ADs covering my PMs, can't open or leave them



Old School Chrysler Fan
Feb 14, 2010
Reaction score
Desoto Texas
Now I get a big Ad covering items in my Inbox.
They used to be small, now they cover 2/3 of my screen right in the middle of my PMs.
Using a laptop running windows.
Yeah I've had enough with the ads already. This website has become For Advertisements Only.
I could think up ways to fight back, like posting my own ads for chit like ocean front property in Arizona, muffler bearings, blinker fluid, etc... At the end of the day its a lot simpler to do what so many others have done, just stop coming here.
I have exactly the same problem on my computer. When I go to print the page, the ad moves off of the PM listing.
Give me something to work with here guys?

Phone or Desktop?

We know you are not at Gold Member that gets No Ads.

What is your web Browser? I am sure it is Google Chrome or some other Google related product that is associated with you that you have linked together.

Google is piling on the adds, so if you use google in any way this is what you get. If you went Gold you can help support the site and Joey and help reduce the ads coming across your screen. Lots of valuable information on this site, well worth the Gold Membership and it helps keep it all going for others that want to join.

* * * * *
Yeah I've had enough with the ads already. This website has become For Advertisements Only.
I could think up ways to fight back, like posting my own ads for chit like ocean front property in Arizona, muffler bearings, blinker fluid, etc... At the end of the day its a lot simpler to do what so many others have done, just stop coming here.

See Post #7
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Without "Gold Membership"
Through Google:

As Follows:


Gold Membership at FABO is literally worth its weight in gold for all the agrivation you avoid.

Also it does not slow down your browser to get to what you want to see.

The Ads on the other hand consume all your bandwidth, so your experience is Slow, Slow, Slow.

It is your choice, so you decide.

Have been a "Gold Member" since 2019, Ads Free.

Imagine That !

I don't have any ads...I wish I did maybe they wouild have some phone numbers on them.

Screenshot (213).png
I have exactly the same issue. I tried clicking on the ad to remove. It doesn't work. The next one pops right up. No way to reply to a conversation you can't access
I have exactly the same issue. I tried clicking on the ad to remove. It doesn't work. The next one pops right up. No way to reply to a conversation you can't access
Does the ad follow the screen when you scroll up? Can you scroll past the ad?
Using chrome on desktop. If you scroll down it remains over the messages.
Here is what I just got. Today the Ad is smaller, but still coving my messages.
View attachment 1716060801
I see you are using Chrome for your browser, hate to tell you but all the Google ads you are seeing are coming on through your Google Chrome Browser.


Use a different Browser or try another device from someone else and see if it's the same when you sign in again.


To help with diagnostics, are you allowing your device to stay logged in all the time?

If you are that gives hackers time to go in and manipulate your account. When you are not on your device, but your account is still open.

It's like leaving your house doors unlocked when you run out for a gallon of milk. Easy access for others to get in and mess with you.