ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

Just noticed . . . after a year, a different hat, and a different spray gun!! Rog

LOL! Even a different hose! I had a new "spool" type hose in a box for the past 2 years! I finally hung it with anchors in my c-block wall! Also had a spool type extension cord that I hung before painting. I can't believe I let them set in my way, even moving several times, for approx 2 years!!! It's soooo nice to have them on recoil spools!!!:cheers:
awesome job.... cant wait to restore mine its slow going tho :( this thread keeps me energized to work on the ole girl. I'm a 4dr fan too...i think its because everyone hates em. i wish i still had my 66 fury 4dr...

Now GET MOVING!! HUBA HUBA!!!:clock::-D
Well,I have to say this has been one of the most enjoyable reads I've read from beginning to end !!!! Awesome job despite all the pitfalls !! You've taken on far more than I could imagine doing with great results !!!ENJOY,I have !!!:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

Thanks man!!!!
I'm sure you could do it!
It's not all THAT, once you get up close and personal to it!
Just another "best as I can manage" restore but good enough for daily driver and the ocasional trophie at a show!!!:cheers:
John. Great job painting. please tell me you have marker light to replace the broken\missing ones! I will feel bad as a few weeks ago I got rid of a whole set.:angry7:


I did manage to dig up 2 good red ones, 1 yellow is still on there, but the one from the drivers crashed fender was cracked and leaking water into it. Got Yard Dawg getting me one from his big yard this week!! Also hope to get another spare tire well/trunk pan this week!:cheers:
Hey John, if ya give Betty a hand, you can get Fern finished up so we can see the finished product! lol just kidding. Anxiously waiting for finished pictures. Great job. :cheers:

Soon.... Soon..... I hope! Can't wait to send ABB off in it to work and park the 69 in the barn for winter!!:clock:

White Death will be here before any of us are ready!!!8)
I commend you on a great job and also a great thread!! I was worried after you had to part ways with BOF that this thread would also go away, but you have moved on and there are greener pastures out there for you John. keep up the faith and hard work in your daily endeavours and it will all come back to you tenfold. You are a stand up guy and I believe the road ahead will get easier for you and ABB. If you need anything P.M. me. I will help out if I am able.
now just get you some early style side marker lights and smooth those in and get rid of the 'stick' on marke lights..:)

Too bad you didn't just weld those up. I'm not a big fan of the 72 and up marker lights. I remember trying to take them off my 72 and breaking the mounting points. I just siliconed them back in place.

Oh by the way really nice driveway paint job....I would of probably had more than one run in the paint..probably a few wasp..nats and flys...now about them bumpers..:) I little sectioning and tucking..get rid of the shock absorber things...

I wish I would have had the time and money to buy 68 style new repop "dot" style ones. It was faster and easier to leave them alone. I already had enough welding on this one! Besides as soon as I'm done with her in a couple of weeks, we'll be starting on "Lumps" (my 74 v-8 car) restore thread. That one we'll be replacing an entire rocker/A pillar/post section for the whole drivers side!!! Jezzz! That one I might have bitten off more than I can chew!! It will be the most metal repair I've ever tried to do on 1 car!!!
Don't worry you and the rest of FABO will see all the pics of me, Vinnie, and Lex screwing that one up!!!:-D

Had penty of gnats, 1 fly, bunch of dirt/dust, and found 2 more small runs. Good news though, the runs are in the clear coat!!
It'l buff out! No maple leaves hit this paint job though!!!:cheers:

Keeping the bumpers and shock thingies. Got to move on to the next one. I would like to have Lump done by March 2011 in time for a car show we love to attend. Goal is to have Fern and Lump there together. That was the show ABB and I won our first tropines with BOF and Baby. That was the one ABB cried like she won Miss America!! LMAO!!!8)
I commend you on a great job and also a great thread!! I was worried after you had to part ways with BOF that this thread would also go away, but you have moved on and there are greener pastures out there for you John. keep up the faith and hard work in your daily endeavours and it will all come back to you tenfold. You are a stand up guy and I believe the road ahead will get easier for you and ABB. If you need anything P.M. me. I will help out if I am able.

Thanks Dude!!!!:cheers:

I think of you often and how nice you were to try and help ABB & me. Whenever things get a little tuff here with the funds, you pop up in the back of my mind, and it motivates me to keep pushing and hustle for the next $ we need to keep going and living here!!

Thank you too for all the kind words. It really helps with my personal daily attitude and future outlook!!

