Already Christmas at the Lowes stores?



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Rancho Cordova, CA
You gotta be kidding me, it's not even the very last week of September, and already my local LOWES store has all the Christmas trees, decorations, lights, you name it, up on display.
Sure surprised me, this morning, when i went in to purchase some batteries for the DVD remote control.
They don't even do Halloween, and go right to Christmas, and not even Thanksgiving, holiday.

It's hotter than holy hell down here in S. Texas!!!:usflag::thumbsup::realcrazy:!!
The local Sam's Club has had Fall, Halloween, and Christmas decorations for sale for the past couple of weeks.
if they skip halloween (and yes, it is satanic) im all for it

Merry Christmas
I like it because if I don't start planning and preparing for the holiday from now, it's not going to happen the way I want.

My adoptive parents complain as well but them being retired means they have an extra 60 hours a week so that's a huge advantage to the crowd the stores are catering to.
Thanksgiving is another one that takes months to prepare for. I raise my own turkeys for the day. Every day feeding them and watching those yummy cuts of meat walking around the coop.

I don't trust store bought birds when I know exactly what these ones have been eating and the cleanliness.
I agree, it seems home depot is heavy into the whole Halloween garbage more than most other stores.
funny, they also sponsor rides in the sodomite pride parades
i wonder if there is a connection there?

(hypothetical of course)
Wally World here too. That's B/S. And you know, if you don't shop now the stuff they have out will be gone! LOL
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Every year it is sooner, not my preference.

At this rate in my lifetime I will probably see a point where they have the Christmas stuff out most of the year, and just work around the other real big seasonal sales periods like beginning of summer when they need the floorspace clear for all the barbecue, patio furniture and air conditioning units.
They got Christmas stuff up everywhere down here. Even at the Kroger.
Pretty soon it will be Christmas in July...
Well, no Bitching here. I love the Holiday's. And maybe it will ease peoples minds a bite from all the Covid.
I don't want no Santie Claws in my house after he's been in a thousand other houses....don't want COVID for Christmas.:mad::mob::poke::soapbox:
Well another thing is like most aspects of life (Except for MOPAR Stuff :realcrazy:), if you have it all of the time or too often, it tends to become less and less special.
It happens up here at about the same time. I find it very off-putting. I make a point to tell the manager that I know he's following orders from above, but my message to his ivory tower is I really dislike this habit. I've been known to walk out of a place without making a purchase over it - and I let them know why I'm shopping elsewhere. Part of this is the Spinal Tap problem. You know, where everything needs to be turned up louder than everything else. Nobody want to let their competition get started before them so it's a race to see who can start first. And it gets worse every year.

I must be channeling my inner cranky old man... :soapbox:
Well, no Bitching here. I love the Holiday's. And maybe it will ease peoples minds a bite from all the Covid.

I cannot agree more. Advent is my absolute favorite time of the year. Christmas trees and the secular part of Christmas help make it that much more special too because it brings back good memories and makes me look forward to making more. Yeah, it's a little stupid here in September not even at Halloween, but I still enjoy it.
If your ordering deals from China, buy them in the next 2 weeks or you may not get them in time for Christmas. You know, the fake MSD's, Air-gap intakes and no quality control carbs......
Unfortunately with the early start, many are going to have that much more time to stress about not being able to celebrate in a usual manner due to covid.

Cash strapped, gift exchanges, and/or limitations on social gatherings, religious events, parades, etc, etc.

Who know where we will be in regards to restriction by Christmas, but definitely going to impact my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving.