A-833 Input Shaft Help!



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FABO Gold Member
Apr 18, 2020
Reaction score
Cadet, Missouri
Planned on Assembling this tonight but...
Tried to set the 16 Needle Bearings in the Input Shaft and They Won't Go!
With 15 in I have a gap, the last one Won't Drop in!
I got my rebuild kit from Jamie Passon, So far Everything has fit flawlessly!
What am I doing wrong or missing? Hard for me to believe that he would send Oversized Bearings for this in Both Kits that I recently bought...
Well This Build Isn't happening, not tonight anyway



Looks like some big gaps between the bearings in the photos.... they should ride against one another.
There's a snap ring in there to allow sliding the rollers in.
But it'll prob go in if you give it a good push with your thumb.
There's a snap ring in there to allow sliding the rollers in.
But it'll prob go in if you give it a good push with your thumb.
tried that... pushed really hard, no go... I set them in behind the snap ring.
A broom handle cut to the length, usually fits just right to hold all those rollers in place during assembly.
okay, you've deleted your post... I guess that was wrong then?
Ha! I still have a ScreenShot of it in Post #10
Do you have one of the old rollers to measure the diameter?
Yup! They're .217
I bet that One thousanth difference would give me the .016 that I need to drop them in!
I'd Hate to drop these Old bearings in my New build tho....

There is 2 different input retainers, a large and a small. If there’s a local bearing house to you, I bet they have them..
okay, you've deleted your post... I guess that was wrong then?
Ha! I still have a ScreenShot of it in Post #10

Sorry, had a Biden moment.
I just measured a used one out of my 1965 a833 and it is .218. Same as my new ones from Passon.
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Try rotating the rollers till the snap ring gap has the vacant space, will the last roller slide thru the gap into place ?
If not, I'd still try with the snap ring out, it's like a "keystone" in an arched doorway, wider on the outside.
My Old ones dropped right in... They're each One thousanth smaller than the ones from Passon
What do I do?

I'd consider clesning the bore a little with some 400 grit paper but..... I hope AJ checks in. He's done a lot of these. I'm only on my first.
I took the Ferkin Snap-Ring Out, Tried Again, They Don't Fit! but I knew that already...