Afican'z build bridge--dedicate bridge--bridge collapses....

Pretty common in third world countries. They usually have European construction firms come in to build important structures like big bridges, hotels, etc.
The videos on African attempts to build aircraft are similarly intriguing. It's a shame that they aren't blessed with the education that most of us slept through.
Maybe they should try popsicle sticks:
The truly sad part is, if there hadn't been a bunch of people on it to celebrate it, it might've lasted forever
This is what happens when you ignore racist math and engineering principles. Or, more likely, no one is around who understands them.
Looks like Wakanda might take a few more millennia.
I built a bridge that spanned a 14’ creek when I was 11 years old, used A hammer-hatchet, notched the logs (popular) then nailed even had a handrail, it was still there 5 years untill we moved. I think dad was impressed. Every kid in the neighborhood played on it. About 9’ off the creek. Forgot to add, I still have that hammer-hatchet
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Oh, some are being blessed with free education right here in this country, guess who`s paying for it?

Oh, agreed 100% and I think they waste it more than anyone, but it's different when you're just some poor *** dirt farmer just trying not to starve to death on your way to a funeral at 38 from dysentery because you have to drink from a mud hole.
This engineer approves
Being a bricklayer and lead hand foreman have layed out and built many buildings from warehouses to water treatment plants to hydro sub stations,
One thing I have learned about engineers is you have to go to school a lot longer than most of us to be that stupid. Looks good on paper how in the f… do you expect me to build this.