Advice needed on P/Poor Auto Repair Shop



Wishicouldre member
Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
Urbana, IL
To start this is from my resto thread " The Humble Bee".

Four weeks back I went to work thinking I would have the Humble Bee in my garage when I got back yesterday to install all the freshly restored/painted parts and crank that baby up. The engine is finished and waiting for the 904 which is waiting for the correct tailshaft seal which should have ( by my thinking ) been ordered and ready long before now. The shop has a very good rep' around town and was rec' to me by another member and until now ( jury still out ) the rep' is well founded. Four weeks and two days ago I told the head wrench the engine would be finished in a few days and he said," I guess I better get going on the transmission ". I understand the shop's position about this being summer and many AC problems but also feel with all the advance notice they have had re: Humble Bee, things could have been handled and necessary parts ordered and ready to go much better.

Whine/rant over.....for today....I have tailshafts seals coming from the far corners of the country to get IT DONE !

Hey, am I wrong here ?

The "four weeks ago" was on May 4th. When I initially talked to the owner about the timeline he said there would be no problem getting the job done within that time. I deliver the car with the top and front of the engine stripped down, they pull, deliver to machinist for rebuild, pick-up from machinist after rebuild, rebuild the 904, and reinstall to same as delivered to them. The only extra I asked for was to install a new speedo cable and the dual master cylinder ( easier to do with an empty engine bay ). I supplied most of the parts. And what I didn't supply they obviously waited until the last minute to try and find/order.

I still don't have my car back and and am now being told it's because they are a man short due to an employee's g'mother's surgery going "bad". This being as of this last Wed'. I really feel for said guy's grandmother but that excuse doesn't fly since the car should have been done long before.

Much in this area is done small town way; I have no written estimate or completion date. Except for the time at my bodyman's for engine bay paint they have had the car since April 26th.

Anybody have ideas ?
Not too much out of the ordinary, when depending upon someone else.

Reconstruction of our cars are supposed to be a "happy time" for us.
Don't let it get you down too much, I've had numerous set backs on my build waiting on someone whom had plenty of time to complete their job and waiting until the last moment just to find a problem or something come up.
As long as its completed in a satisfactory state all should be well. Even if it takes another 4 weeks don't let it ruin your state of nurvana.
Not too much out of the ordinary, when depending upon someone else.

Reconstruction of our cars are supposed to be a "happy time" for us.
Don't let it get you down too much, I've had numerous set backs on my build waiting on someone whom had plenty of time to complete their job and waiting until the last moment just to find a problem or something come up.
As long as its completed in a satisfactory state all should be well. Even if it takes another 4 weeks don't let it ruin your state of nurvana.

THX but when a business says they will complete a task within a specified time frame they should do so. My work schedule does not allow for this and they were well aware of this when agreeing to the job. Per the Better Business Bureau they have had complaints in the past for the same reason. Shame on me for not checking before this but the shop was recommended.
It sucks to have setbacks,but it happens to all of us at one time or another.Keep the faith Roger,some things can,t be rushed.Good Luck.
Working on old cars doesn't always go as planned and isn't that easy or everyone including you would be doing it for themselves.You can't really put a firm schedule like on a newer car where parts are readily available and some of the parts to be changed haven't been assembled for 30 or so years.I use to have my own shop and have worked for numerous others and things get in the way ,from unforseen mechanical problems to people having problems..If just waiting a few extra weeks is stressing you out this bad sell the old car and get a different hobby that you can have more control over,or lighten up and remember it's just a hobby and not life or death ( might be things involved not stated )

My most sincere ( and serious ) thanks. This might have helped to "carry" "it".

Love the avatar ( both )
OK folks, I've been called stressed out and have also been agreed with. Per "Resto" thread: "The Humble Bee" This is what I'm dealing with.

This is a copy of an e-mail sent to ***, the guy what owns the shop mentioned in this thread. The machinist involved has been nothing but : " Oh crap, my fault, I'll fix it ASAP". The "other shop" has not to my way of thinking been as demonstative of proper ethics relative to work done.

Again, I ask the question: "Am I over reacting by expecting quality work done within the time frame promised ?"

Good Evening ***,
As you have been informed per conversation with Doug Kennedy of Kennedy Machine of Urbana, IL, there are problems with my 1965 Dodge Dart Gt that your business worked on.

Your business was to remove the 273 cid engine and 904 Torqueflite transmission form the vehicle, deliver engine to Kennedy Machine in Urbana,IL for rebuilding, pick up engine after the rebuild was completed, rebuild the 904 Torqueflite transmission during the time engine was being rebuilt and vehicle was absent for engine bay painting, reinstall rebuilt engine and transmission, install a dual chamber brake master cylinder, install a replacement speedometer cable, and check the rear axle assembly for content ( gear oil or ATF ).

I will list the aforementioned problems in order of discovery.

When I appeared to pay you for your services you told me that the transmission your business rebuilt had an issue with the Park Lock Cable and your mechanic had to rotate it somewhat and it was leaking.
A leak on a transmission your business recently rebuilt.

Feldkamps Towing picked up the vehicle from your business and delivered to my home on Monday, June 14th ( all towing with engine/trans installed done with the rear end raised ).

When the tow truck lowered the vehicle in my garage it needed to be moved forward to clear the garage door "electric eye".

Moving the shift lever to Neutral did not result in the transmission being in Neutral. Experimenting with different shift lever positions found a neutral setting with the shift lever slightly forward of the "R" on the shift lever console.

On Thursday June 17th I had the engine ready to start for the first time after rebuilding when an external coolant leak was discovered. Doug Kennedy was contacted and closed his shop and appeared at my home 15 minutes later. Doug tightened the intake manifold bolts and the external coolant was stopped. Later that same evening I rechecked fluid levels and found the coolant level down and the crankcase oil level significantly higher. No further action was taken relative to cranking the engine. The following morning, Friday the 18th, I drained approximately 5 quarts of coolant from the crankcase.

On Monday the 21st Feldkamps Towing towed ( rear end raised ) the vehicle to PDR ( next door to Kennedy Machine ). When PDR attempted to push the vehicle into their shop area the transmission could not be taken out of what is assumed to be "Park". PDR had to remove the driveshaft in order to push the vehicle into their shop area.

When Kennedy Machine completes the necessary work on the intake manifold, starts the engine and runs for 30 minutes prior to changing oil and releasing to me I will still have a vehicle I can't drive due to a transmission issue.

My question to you is: What are your intentions and time frame to correct the transmission issue ? An e-mail response is requested.

I will be at your place of business tomorrow morning to collect the extra parts and fluid supplied by me and not used and the stock torque converter which I incorrectly assumed would be placed in the trunk of the vehicle when picked up.

Stock torque converter
? quarts of Mopar ATF+4
Steel brake line tubing
Brake line fittings
Used speedometer cable

I will be returning to work early morning on June 29th and for this reason the vehicle will be back in my garage no later than the evening of June 28th.

I sincerely hope you intend to correct the transmission issue by that time. Considering the vehicle was returned to me a minimum of two weeks late I will not accept anything other than having the transmission issue fully corrected by the evening of June 28th.

Should you decide not to have the transmission issue fully corrected within that time frame I will have it corrected elsewhere or by other means.

So much for the legal, document trail stuff ***. Are you going to do the right thing or not ? I know fully well that legal action is a no-go; cost's more than the return. You already have complaints with the Better Business Bureau and have a forum thread devoted to you ( no name mentioned ) relative to not delivering within agreed time. I will add to the BBB complaints and correct the non-mentioned name.

Most Sincerely, Roger *****


That's it. As mentioned before by a former shop owner, problems happen concerning parts etc. THAT I understand. The, " Here's your car, it's got a leak", I do not understand. Why did I accept ? I was so PO'd about the delay and not knowing anything about auto trannys. WOW, did I screw up or what ?

Yea, I sorta think the shop owner is following this thread. I sure hope so cause I'm close to stating name.

FABO, if using this forum to achieve my own ends is a sin; I apologize. If it works,...I still apologize....but it worked.
Well, I feel your pain. As a present classic car shop owner, and as stated earlier, things can come up. But delivering a trans that has a leak as well as not being adjusted properly, and an engine that has a bunch of coolant in the crankcase, is just plain wrong. Sometimes projects do get backed up, and sometimes parts get on backorder. So a being patient is definitely key. At times, my machinist that I use can take 2 weeks to 3 months to get an engine back to me, depending on if it's race season and what his work load is.
I am not perfect by any means, but I will say( not that you are) that alot of folks who own classic cars think that it's just so simple to put a car together and "it just needs a few things"....give me a nickel every time I heard that and I will call you from my lounge chair in the Bahamas......

