73 Duster Restoration

Didnt get to play with it this week but I think I cant sneak away from Mom and baby for awhile. She just about ready for some primer. to bad TPC screwed my last order up and didnt send the 2 items I really needed
Adam,glad to see your keeping your skills sharp for when you do get the car you want for yourself.:yawinkle:
I may have another car lined up for after this one. Im gonna need a bigger garage.
Just the roof and trunk lid left, then primer.


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Wow, you're moving right along there. Would you be interested in sanding on my car for just a couple of weeks? Show me the proper technique? Good work.:coffee2:
I've got a 6 bedroom house and "What's her name" is one hell of a cook.:coffee2:
Well theres good news and bad new. The bad news is Im no longer doing Krusty for Blackbomber. The good news is looks like Krusty is mine now ! I can stop all the bitching and wining now, LOL
Well theres good news and bad new. The bad news is Im no longer doing Krusty for Blackbomber. The good news is looks like Krusty is mine now ! I can stop all the bitching and wining now, LOL

WAIT A SECOND!!!! Did you just say Krusty is now yours? WOOHOO our Adam is back in an A-Body!!! Hell yeah. Now you need to show us alot more pics of this jewel you have. Like get on it. We want more pics.
Yes, Its staying F8 with F8 interior. I actually like the green. I am considering doing the hood black out and black 340 stripes. I also have a Thermoquad intake sitting on the shelf that will go on it. Other then that I have no big changes in mind. In needs a lot of interior work though, California is good on sheet metal, Not on interiors though, LOL
Oh, Adam, I forgot to mention that was a condition of the deal....

Just kidding, no conditions. I'm just glad it's in good hands.

I already talked to Wakeman. I think I can get it sprayed if I detail Betty's car and buy him a case of Pepsi !
I already talked to Wakeman. I think I can get it sprayed if I detail Betty's car and buy him a case of Pepsi !
Hey, I wouldn't mind cracking one open with you guys. Are you going to yank the motor before spraying? If so, and we can get a tow bar or dolly, I'll tow it there and back for you.

Edit: Now that I think about it, you bartering the labor on the paint job makes perfect sense. Last couple of times I was down there, it seemed he is a one man show. And let's face it, your finish skills are far better than his. If you could do the end work on some of his higher class jobs, that gives him more time to do what he does best. He can take more work, and send better quality out the door. You get a pro quality paint job by someone who's work you trust. Sounds like a win-win to me.
I think Im going to leave the motor in it for now. I'll have him mix some extra paint for it though.
Congratulations on your new Duster Adam!! And a Huge Thank You to Blackbomber for hooking you up!!!! Awesome man!!!!
Thanks Andrew, Its gonna be a pretty much stock cruiser. I'll get the body done this year, maybe freshen up the suspension.

Next year maybe pull the motor and clean that up. I cant beat on it to much, its got a 7.25 in it, LOL.

I just love the fact that I will be able to drive it and hit some shows with my son this year.
Wow this is great to see, the days of feeling left out due to not having an a-body are over Adam!!
Best things in life come to those who WAIT . . . AND WAIT . . . AND WAIT . . . . just kidding . . . . congrats!!!
It's really weird, but I'm more excited about this project now, than I was when the car was mine. I think at this point in my life, the burden the car presented (financially and time-wise) overwhelmed the potential enjoyment. This really was a good decision, both for the welfare of the car, and for me. Hopefully it will also prove to be the right move for Adam. I'm pretty confident that it was.
Congrats. Very good deal all around. Now let's get some work done. Looking forward to progress.:coffee2: