A/C blowing hot air



Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
I always run my A/C at least for 10 minutes every time I drive my 1972 Dodge Dart Swinger.
Last time I drove it in August the air did not seem very cool, well today it was blowing hot air. The last time this occurred a leak was discovered, I had the shaft seal replaced in Sept 2016 to stop the leak and thought I concurred all the gremlins. I know it was cooling in June 2018.

When I got home turned the A/C on and checked the glass on the Drier, I did not see any bubbling. I also could not recall hearing the compressor kick on with the hood up as I reached in the drivers window and pushed the A/C button. Fan blows and I hear vacuum controlled doors opening or closing a push the A/C button. I pulled the connection wire to the compressor an then re-connect, I could not detect any change the compressor. So pulled the wire connection and placed the positive lead from my volt meter in the lead one and used the body of the car a ground, needle did not move.

Was my volt meter check a proper test? Does this indicate switch problem?
If I am low on Freon will the system know not to run? Suggestions?

There is a low pressure switch, usually on the receiver drier, that opens the compressor clutch circuit if the refrigerant is low.
I would recommend downloading the service manuals at mymopar.com to start with. Then just follow the diagnostic steps to test an inoperative AC system. If the system has a leak, and needs freon added to it, I would strongly advise to have them add leak detection dye when refilling, making it easier in the future to quickly figure out where the leak is coming from.