Best thing to do is get your trans fixed, and just move on and find another shop...
I agree it sux but the only person you're hurting by getting angry is yourself. This is supposed to be a fun hobby....try to put it in perspective, after you get all the issues taken care of, all this aggravation will be in the past and you will be enjoying the "Humble Bee."

If it makes you feel any better, my tranny leaks, my windshield leaks, and my transmission linkage is out of synch with the selector too. :happy10:
Well, I feel your pain. As a present classic car shop owner, and as stated earlier, things can come up. But delivering a trans that has a leak as well as not being adjusted properly, and an engine that has a bunch of coolant in the crankcase, is just plain wrong. Sometimes projects do get backed up, and sometimes parts get on backorder. So a being patient is definitely key. At times, my machinist that I use can take 2 weeks to 3 months to get an engine back to me, depending on if it's race season and what his work load is.
I am not perfect by any means, but I will say( not that you are) that alot of folks who own classic cars think that it's just so simple to put a car together and "it just needs a few things"....give me a nickel every time I heard that and I will call you from my lounge chair in the Bahamas......

Best thing to do is get your trans fixed, and just move on and find another shop...

I totally agree if it was on a " When we can and when we find". This WAS NOT the case. This was a "simple", "I promise", with most of the parts already supplied. Had this been a case of "here it is, do the best you can", "Find the parts", I would understand with no issue.

With respect to the response, read the entire post. If I did not supply the necessary parts from the beginning the shop delayed in searching for same and delivered a "rebuilt" "product" sub-par not Mopar.

.Best thing to do is get your trans fixed, and just move on and find another shop...[/

That is a given. I also have $$$$ invested for no return.
I agree it sux but the only person you're hurting by getting angry is yourself. This is supposed to be a fun hobby....try to put it in perspective, after you get all the issues taken care of, all this aggravation will be in the past and you will be enjoying the "Humble Bee."

If it makes you feel any better, my tranny leaks, my windshield leaks, and my transmission linkage is out of synch with the selector too. :happy10:

Hey Gold, I really am cool about this and truly appreciate the concern. Think about this post. Do a Google search. I have not stated anything that is not the truth. blank or another blank of Champaign,IL may be reading this and knowing that as soon as I state their business name they will have a "link". Now whether that link leads to positive or negitive "feedback" is a matter of perception. Ya think this might be incentive ?

Previous disclaimer re: FABO applies
I didn't think of that angle...I hope it is a wake-up call to the shop to do the right thing. I'm the kind of person who can overlook a lot of things, maybe too much sometimes....
I didn't think of that angle...I hope it is a wake-up call to the shop to do the right thing. I'm the kind of person who can overlook a lot of things, maybe too much sometimes....

THX, I'm thinking of starting a poll on this issue. Classic cars are difficult to find parts for and shops to have "wrenches" experienced enough to remember "them". What do you think ?
THX, I'm thinking of starting a poll on this issue. Classic cars are difficult to find parts for and shops to have "wrenches" experienced enough to remember "them". What do you think ?

I totally agree. That is why I started my shop. I try to be sure I know as much as I can about a customers car. I educate myself and my employee about everything I can as often as I can. Alot of shops around here can build a fast car, but not restore an original car or build a car professionally well at all. I mean they don't pay attention to fasteners, physics, engineering , etc. I find so many cars built with mixed fasteners, metrics, flat head screws, etc.
Example given, I am working on a 66 GTO 389 tri power, 4 speed car. The customer had the carbs rebuilt a bit a go but it never ran right. Well, I took off the center carb, and come to find out it was maybe opened up, but never rebuilt. The floats were off because they measured for brass floats instead of plastic, and being they are shaped different, they have different settings. He paid a good grip of money to have someone go thru his carbs and tune his car but ended up getting burned.
Older cars almost always end up on the back burner as money can't be made as quickly. Rusted nuts and bolts, difficulty in getting parts and lack of knowledge put fear in newer mechanics heart and subsequently the car sits.... The exception to this is a true restoration shop where all they do is older cars and are more experienced in project management.

Sorry to hear of your troubles barge. This is why I do everything possible myself. I can't imagine that a tailshaft seal is all that difficult to find for pete's sake. If I ever got rich I'd start my own shop specializing in 75 and older cars complete with a chassis dyno.