Thanks again for everything you have done and tried to do for us.
If I can help you anytime let me know. Maybe I can pack up the mobile body shop and supplies, and head down to help you in spring. Better fix up that garden shed, I'll need a place to crash that week while we're doing the paint and body work you need!!! LOL!!!8)

Have a great day today dustermaniac!:cheers:
I appreciate the offer John and my offer still stands if you are going through a tough time. Just contact me. Actually I am attempting some of my own bodywork on the Duster and have just spent the weekend stripping and sanding and priming a set of doors to replace the aging ones on my car. I must admit that body work is not my strong suit. But anyway it is going OK otherwise. I could put you up and pay you if you would be interested in a trip to beautiful N.C. to help me out on some rear quarter work.
In a mad WINTER rush to get done now!

Started prepping the grill for reinstall.

Hope to have exterior done this week and getting a new headliner for next week. That's whats holding up the interior.

Vinnie and Lex haven't been much help lately either. Furry bums!:-D

We will still need to wet sand and polish the clear coat too....

Here's a couple of pics.

Thanks to the pic that volare360rt posted on this thread earlier (post #195) I had a great example to follow for painting. THANK YOU!!!

As yall can see, Vinnie was a real big help again last night!!:-D

Everyone have a great day today FABO!!!:cheers:

PS: Sorry for pic quality (movement) flash is broken so shutter stays open longer...and you know with the DT's and all my hands wont stop shaking! LOL!
I'll get better pics today when it is installed on the car!


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I appreciate the offer John and my offer still stands if you are going through a tough time. Just contact me. Actually I am attempting some of my own bodywork on the Duster and have just spent the weekend stripping and sanding and priming a set of doors to replace the aging ones on my car. I must admit that body work is not my strong suit. But anyway it is going OK otherwise. I could put you up and pay you if you would be interested in a trip to beautiful N.C. to help me out on some rear quarter work.

Do you have heated area to work in?
When it gets cold here, all business for junk cars will dry up. ABB and I have been wondering about work/income. I do have a couple other project offers too with the moble body shop, working in their heated areas.
PM me sometime and let me know what you're thinking. Wish I could time it right to bring my surfboards and "hit it" after your work is done. I haven't been able to come down with the boards sense I was layed off a couple of years ago. You know...while I'm down there, might as well go see Surf City or Wilmington! LOL!:-D

I could side trip to "Thermal City NC" for some gold panning on the way home too!!!
Starting to look like a Dart again!
Slow but steady progress today.
When ABB got home, it was time for dinner so I closed shop for the day but brought in the fender badges to clean them. I also primed and painted the side edges of the emblems, will be installing the rest of the exterior pieces tomorrow.
Trying to get the headliner ordered for next week.......:clock:
Also ran out later and painted the wheel wells black where the green overspray was on the splash guards and leaf springs.


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Just read through the whole thread and wow you are a character! I love all the funny captions! Unfortunately I was one of those guys who look at 4drs and say "too bad it's a 4dr". but after this thread I have a greater respect for people who love their cars no matter what they are. I bought a 69 4dr dart that an old lady owned and parked it after the tranny went out I plan on using it for parts, but its all there I would feel bad dismantling it. But I can't have both base housing only lets me have so many vehicles! Awesome thread!! Oh yeah the MOD top is sweet love it!
An advertisement for Fern.


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Looks Great!! I saw a thread that you were selling it. Why????

What else, money!! :cheers:

Have some other irons in the fire too. I have 2 different people who have heated garages at their places to have me take the "mobile" body shop (2 plastic bins full, a welder in the trunk of Fern, and me) to their places as soon as it gets too cold to work here. The other places are 10-20 miles from home, but pay cash as I work and one of the cars is a MG! WOW! I'm foreign repair now too!! LMAO!!:toothy10:

If the junk cars dries up for winter, (has already started, only hauling 1 a week or less now) I'll have to sell all but 2 Darts and the car hauler if that's what it takes to make it to spring.
Don't think I could ever work a real job again even if I could find one. Health kinda iffy from day to day. Can get stuff done but only in 2-4 hour work sessions at a time I can work longer but has to be different projects due to ADD! Besides I would never trust that a real job would still be there tomorrow for me. I've been lied to and crapped on too many times. I like my hours now and enjoy the work and people I meet more than in an office at a printing company. Who am I kidding anyway, I'm too overqulified (OLD) to hire at the 3 interviews I've had in 2 years! Nobody wants a 50 year old middle/upper printing manager around here!!

