A pic of 2 sons... makes me laugh



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Manchester, MD
We are, by no means, a family of giants. So it is only appropriate that this makes me laugh.....
So our oldest, Jacob, was always on the smaller side all thru school, and here he is at 17 yr old the day we brought his 65 home from the paint shop in 2013. Notice his shoulder height compared to mine.
Second pic is of our 2nd child, Joshua, at 14.5 yr old taken this past Saturday when we grabbed his 1st car. Notice his shoulder height as compared to mine.
We currently all stand eye-eye-eye with each other at our gargantuan height of 5'-7.5". "they" say Josh is on track to reach 5'-10ish. I hope so. LOL


Their little sister is Jessica.

Middle names for the 3 of them are Mark, Michael and Michelle, respectively.

We saved a bundle on monogrammed items. LoL
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@ragtopfury. Sir, you look familiar to me. Even though we live in different states. Nice cars and family. A neighbor of ours years ago, his 3 kids initials were LAB.