angle. The angle also is approximate as these things were put on by hand so they are not all installed at the same exact angle. The reflective Duster decal on the side stripe was always installed.


Is this pure coincidence or factory planned?[/QUOTE]
The "340 Wedge" Decal was only available in white from the factory. The Red wedge decal was seen in a Rapid Transit System Brochure which is not a picture of an actual car but an artists interpretation and probably was made pre-production. I had read that the 340 Wedge decal was to simulate a stamp on a crate and that is also the reason it is at an angle. The angle also is approximate as these things were put on by hand so they are not all installed at the same exact angle. The reflective Duster decal on the side stripe was always installed.

View attachment 1715034725

Is this pure coincidence or factory planned?

Thank You for the explanation.

The small DUSTER decal in the side stripe is a separate decal and not part of the side stripe?
Correct the "duster" decal is separate from the stripe.
I have that original add from 71 framed in my shop. Had to have it with my factory V24 and 72 painted to look like a twister!
