All time worst actors?

Even the critics don't like Cage, but my wife says he is "dirty sexy". I'll take her word for that
I can't name one, but seems like I've thought some of his movies weren't a complete waste of my time.
I've never found Adam Sandler funny. (Except of his Hanukka song) So I've never watched one.
But watched Spanglish recently and enjoyed it. Maybe it was Paz Vega though that made me like the movie.
She is seriously hot.
It had Cloris Leachman in it too. She is a great, award winning actress and could make a bad part good. She did that in that abomination movie version of The Beverly Hillbillies.
She had the best part and the writers gave her very little lines.

Bobcat Goldthwait

The only good part was the movie shakes the clown.
The one redeeming feature of Nick Cage was Raising stupid it's funny.....And nobody mentioned pauley shore....
For instance, Vin Diesel. I can't stand him either, but I kind of doubt Spielberg was thinking "I need some really bad actors" when he was casting Saving Private Ryan.
If disliking someone makes him a bad actor, I'll nominate Ryan Gosling. After the horrid pile of crap that was 'Drive' I don't think I'll ever watch another one of his movies.

Yeah i was gonna say about Vin Diesel is that people should check out "Find Me Guilty". First off you can laugh at seeing what he looks like with hair, but on top of that its well acted, and at the end they play audio of the real person that this movie is based on. Vin is dead on as that person.

Drive doesn't make Gosling a bad actor, it makes him an idiot. He is specifically the reason why that movie was idiotic. He pushed to make his character have less lines.
The one redeeming feature of Nick Cage was Raising stupid it's funny.....And nobody mentioned pauley shore....

Does Pauley Shore count as an actor?? He's never actually played a role.
Steve Carel, guess he falls into the category of I can't stand him, rather than bad actor, to me all of the roles he plays are of the same person, did like him in the Way, way Back, but he played the same butthead as every other role he plays, but you are supposed to hate him.
Steve Carel, guess he falls into the category of I can't stand him, rather than bad actor, to me all of the roles he plays are of the same person, did like him in the Way, way Back, but he played the same butthead as every other role he plays, but you are supposed to hate him.

ice cube has got to be the worst of all time , can1t figure what anyone sees in him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bob:pukerigh:
Steven Seagal, like many other actors, got into acting because of his martial arts skills. ( Van Damme, Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, etc.) He's a 7'nth Dan in Aikido. Most of these, I don't consider great actors, but their action scenes are top notch.
Woody Allen.....He's NOT acting.......He IS a wormy little bastard!

Oh my effin' Gauwd I'd forgotten, or maybe I'd TRIED and ALMOST successfully forgotten that little effin' creep!!! I do NOT understand the hype!!! Some people rave!!! about how funny he was supposed to be, but I just don't get it. I don't find him funny, interesting, or nothing. In fact I'd much rather do nothing at all, LOL
Steven Seagal, like many other actors, got into acting because of his martial arts skills. ( Van Damme, Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, etc.) He's a 7'nth Dan in Aikido. Most of these, I don't consider great actors, but their action scenes are top notch.

I agree. I would pit a young Steven Segal against any martial arts actor up to and including Chuck Norris and possibly even Bruce Lee. Segal was a bad **** when he was young.