Any old timers around who worked with 80 column IBM punch card



The parts you don't add don't cause you no trouble
FABO Gold Member
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Colorado
I am trying to find the dimensional specifications of the hole punches.

I have searched the net and the only thing I can find is the card is 7 3/8" x 3 1/4" and 0.007" thick

I have been using images to determin the punch spacing and so far have come up with...

  1. Holes
    1. 0.050" x 0.120"
  2. Vertical spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.250" (on center) center of one punch to the next
  3. Horizontal spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.087" (on center) center of one punch to the next
Im hoping there is someone out there who worked hands on with punch cards who can shed some light on my numbers.

So far I have only found one image of the hundreds out there that fits well with any of the iterations of spacing I have tried.

Seems parralax is not my friend.

And for the moderators... this is fully MOPAR related as it pertains to making IBM punch card reproductions of your microfilm punch cards
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I'm still looking for my EOJ card

That's all I've got. I came along right at the tail end of that.
Now that's gotta be some numbers car guys dreams there! Good Luck on Your Endeavor


I saw a punch for sale but 1200 is a bit out of my price range.

The hardest part will be getting all the text sized and aligned correctly.

And there is A LOT of text!
I graduated from Shelton State in Data Processing in 1968 and worked nights at Central Foundry until I was drafted and sent to Viet Nam. I ran millions of them but honestly couldn't tell you what size the holes were. At that age I was more interested in other holes, Joe
I am trying to find the dimensional specifications of the hole punches.

I have searched the net and the only thing I can find is the card is 7 3/8" x 3 1/4" and 0.007" thick

I have been using images to determin the punch spacing and so far have come up with...

  1. Holes
    1. 0.500" x 0.120"
  2. Vertical spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.250" (on center) center of one punch to the next
  3. Horizontal spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.087" (on center) center of one punch to the next
Im hoping there is someone out there who worked hands on with punch cards who can shed some light on my numbers.

So far I have only found one image of the hundreds out there that fits well with any of the iterations of spacing I have tried.

Seems parralax is not my friend.

And for the moderators... this is fully MOPAR related as it pertains to making IBM punch card reproductions of your microfilm punch cards
This will be interesting. I have copies for my cars.
My intent is to duplicate the blank Chrysler card and then punch what your photos show.
It will be a while. Fonts and sizing off of photos is painstakingly slow.
See if there are any "classic tech" or IT forums.

I worked a brief stint with an IBM subsidiary in the mid 1990's and a few of the old timers carried punch cards in their shirt pockets.
I think your hole size might be off SB 0.05 x 0.12 from my calculations.

I am trying to find the dimensional specifications of the hole punches.

I have searched the net and the only thing I can find is the card is 7 3/8" x 3 1/4" and 0.007" thick

I have been using images to determin the punch spacing and so far have come up with...

  1. Holes
    1. 0.050" x 0.120"
  2. Vertical spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.250" (on center) center of one punch to the next
  3. Horizontal spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.087" (on center) center of one punch to the next
Im hoping there is someone out there who worked hands on with punch cards who can shed some light on my numbers.

So far I have only found one image of the hundreds out there that fits well with any of the iterations of spacing I have tried.

Seems parralax is not my friend.

And for the moderators... this is fully MOPAR related as it pertains to making IBM punch card reproductions of your microfilm punch cards

Do you, or a friend, have access to ANSI specs?

IBM's 1928 design was the basis of what, decades later, came to be the standard punched card, eventually defined by ANSI X3.21-1967 governing the holes in the card and ANSI X3.26-1980 governing the use of the Hollerith code to encode alphanumeric data on cards.

Round Holes

1: I'll check at work tomorrow and see if I can pull up the ANSI specs.
2: I can check my files at home this weekend for old cards from college.
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Do you, or a friend, have access to ANSI specs
I saw that too, but I don't know any one with access.

Thanks for checking I hope you find something useful.

I have some punched cards coming from EBay. I have some unpunched cards that I have taken some measurements from.

My guess is that the dimensions will be simple numbers like 0.05 vs 0.048 or the like.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide
Pop used to bring 'em Home from RCA, everybody had craft uses for them, don't know if any cards or crafts are still around over there. You've got some comin' so I'm curious, I can picture them, but to put a scale on them 40-50yrs later....My brain ain't that good!! Lol!
While we were living in Adana Turkey my mom worked for the base commander running an IBM key punch. She punched tens of thousands of cards... All I got...
I am trying to find the dimensional specifications of the hole punches.

I have searched the net and the only thing I can find is the card is 7 3/8" x 3 1/4" and 0.007" thick

I have been using images to determin the punch spacing and so far have come up with...

  1. Holes
    1. 0.050" x 0.120"
  2. Vertical spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.250" (on center) center of one punch to the next
  3. Horizontal spacing
    1. 0.250"(on center) from edge of card to center of punch
    2. 0.087" (on center) center of one punch to the next
Im hoping there is someone out there who worked hands on with punch cards who can shed some light on my numbers.

So far I have only found one image of the hundreds out there that fits well with any of the iterations of spacing I have tried.

Seems parralax is not my friend.

And for the moderators... this is fully MOPAR related as it pertains to making IBM punch card reproductions of your microfilm punch cards
Has the card had same dimensions over the years? I can pm you a copy from 1965. I have a friend in Detroit who used to work at Highland Park. I will ask him.
Just thinking out loud this gonna be the next thing to do since reproducing 'Fender tags' and VIN's are really a little bit non-kosher ?
Looks like the rectangular punch hole is just large enough to take out the font size of the number it is removing. If you know that could it help determining the size of the rectangle?
My issue with the photocopy from Chrysler Historical is not being able to read the "special order " information on the card itself. Is someone has a clear copy, I'd like to see it.
As far as making copies of the build card or the fendertag, as long as it is true and faithful to the documents of your car and identified as a copy, I wouldn't think it should be an issue. But a Vin tag copy is a very big no no.
Just my thought.
:lol:Ok another thought. Be careful of punching the cards. We can't have "hanging chads", you know what that triggers...
Just saying.
I may have some old punch cards in a box in storage, I'll look and see if any are punched, I'll get back to you if I find them.
Has the card had same dimensions over the years? I can pm you a copy from 1965. I have a friend in Detroit who used to work at Highland Park. I will ask him
You have a real unpunched or punched card?

The copy I have has a revision date of 8/66 and say 1967 on it. Unless the text (other than year) changed over the years it might be the same.

Would love to see a high res copy of it.
I'll pm you.
Just thinking out loud this gonna be the next thing to do since reproducing 'Fender tags' and VIN's are really a little bit non-kosher

I don't think so since you have to send documentation to Chrysler to get a copy of your card. And I could add text to show it is not an original.

My origional idea was if I had a good blank card I could photo copy it and print that on propper card stock.

It seem like the blank origional are made from Unobtainium with gold mixed in.

So my second thought was duplicate the text and lines then print that. The nice thing is the text would be easier to adapt to other years.
This is my dimensions over a blank Chrysler card that had the punches removed.