Any vegans here?



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Is your food choice driven by ideology or health concern? I've got a read for you if your open to comment.This was written by my old Marine buddy/roommate, kind of out there in his own ideology, but this paper is fact based and well written.

That is a long article. I like reading but holy crap!
The theme I got was that the people buying into what is pushed as a "healthy lifestyle of eating" are actually doing themselves harm by denying the needs their body has developed over hundreds of years.
I copied and pasted that into a text file. "Read it later." I am constantly sliding down that downhill road. I'll be 70 in early June, and last year was diagnosed borderline diabetic. I was hypoglycemic since about 25, so this is no big surprise. I am constantly having to change things and delete things. It's difficult!!
I copied and pasted that into a text file. "Read it later." I am constantly sliding down that downhill road. I'll be 70 in early June, and last year was diagnosed borderline diabetic. I was hypoglycemic since about 25, so this is no big surprise. I am constantly having to change things and delete things. It's difficult!!
I was borderline pre-diabetic so I drastically cut back on sugar and carbs. Now my fasting blood sugar is much better as well as A1C. Question: How can you have diabetes (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)??
I had a doctor a few years ago, tell me about the downfalls of being a vegan. He said the human body was designed to be a carnivore, and how certain vegetation really messed up your system. He had several charts on the subject, and made a lot of sense. According to him, the healthiest people on the face of the earth, with the lowest rate of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, are the Eskimo. They have very little vegetation, and survive mostly on meat with a high fat content.
I had a doctor a few years ago, tell me about the downfalls of being a vegan. He said the human body was designed to be a carnivore, and how certain vegetation really messed up your system. He had several charts on the subject, and made a lot of sense. According to him, the healthiest people on the face of the earth, with the lowest rate of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, are the Eskimo. They have very little vegetation, and survive mostly on meat with a high fat content.
The Eskimos eat "unprocessed meat" which very different from the meats we buy at the grocery store. The good Salmon/Seals they eat are fresh and wild while our Salmon is grown on a fish farm. I buy grass fed beef for my hamburgers and try to buy meats that have the least amount of processing. Same goes for eggs!! Farm (free range) eggs have 1/3 less cholesterol than store bought eggs and they have more vitamins/minerals.
My knee surgery in February changed my diet completely. I am all about protein both animal and vegetable. I have almost eliminated beef because of the cost
but I am heavy into chicken and fish. Since my knee surgery I couldn't drink my alcohol anymore so that changed things a bunch. My fasting bloodwork it the best
it has ever been at 71 years of age. My weight is the lowest it has been in 25+ years. A week from today I get the other knee replaced and I expect to lose another
10-15 pounds in the process. I will stay with the common sense nutrition program of lots of vegetables and lots of protein before and after my workouts.
I have never seen a healthy vegan--------------
Am I a vegan?
No, I like women, Mopars and being a bad ***. I like smoking the tires, getting greasy working on the cars and then getting cleaned up and being with my woman. I drive fast, work hard, annoy Liberals and live the dream.
If it tastes good I eat it , depending upon my likes. If you deny many foods just because other is supposed to be "good" for you and for no other reason, I'm sorry for you. When it is all said and done , all you get from life is the enjoyment you obtained from it.
Here is what I think. MODERATION. You can't eat 10 cheeseburgers, 3 fried chickens and 5 steaks each week. That wound be bad for you. I am NOT a vegan. I love meat. I have a friend I call Crazy Gary. He truly believes that the US did not go to the moon, that George Bush and the US Government blew up the World Trade Center buildings and the planes crashing into them were photo shopped in. When an airplane flies by high overhead leaving a contrail, he thinks it is the government dumping mind control drugs into the air. He drinks only "magic" water from his SPECIAL filtration system. And He ONLY goes to his precious natural (homeopathic) doctors because AMA doctors (real doctors in my opinion) are a bunch of low life SOBs who only cut, burn and poison. He looks online for the strangest, most far out stuff and latches on to them. This article looks EXACTLY like the stuff he finds online and tries to ram down my throat as "proof" that he is right and I am wrong. It is getting REAL hard to be around him anymore. Anyway, his latest thing is being a vegan. If you want to be a vegan, that's fine, but don't try to tell all your non-vegan friends, "Read this article. It's proof that I am right and you are wrong." For every article like that, I can find one (or more) that will say that there is nothing wrong with eating meat in a WELL BALANCED diet. I can go online and find articles by people who honestly believe the world is flat. I believe in PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals.
The article lost me on page one when the author started stating things like “Back at the turn of the century (1900), Alzheimer’s and heart attacks didn’t exist and cancer only caused 3.4% of deaths”

Well, since the average life expectancy was around 45 back then, no one lived long enough to get Alzheimer’s. It didn’t show up in modern history until life expectancy got high enough to see it.

The current heart attack rates for people under 45 is less than 0.5%, so it’s no surprise it wasn’t documented back then either.

As far as cancer rates, 3.4% in people under age 45 would be ridiculously high in the modern World where the current cancer death rates for people under age 45 is less than 0.3%....and less than 1% get it to begin with.

To further add to it, medical science wasn’t very advanced back then and very few autopsies or other examinations were done on people who died. Most were simply buried. So any statistics about disease prevalence are unreliable.

If the author opens with a BS spin on data out of context, I have zero interest in reading further.
There is a young woman at work that is Vegan, her choice is ideology. My son in law tried it, but didn’t last long. I think he was ideology also. Diet is not to be taken lightly. We are not the same and your body will tell you what it can handle or not. Especially if you stop listening to the so called experts. A book, “eat right for your type” suggests different diets depending on your blood type. Another book, “the omnivores dilemma” rates and researched different meals from McDonalds to grocery store, to big organic, to real organic, to hunter gatherer. From least nutritious and taste to the best nutritious and taste. I personally am on the God diet. I don’t believe in evolution, or ingesting man made concoctions to mimic real food. That includes genetically modified seed. The funny thing is when I read “eat right for your type” I had already figured out what works for me, and it lined up perfectly with my blood type “O”. The cave man diet, meat and certain fruits and vegetables. Almost no grains. I also watch portions, but it is a lot easier when the food you eat satisfies you.