a good one.....and true!



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
Reaction score
Mt. Zion, Illinois
My brother travels a lot as a salesman. He was in the Quad Cities a couple of days ago and stopped behind a girl\woman at a crossing in the road. He noticed that she was messing with her cell phone, probably texting. A couple of generous opportunities came and went for her to pull out and cross the road. The next chance, my brother beeped the horn slightly. The person opened the door, erupted out of the vehicle and immediately, presented 1/5th of the digits on her right hand at him and yelled, "WTF is your F****g problem. This person gets back in her car, waits for the next chance, floors it, just missing the median and takes down a traffic sign.......deploying all of her air bags. True story.

Poor thing!!! :eek:ops:
she had that coming hopefully she was holding her phone at the time maybe it left a imprint in her head.
I'll assume he stopped to help the Damsel in distress...or did he 'wave' at her on the way by.
It's called "schadenfreude" I had to look it up 'cause I can never remember it.

scha·den·freu·de [shahd-n-froi-duh]
Satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune.
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.

Maybe it's not very nice, but SOME folks just deserve it!
