All I want is a rule book.....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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.uck me...Stopped by a local retailer that used to sell the NHRA rule book. "Sorry, Boss didn't get any this year." Unless I am missing something the only way to buy a rulebook from NHRA is to be a member? $69 to become a member just so I can get an effing rule book?
Doug "Google." You can download "last years model" several places, and then I think you can go to the NHRA site and download the "updates" free.

If you can't find, PM me with your email, I'll send you what I have. I've forgotten where I found it/ them
Doug "Google." You can download "last years model" several places, and then I think you can go to the NHRA site and download the "updates" free.

If you can't find, PM me with your email, I'll send you what I have. I've forgotten where I found it/ them
PM sent...
just go on nhra or ihra website and download,i havent got a nhra rulebook in years from nhra,ihra sends me one every year
PM'd you a link, Doug, should be 2017.........

This seems to be the 2017 rule book
It was indeed the complete 2017 book.
We only have a 1.5mbps download package. CenturyLink is our ISP, have complained to them that we rarely see .15mbps, which makes searching for things very challenging to say the least. There network is so overloaded it crashes frequently, especially at night when I am able to spend some time looking for things. Very frustrating to see what looks like something I need when I am searching for something. Click on it, wait the 25-30 seconds for it to load only to have it be a dead end. Last fall a contractor was burying conduit out this way. Spoke with a CenturyLink Tech that was in one of the boxes out here, he told me that fiber optics were going to be installed...and be functional by the end of January. Had all the snow so it didn't happen. Caught another Tech about a on the ago, he looked thru all the work orders and memos in his email...telling me that the first guy was wrong. When asked about the conduit..which run into CenturyLink boxes he just shrugged his shoulders..,
Is there any point to point microwave internet out there? I'm not referring to satellite, but rather mountaintop service, with a small antenna pointed there. Friend of mine in St Maries has that. It's not perfect nor lightning fast, but better than what you are saying