Another tossed Kitty Cat

Interesting how mental associations work in cats.

We have one that understands the red dot comes from a hand held silver thing.
If we pick up the nail clippers, she starts looking for the dot.

Another one used to bang the food dishes when she was hungry.
We had to go from metal dishes (ding, Ding, DING), to plastic (thwap, Thwap, THWAP), to finally ceramic.
One cat needs a dual bowl and it's plastic, and at the other end of the 8 foot line of dishes.
Cat #1 figured out she can still thwap that plastic bowl and food will appear in her bowl down at the other end.
All our cats over the years have found us or we went to the pound. My son and his family have a soft spot for pets. Two dogs and 4 cats.
One of my wife's buddies. Last cat picture I promise! I laughed till I almost peed

Good on you for giving a needy critter a good home. My latest cat came after I had to put down both of my cats due to illness. It was a rough day. I wasn't in a hurry for a new cat after that although I knew I'd have one - I'm a cat owner of 55+ years. A few weeks later a friend called up and asked if I wanted a cat. Well, maybe? What's the story. Her neighbor had moved out, leaving the cat behind with a cardboard box on the porch and a little food in a bowl. I agreed to at least foster it till it could find a new home. Ha-ha, it didn't have to go far to find a new home. It's tied for best cat ever in my history, and has been ever so grateful to have three hots and a cot. Named Tater, because he would steal Pringles chips if you left them out and he would happily eat them. Weirdest thing I've seen a cat eat.


Found 1 under the house meowing 3AM. 1 month old max. Scooped it up and put it in a shoebox to haul him out (18" crawlspace, not comfortable) tried to give it some milk but it didnt take it so we just put him in a larger box with a towel to sleep in. Next morning Im back under there and see 3 more, and here comes the mommy! Shes all uppety and meowing loudly positioning herself between me and the exit. I crawl out, and set a camera up down there to spy on them. I put Tux (its name) out there too so it can crawl out of the box and all 4 end up coming out, sunning themselves on the grass. Truth is these were no house kitties, these were straight up wild kritters. Couldn't keep em so I wrangled them up (one bit me) and hauled them off to the shelter. Mom made it onto the adoption web page, little ones didn't.....Id probably still have 1 of them if it wasn't so crazy. We got a rescue dog about a month later, 2 month old terrier/chihuahua mix: Yo Quero Taco Bell?
My original two go on long races with me in my motorhome. I haven't tried all 4 yet. My old computer crashed and I lost my pictures of Propane in the motorhome.
572 and leaf pictures 002_zpspd4nthlu.jpg
I got this Sister, Brother off of Craig's List in Rochester, the black one is Rascal and the male, the other one is Dusty and the female. In the evening they are usually on my computer desk sleeping.



It may be a safe assumption to blame humans for abandoning the kitty.
Based on it's behavior I'm inclined to agree.
But you never know, it could have been feral and desperate for your love.
I mean food.
Someone send me some cats for mouse, rat and chipmunk control.

We used to have plenty roaming around.
Now just one or two sometimes.

Another tossed Kitty Cat
Damn they almost look like my Abby and Wally. You know I didn't realize just how many men liked their Kittys till the internet came about. I remember growing up as a kid, real men had dogs and woman had cats, so I had this big ol' tom and taught him to attack on command, he really didn't hurt no one but he sure did make a couple of my Pops "real men" friends **** them selves, Pops would laugh his *** off, what a great guy, what a great cat. adriver, he's definatly not feral he's way to clean, no feas or dirt, cuts, scrapes or anything, I trapped many of feral cats and turned them over to the shelter, he's not one, as a matter of fact I'm trying to catch a mom and two kittens with no success, so I'm feeding them hoping that mom will warm up to me, but man the second they see me they are off like lighting!

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This is one that got away. It would usually take 4-6 weeks to get most of these cats to the point of trusting you. I would provide s warm
Place to sleep, food, water, and hopefully s safe place to hide from Owls, Hawks, coyotes, and any other thing that may cause harm. This one I named Twilight because he usually came late at night. Just as he was warming up to us he disappeared. I hope he found a good home
What shelter are you taking feral cats to?

Probably not gonna get homes with people.

Not fair to have them put down by "the pound".

Not their fault humans have over bred them and discard them to fend for themselves.

TNR is the humane way. Trap, Neuter (or spay) and Release.

They also get a rabies shot (3 years), and one ear tipped so animal control knows they're not rabid and will be less likely to pick them up and have them put down.

Most SPCA locations do it for free, and there are several private 501c3 organizations that do it for $25.
We have a place here that does their best to rehabilitate the cats, the kittens might stand a chance, if not they are taken care of and put back out, like a TNR, I would rather take humans to be put down, would never do that to an animal. I guess I should have explained that in my other post.

So I went to a huge car cruise tonight at Pittsburgh Mills Mall for three plus hours then went to visit 8 orphan kitty cats at Pet Smart. And no I didn’t bring any home