Amazing reunited story.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2011
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Vallejo, CA

I found the family Barracuda...

In order for you to truly grasp what I was able to pull off I need to start from the beginning.
In 1969, my great Gma went to the Plymouth dealership and ordered herself a green 69 barracuda coupe with the leaning power of tower, bucket seats, and a column shifter. It was a mid-life crisis and she wanted her mopar. My grandfather was in his teens at the time and fell in love with the car. About 10 years after she bought it, my grandmother passed away from cancer and left the car to my grandfather. This fish was the last thing my Gpa had of his mothers. He kept it in the garage and enjoyed it on the weekends. when my dad turned 16, he was given the barracuda as his first car with strict instructions to baby it as if it was the answer to life haha. Unfortunately, due to a comment made by my mother (dad's girlfriend at the time) he sold the car without telling Gpa. The comment was that it looked like a Gma car haha. That was in 1991. For the next 22 years I would listen to the story of the family barracuda and how my mother puked in it on their first date. I could never bring up the car to Gpa though. He would get too angry and have to leave the room. In January of this year, I decided to buy a car near my father and grandparents so I wouldn't have to borrow one of theirs when I visit. Of course, being a Mopar or no car kinda guy, I knew what I wanted. I found a 69 fish around the corner from my family's house so I decided to take a look. After a good inspection, this car started to remind me of great gmas. Everything down to the slight ding she made on the drivers side door. Could I have really found THE car? RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER?!?!?!... But I did. After looking at the cars documents and owner history... This was the family fish. After expressing the story to the owner he was as excited as my family and I. So I bought it in January. I'm sitting at the airport while writing this and I just couldn't hide my excitement, I had to share this with all of you. I just disembarked my ship and now I'm on my way to get the cuda running and back on the road... For the first time in about 10 years... With the original owners behind the wheel. Here is how she sits now.


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Oh and I forgot to mention that the slant only has 78k original miles. I'm still in shock that it's back in the family. Gona be hard to not tinker with this one but, I feel it deserves to be kept 100% original. Thanks guys. I'll update everyone in a few days with the results from this trip. Hopefully I'll be cruisin down the I-5 in a green coupe haha
Very cool story. Looks to be in pretty good shape too.:cheers:
Please capture the excitement of your father and grand father. This is the final chapter. I'd love to see the emotion on your grand fathers face when you tell him this is the car.

Very, very, VERY cool. I agree, the reuniting of it with dad and grand dad should be really exciting. Congratulations!!
Wow, words can not begin to come close to the cool factor on this! Thanks for the heartwarming tale.
Is Grandpa still around to get some closure? (Hope so!) Cool story!
Oh yes he's still around. I've never seen my Gpa as excited when I told him I had gotten the car. The look on his face when he drives it will be priceless.
Surprised to find no real cancer on the car


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What a great story!! I'm happy for you & especially for your Grandpa to be able to see his car again....

I bet he's stoked :D
Oh yes he's still around. I've never seen my Gpa as excited when I told him I had gotten the car. The look on his face when he drives it will be priceless.

I hope you take some pics of him with the car.....great to hear a heart warming story like this
Congrats on getting it back in the family! My Dart has been in the family since it was new, I'm the second owner and my grandpa is the first. There's just something special about a car with that much family history and I'm glad you were able to get it back. Congrats again, enjoy the Barracuda :cheers:
Most Excellent Dude !!!

[ame=""]Waynes World - Excellent - YouTube[/ame]
awesome! pic of grandpa with car? video would be better, car in my sig was bought brand new by my uncle, I bought it from him in 1988, and it will probably end up with one of my grandkids, cool story man
Great story and glad to hear it's back in your family.

My Scamp has been in the family since new with my grandmother being the first owner and me being the second. I learned how drive on it (took my driving test in it) and after restoring it a few years ago, it's good for several more decades.