An age old drinking question.



It's going to get stupid around here!
FABO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hoppyworld, PA
Why is a driveway called a driveway not a parkway? And a parkway not a driveway?:sign3:
Good question , and why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together
and not apart?
Why is there a freeking mail box right outside the door at the post office,
I walked all the way there to go inside the building if I wanted to use the box
I would use the one by my house at the corner and not gone there at all.LOL
Why is a building called a building? Wouldn't it make more sense to call it a built, or a build? Why does this sentence make sense: "I'm building a building". ????
Why is it called taking a dump when you leave it behind?
As long as your not taking some one else's, it's all good. LOL
And why did the chicken cross the road?? Because he was stapled to the punk rocker!! There, mystery solved!! Bartender, another beer please!!.....
And shouldn't words sound like whAt they are? Shouldn't a hemorrhoid be an asteroid? And shouldn't a proctologist be an astronaut?
And why do people say 'ATM machine' and 'PIN number'? That's almost as redundant as a 'Hot Water Heater'.
And shouldn't words sound like whAt they are? Shouldn't a hemorrhoid be an asteroid? And shouldn't a proctologist be an astronaut?

I agree a flaming ball through the hemisphere should be a hemorrhoid and a flaming ball in your a$$ should be the asteroid!
They at least got one thing right:

Pro is the prefix for for

Con is the prefex for against

You have PROGRESS and then you have CONGRESS.....

CONGRESS is definitely the opposite of PROGRESS.....
And why do people say 'ATM machine' and 'PIN number'? That's almost as redundant as a 'Hot Water Heater'.

I have thought the same for years when I hear people say "VIN number".
why is it in the south they say, " will you carry me to town", not take me to town"????
and they don't push the button, they mash it??????

does it have sometime to do with eating greens, grits, and drinking shine???? LOL
well break out the solo cups and diet coke! this is getting good!

I'm surprised no one wonders if a orange is called an orange why isn't a banana called a yellow or an apple a red or..
I'm surprised no one wonders if a orange is called an orange why isn't a banana called a yellow or an apple a red or..

Oranges were obviously named before carrots....

What if they named carrots first? What would oranges be called???
Why do shysters and doctors call their profession a practice.

I want a doctor whose finished practicing.

Every other shyster needs to be shot dead.......whether they are
practicing or not.
Why is it that some people who tell you they drink to relax are the ones most likely to start a fight after a few beers.
why do they call him Dr jekyll and Mr hyde when jekyl IS hyde or is jekyll actually hiding mr hyde or is hyde actually hiding dr jekyl