And now for something completely different

Very touching!! got chills and my wife shed a tear.
A number one, Hope he gets a job and a carrier doing it.
wow that was ausome traci came in the room to listen as it is one of her favourite peices of opra.

the best part was the look on the judges faces at the start and then the shock when he started singing.

good for him i hope that he does well
did you check out the semi final. dude will win that show for sure. holy cow he's good.
Now that's amazing and beautiful. Makes me wanna go see the Oprea. Thanks for sharing that!
Absolutely amazing... you'll never see anything like that on an American talent show, most Americans (myself included) are way too lowbrow for opera. That man can REALLY sing, voices like that are probably literally one in a million.
It's refreshing to see someone with actual singing ability, and dosen't have to rely on vocal acrobatics. This guy has a gift.
unreformed66 said:
Absolutely amazing... you'll never see anything like that on an American talent show, most Americans (myself included) are way too lowbrow for opera. That man can REALLY sing, voices like that are probably literally one in a million.

My dad had two singers he listened to. Mario Lanza and Johnny Cash. Two great performers in their own right but totally different styles and genres. Mario had a voice that was pure and pitch perfect. Johnny on the other hand doesn't have a great voice but I love the subtle nuances of his voice that are probably overlooked by most people.

My favorite singer/songwriter is Leonard Cohen, not widely played in the states, and a voice that also takes a little getting used to, but he's a songwriter extrordinaire. Simply touches my life and heart in so many ways.

So we are obviously out here.