A Mopar Hater

Careful... tearing up someones lawn is destruction of private property. I know guys who have been busted for this, & I don't think you want to pay for this *** to get a new lawn.

Burn that note, wipe it from your memory & just enjoy your ride.

Just my 2 cents...
The world is full of a$$holes. If you try to deal with every one of them you meet in life, you will find yourself wasting most of your time on a$$holes. Sometimes you have to respond to them, most of the time its better to ignore them and know that they are just a$$holes, and just consider the source. JMO, Mike
The world is full of a$$holes. If you try to deal with every one of them you meet in life, you will find yourself wasting most of your time on a$$holes. Sometimes you have to respond to them, most of the time its better to ignore them and know that they are just a$$holes, and just consider the source. JMO, Mike

This is true. Being a young guy, Im learning this now more than ever. I have 4 Mopars. Chevy punks used to bag on me at high school and interstingly enough,the Chevy guys at the local cruises that are in my age bracket target me with their crap comments about my Duster and Cuda. I usually respond by saying Im sorry you have a problem, but my car is my car and yours is yours. :bootysha: I have actually had a guy get in my face one time after I blew him off and stated that cruises have no room for Mopars. Luckily, my father was with me, so I wasn't alone against these three pieces of arrogant *$it!! They backed down when my 50 year old father told them to $#ck off before he calls a cop over. As they walked away, one of the brilliant idiots said and I quote: "Get a real job so you can afford some real muscle cars". Funny, in this moment of extreme retardation, I remembered that Mopars usually require more money to find parts, money i struggle to make. Lol! I like all cars and accept all. Im not out to start battles and will blow off most morons who badmouth, unless they become violent.

As for your lovely mopar hater 7Duster3, let him be just the way it is. If he does it again, try to catch him in the act and let law enforcement know. Technically, he is littering useless crap and somewhat defacing your property. That will shut him up. Hopefully, that fool of mopar intolerance will calm down before that happens. Just my $.02.:-D
Don't do anything, the wave and smile was a god choice. Sounds like this guy might not be wrapped to tight any way.If he went through all the trouble to put that note on your car. Personally I would keep an eye on the car and hope I catch him in my yard and beat him with a dumb stick!!
just put a nice rainbow sticker on the back of his car where he wont notice it right away. when all the ch@%y guys start givin him eyes you will be the winner.
Well all of the replies sound interesting.As much as you would like to DO SOMETHING! I would just IGNORE HIM COMPLETELY! That is certain to piss him off more than any reply.also you never know how some people will react! Look at the fireman recently that shot and killed 3 people over noisy fireworks! That guy just ruined his LIFE over noisy fireworks! I would leave the goofy bastard alone If I were you, you can tell that his elevator certainly does not go to the top floor! LOL I say just IGNORE HIM and when you happen to go by his home Just go by with your nose up and don't even glance his way! That bastard will be STEAMING IN HIS DRAWERS! Now some of you guys made some comments about Chevrolet owners that just makes you look as bad as the goofy bastard that left the note on 7duster3's car.He is not the way he is because he owns a chevrolet!He is the way he is because that was the way he was brought up! and maybe because he was dropped on his head when he was young! LOL But not for owning a chevrolet. I consider myself a pretty level headed guy,I am honest and fair to others and try to use my head and not rush into things.I happen to own 3 Chevrolets and 3 Mopars. I don't go around leaving notes on others cars,I don't criticize anyone for the brand of car they own and I try to be friendly and courteous to all. I understand they are people out there that would not piss on a chevrolet if it was on fire,and some the same for the other makes of cars.Personally it wouldn't do me anygood to try to piss on one on fire because I can't piss that far or that much anymore! You younger guys will understand more about that when you get OLDER! LOL!! So Drive and own what you enjoy and want,Mopar,Ford,Chevy,Foreign etc. and consider it a privalege you have the choice to do so,but don't criticize others for what they own! We just can't help it!LOL
Did you say old or infantile?

Number one: Some one insults MOPARS to pull my chain.
I ask them if “they have one of those Ford pissing on Chevy sticker on their pick um up truck.”
This works well with northerners for some reason. I'm from Atlanta. (Sorry for both things) I tell them to leave me out of their pissing contest. I’m above it. .

Number two: (Just saw this) “Hot rodding a Chevy. So easy a cave man could do it.”

Number three: If someone is not hostile about what I am driving (old MOPAR) but curious, I tell them:
“I prefer the superior engineering of Chryslers, but I am not a snob about it. I like other cars too”.
I tell them about the things Chrysler did that were better, but I admit shortcomings if they point them out.

Number four; Someone says, “I would rather walk than drive a MOPAR”.
“Your choice”.

And lastly if they ask why a MOPAR:
I tell them I drive a car hard and needed something that would hold up. I got tired of rebuilding cars.
“I’ll race any car. But first we drain the oil out of the crankcases”.
The fireman ruined his life for ever? screw the fireman, what about the victims of the muder and the victims that have to live the rest of their lives without a family member. I hope they string that fireman up from the highest tree!

Yah, I like the rainbow sticker.....we did that to abuddy at work once. Put a sticker on his bumper that said "honk if your gay" hahahaha...........he drove like that for almost a month and couldn't figure out why "people" were honking at him and giving him goofy looks. Great times. He took it all in fun. And just leave the dude alone for now. Why some one would do that is beyond me. I would also notify the local enforcement that you got that note left on your car and let them know that you have a good idea who did it. Then your not in the dark if things escelate.
That would be a good commercial for Geico(well maybe not)They could have one of their caveman guys in a garage whining about not not getting any respect for hotrooding a chevy.

I like it, my personal favorite is still "cheap, highly embarrasing vehicle running on luck every time!"
it sucks about the note but some people just got to put down something that is better than theirs.
if someone can't at least respect some one for being a car guy/girl no matter the brand, then you should at least have the brains to keep there aditude to them self. oh wait they already poved they have little if no brains with the note so for get every thing i just said.
as for the burn out well it might be fun but was it forsure the old guy or could have been some kid from down the street?
Hemi-enough said

Here are some options i came up with

A)Run him over! Drag him under the car untill he bleeds. Then get out and write Massively Over Powered And Respected with his blood.:snakeman:Then,kick him in the Balls!Pull down your pants, wipe your:bootysha: with the note and shove it in his mouth.

B) Call the local car donation company in your area to take his cars as a donation.

C) Be a good Christian and just forgive!
Careful... tearing up someones lawn is destruction of private property. I know guys who have been busted for this, & I don't think you want to pay for this *** to get a new lawn.

Burn that note, wipe it from your memory & just enjoy your ride.

Just my 2 cents...

I would have to agree just wipe your *** with it and put it in his lawn:bootysha:
Pay the neighbor kids to write a big M for mopar in his lawn with bleach at 2am and paint it blue.

I also like the run him over till he bleeds idea.
it very well could be some punk kid, the writing doesn't look very serious. The old man though gives me the most horrid looks as i drive by though.... I appreciate all of your suggestions and i too thought about building a big "M" out of wood and burning it on his front yard but i think on this one im just going to let it go.
it very well could be some punk kid, the writing doesn't look very serious. The old man though gives me the most horrid looks as i drive by though.... I appreciate all of your suggestions and i too thought about building a big "M" out of wood and burning it on his front yard but i think on this one im just going to let it go.

That`s right be the bigger man, and just consider the source!