9" Ferd perches supplier?



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Good place? to get Ford 9" spring perches?

I just dragged home another Versailles axle. I'm gonna redo the perches (proper angle, and it turns out the Lincolns came with shims, as this one had the springs!!!!)

Going to install a drain and filler plug in the housing, then when I'm ready, won't take long to swap. Also, this gives me spare axles / calipers/ disks, etc.

The 3rd member is about a 2.5X, so if I ever go to the salt................LOL
they are 3" tubes so any 3" perch will be fine. now if your looking for correct looking perches you may want to look at like ford racing or something
Thanks guys. Don't know if I can save the old ones, but as "skilled" LOL as I am with tools, prolly not!!!
New ones aren't that expensive. Won't be much left of the originals time you get them cut off
Some Ford housings like the 8" neck down and are not 3" all the way to the end. But not all are this way and I've never seen a 9" do it.
Thanks guys. I stripped it apart yesterday, haven't cleaned up the housing yet. Things move "arthrititically slow around here. Even with the little farmall and power tools, it about wore me out getting the thing apart.