Am I wrong here?

why is it always the younger generations fault? it's always the younger crowds fault when people are rude or uncourteous. Do you know how old the guy that sold the trailer is? He may be 20, he may be 70.

I should have worded that a little differently.

I wouldn't say all the younger generation is like this but, as a whole, common courtesy has been dropping as generations pass. I guess you could blame it on the generation prior since they were the ones who taught them how to be individuals.

I'm 43 and I fall in this generation, I have been told by numerous friends that I'm an old man because of the way I think but I just try and treat people as I want to be treaded.
I should have worded that a little differently.

I wouldn't say all the younger generation is like this but, as a whole, common courtesy has been dropping as generations pass. I guess you could blame it on the generation prior since they were the ones who taught them how to be individuals.

I'm 43 and I fall in this generation, I have been told by numerous friends that I'm an old man because of the way I think but I just try and treat people as I want to be treaded.

I'm 25 and have been told the same thing, that I act older than I am. It really bothers me that people think that someones age has anything to do with there character. I've met mean and rude old people too. The worst CL deal I've had was with a 60 something retired guy. He wouldn't sell me a car because he thought I would chop it up, or "rice" it out I guess.

I also sell barrells for extra money. Like burn or storage barrells. Why do all old people think I should give them a discount?
The more I thought about it the more this bugs me.

I had a guy 20 years ago list a couple 70 Roadrunners, I called him and after asking several questions about them, I decided that I wanted them so I asked if he had any other people interested and he said no so I got directions and told him I would be there in about 45 minutes to look them over and pay him. I pulled into his driveway 30 minutes later to find somebody rolling them out of his driveway and all he said was there sold. My comment to him however weren't so nice, I had drove 30 miles for nothing.

I don't think there is any help for those that can't see that this is just wrong.

I hear a lot of guys saying that this is ok because they have so many people that don't show up. Well I don't buy that excuse, I sell a lot myself on CL and I have been selling in a local paper since I was 12-13 selling bicycles. I get a few now and then that don't show up but very few, and even if it was more often, it doesn't make it right to sell something when you already gave directions to someone else, which is something you don't give out till you find out when they want to come and see whatever it is you are selling. Once you give them dirrections, you have to give them adequate time to show up, an hour or two tops but you as a seller owes them that if you gave them your address.

I have noticed when I call about something, people are so quick to give me their address, I don't get this? Just because you give out your address, doesn't mean they are coming out. No wonder why so many people think they are stood up.

Even if our member wasn't actually first in line, the seller has a phone and could have made it clear if he had someone else coming out before he wasted someones time and gas money. So how ever you look at it, the seller was very inconsiderate and wrong to a point.

I'm 25 and have been told the same thing, that I act older than I am. It really bothers me that people think that someones age has anything to do with there character. I've met mean and rude old people too. The worst CL deal I've had was with a 60 something retired guy. He wouldn't sell me a car because he thought I would chop it up, or "rice" it out I guess.

I also sell barrells for extra money. Like burn or storage barrells. Why do all old people think I should give them a discount?

I think as some get older, they get more grumpy and do act as if the world owes them something. I have a few family members like that, their also the ones that are too lazy to help themselves but that is a whole other topic.
If you told him you had cash and were on the way he should have given you first chance. If you didnt show up by a certain time it would be gone.
I had a woman last year, I called her about a truck, she told me she was busy that night,call back the next day.
I called her at the time she said,and she told me she sold the truck the night before,I REALLY wanted to cuss her out,,but I just said o.k.
I had the cash too
The guy selling the trailer should have called you as soon as he had cash in hand from the other buyer and let you know it was gone. I went through this several years ago but I was burned from one of my "Friends". I had found a 68 Monaco 500 sitting at a gas station in Lynn Mass. and spoke to the owner of the station about purchasing it from him. I was with my friend when I first looked at this vehicle and this guy really knew how bad I wanted this car.So to make a long story short, you know what he did... yep, he went and bought it right out under me. and then when I found out he bought the car I was PISSED!!!!!!!! Well after a few drinks we worked it out and I ended up getting the car off of him for the same price he paid for it.