741 to 489 center section swap



Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2006
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i just bought a 8.75 355 suregrip with 489 case, the open end case in car now is 8.75 741, i know i will have to get the u-joint with 2 different sizes on it, but will i also have to switch the clamps that go around the bigger cup and where could i get joints and clamps if i have to switch them to? thanks
I did the very same swap to my Dart that you'r edoing. The cups are the same diameter. The only thing different is the shorter side of the u joint versus both sides being the same on the 741 yoke. The cup caps will fit just fine.
will i have to get new u-joints and can you look at this pic and tell me if it is clutch or cone type? thanks