A astounding video of where I live Vancouver



Time to NUT UP or SHUT UP
Jun 21, 2004
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Wet Coast Canada
As some of you might know were having a little event here called the 2010 Winter Olympics.I take public transit to work now and am starting to meet tourist from all over the world.I met a nice family from Philadelphia on my way home today and they keep telling me how beautiful the City is.I have heard this a lot lately. I guess after living here so long you just focus on the bad.
Anyways here a vid that show off my City well8)

Thanks mega!

You guys have a lot of fog and the cars are really fast. Must be all Mopars.

Just kidding...had to do that.

You have a really beautiful city and that was an outstanding video.
Great video! I'll be watching the Olympics over the next couple of weeks.
Actually we really don't have much thick fog for being a port city.

If you look really close at the bridge photo you see me walking across and waving:profilel:
Awesome....I wish the US media would get off their collective lead butts and show more of Canada.
HEY that's cool I'm gonna be there this Spring Break. My friend goes to Western Washington University in Bellingham and my other friends and I are flying out there on the 21st. He's told us lots of cool stuff about that city so I'm excited.
That is a nice well produced video.I hope the games are a big success.I may be going to the island next year,looking forward to it.8)
Great video!
A little over a year ago my wife and I came to your fair city via cruise ship
early in the morning. It was a calm and beautiful morning the scenery
was eye catching. Here's couple of pictures I took.
IMG_1591 Medium Web view.jpg

pan1 Medium Web view.jpg

I know what you mean by people telling you how beautiful your city is. I've heard them say that about Duluth too.
I guess it's that you see it everyday you just take it for granted.

IMG_1591 Medium Web view.jpg

pan1 Medium Web view.jpg
was there years ago on a road "trip". spent some time in the city and found our way up to squamish on the northern heights highway. cool place, bonus was seeing a massive steam locomtive in squamish... very cool for a motorhead. i love b.c., especially vancouver island. rode a bicycle up there (when i was much younger) from shelton wa. to nanaimo and back. probably too dangerous to try that these days.
... oh canada...
Vanvouver is a awsome city, so international, spent a anniversary at umm, is it the Pan Pacific next to BC Place, the sail building? Where the cruise ships dock.

Havent been back for a bit, havent got our passports yet. Used to go to Abbotsford air show all the time.

Is the Steam clock still downtown?
Vancouver's arguably the most beautiful city in North America. I've been going every winter break the past five years and find something new and interesting every time. 50 weeks out of the year I'm a diehard Vancouver Canucks fan...But during the next two weeks I plan on cheering for Team USA's hockey team. Not sure they can compete with Canada, Russia, and Sweden...But ya never know. Enjoy the next two weeks as the world discovers just how beautiful Vancouver is.
HEY that's cool I'm gonna be there this Spring Break. My friend goes to Western Washington University in Bellingham and my other friends and I are flying out there on the 21st. He's told us lots of cool stuff about that city so I'm excited.

Give me a shout before you head up depending how old you are and what your into :bootysha: I can recommend some must see spots:evil1::-D
I was a chaparone for the Concord (CA.) High School Choir four years ago. They had a choir competition in Vancouver. What a beautiful city! First impression? How friendly the Canadian airport security was to us, a far cry from the TSA guys we have here in the States. Be proud of your city!! Go USA!!!
That's very cool, megajoltman.
We actually live in extreme opposites. You= a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Me= I live in a great place, but I wouldn't want to visit here!
Byron, Georgia; USA
Where it is snowing like crazy right now!!!