904 727 parts interchange



Sep 19, 2010
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Louisa Kentucky
I am getting ready to rebuild my first automatic transmission a 904 LA and was wondering if there are any interchangeable parts between the 727 and the 904 transmissions? I have a good mechanic who has rebuilt several 727s just needing information on parts interchange.
Short of the speedometer pinion and bolts nothing interchanges except the valve bodies and then you have to swap the parking pawl rod on them to swap them. The 727 is physically much larger in every aspect. Also keep in mind that Mopar made changes throughout the run so not all 904 parts will interchange with others.
Fishy68 and 70aarcuda

Thanks for the information it is very helpful in chasing down parts.
The front band lever and the pivot pin are the same as are all the bolts except the 727 uses 7 pump bolts and the 904 has only 6. Valve bodies are interchangeble if the middle bolt at the rear has an elongated slot instead of just a hole. I'm unsure of the park rod but the actual pawl and the guide are the same. The springs and rollers for the over running clutch are probably the same as well but the races and number of rollers are different.