Afternoon Sir....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
Reaction score

Just checking to verify that you have the proper endorsements..,,
Is that a double a triple or a double double ? Try getting that through the drivethru at the Hortons !
I'm not hitting the advertised gas mileage either!!!
The Trailer with truck is within the weight limit of the U-Haul, and the truck with trailer is within the weight limit of the pick-up, so what is the problem officer?
Good God man! Hopefully he rented the insurance package...:) Nice find ,Ink....
P.S. :I'm gonna , remember this for life....
The Trailer with truck is within the weight limit of the U-Haul, and the truck with trailer is within the weight limit of the pick-up, so what is the problem officer?
Hmmm....yeah but....hmmm....
now. if he passes through a tollroad, how many axles does he pay for ?
A friend got caught pulling a similar stun t (pun intended) and his triples endorsement did not save him.
You can bet the U-Haul isn't plated for anywhere near that much weight. That's just the beginning of the fines.