If I can make it till spring, my business will survive and BOOM next year. Can see signs already at being a good way to live. The money is not in the trip to the junk yard though, it's in the detour home for 2-3 hundred repairs then sell for less than $995.00. Spring would be a boom with the yard clean ups and dead cars from winter. Only 5 months to go and a couple hundred dollars left to do it on.:angry7:

FOTO's tranny repair really put the hurtin on me. It used up all my winter cash stash I'd saved from me and FOTO hustling cars till the tranny went out. The $1500 hurt a little but the 8 weeks down with no car hauling KILLED me!!:angry7:

Got about 4 cars still lined up though in the next 2 weeks so far.:cheers:
Just hauled in a 71 Cheby C-10 Pick up and got a line on a sweet barn fresh 64 Cheby Custom pick up with alot of local history at the race track as a push start truck back in the day. It has all it's original trim with "0" dings too!
All bought for "scrap" junk pricing!

I just get ta worring sometimes. One usually pops up that I can fix and sell right when things look the worst!:cheers:

Sides, can't keep insurance up on em all!8)

Still waiting on Fern's new headliner. Should be here any day. When it arrives we will be full steam ahead on the interior and final trim fitting!!

Fern is becomming ABB's favorite. Clara just pulled in the barn for winter next to Baby!:clock:

All in all it's been a really cool ride though. I love my new carreer!!!
If everything would smooth out, Fern will stay and another will go in her place. We have a 02 Ram van and the 71 chebby for sale right now and as long as the cars trickle through, Fern is safe. But like all the others except Baby and Foto, EVERYTHING is for sale! LOL!!


Got alot of new friends here at FABO too!!!:cheers:
You are an enduring and resourceful guy, you have the "tools" to get through. I pray you get all the breaks you deserve to keep right on cruising!! The very best to you John and ABB for the holidays and in the future. Rog
She is a long way from where you started.

Man you're not kiddin there!

Sorry I hadn't been on in a while. Just tryin to hustle a buck here and there with the junk cars!

Kinda parked fern when it first snowed I tucked her in the barn with some fuel stablizer and only drove her on dry roads the past couple months. That is till we sold our 69 a couple weekends ago. We've been driving Fern daily sense then.

Been waiting for the first 70 degree day to put in the new headliner.
Thanks for checking in chryslerfat and I hope the holidays treated you well.
Just read through the whole thread and wow you are a character! I love all the funny captions! Unfortunately I was one of those guys who look at 4drs and say "too bad it's a 4dr". but after this thread I have a greater respect for people who love their cars no matter what they are. I bought a 69 4dr dart that an old lady owned and parked it after the tranny went out I plan on using it for parts, but its all there I would feel bad dismantling it. But I can't have both base housing only lets me have so many vehicles! Awesome thread!! Oh yeah the MOD top is sweet love it!

Thanks man!
Now that I've been driving ABB's (wife) new 2 door Swinger, it has totally convinced me to ONLY buy 4 doors, or wagons! The 4 door bodys seem stronger and the 4 door hinges don't wear out as fast as on the heavy oversized 2 doors. (Sides the 4 door ones have usually been pampered adult owned cars VS. the 2 door mutigenerational teenager owned cars)
You are an enduring and resourceful guy, you have the "tools" to get through. I pray you get all the breaks you deserve to keep right on cruising!! The very best to you John and ABB for the holidays and in the future. Rog

Thanks Rog,
Sorry I haven't been working Fern as of late. Didn't want the new paint in the snow and the new headliner wouldn't stretch too easy in sub 70's weather. (Everything was better in the 70's:color:)
Thanks for the prayers, we need all the help we can get!
I hope the holidays treated you and your family well too.

Rumor round the hissay this evening is this;
Remember, I didn't tell you this but;
There might be a new member on FABO soon after they drive Fern home.
Might be before this weekend is over.............:clock:
Then it will be full steam ahead on Lump!:hello1:
See ya soon & stay in touch!
Our other thread,
will be firing on all 8 cylinders soon when looking for that next 4 door.
(Next week hopefully! With Videos!!)
Be sure to check in there too!
Best to you Rog,
Glad to hear John . . . . you put alot of work into Fern, but ya gotsta do what ya gotsta do . . . . Lump will be interesting . . . congrats to you and ABB on Daisy . . . Hi Lex and Vinnie!!