Anybody else seen Tv show 1,000 Ways To Die?



Ontario, Canada
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Ughh.. I managed to watch re-enactments of 3 people dying. One guy was severed in half when run over by a transport, and lived for 3 1/2 hours. Another guy suffocated after being buried part way in a sand pit. The last guy was bitten by a black widow spider, and died, he ended up being food for his pets.

I found this show really disturbing. I'm not easily grossed out, but this was ugghhh. I will be avoiding it from now on.
After watching that show, I'm not sure the one with the guy getting run over was a re-enactment. If it was, why did they blur out the lower half of his body like they did? It was filmed in a different manner than the others. Looked like it was taken from somebody's video camera. Was there a discalimer at the start of the show saying they were all re-enactments? I didn't notice.
After watching that show, I'm not sure the one with the guy getting run over was a re-enactment. If it was, why did they blur out the lower half of his body like they did? It was filmed in a different manner than the others. Looked like it was taken from somebody's video camera. Was there a discalimer at the start of the show saying they were all re-enactments? I didn't notice.

Yeah, that clip was awful realistic. I caught the show after it had started. I didn't have the stomach to finish watching it.
After being on 2 different volunteer Fire/Rescue departments from 1976 till 1994, that ain't realistic unless they are YOUR patients and YOU have to work on them.
Some of that stuff does not belong on TV. I know that the producers have the right to show it, but I bet if it was their mother slowly dieing in that same manner and pain, they would be the 1st one to ***** about somebody filming it.
Go on a Ride-Along with a Rescue Squad sometime and see if I am wrong. Or better yet, volunteer for a couple of hours a week.
It is hard to block that stuff from your memories and you can't let it get to you. And yes, I have even seen a iron-gutted paramedic lose his lunch on the side of the road.
I just try to remember all the people that I have helped. And the 6 newborn deliveries to my credit. One of which was a 2&1/2 month preemie
that was born in the Stat-Flight chopper.
Dave, I definitely could not handle real situations. Kudos to you for your work, and to those that respond to those calls.

Some so-called movie makers make money off human suffering. This one guy placed a camera to watch jumpers at the Golden Gate Bridge (I believe it was). He managed to catch a close friend of one of my radio DJ's jump. She was devastated to see it. Why the f*ck would somebody want to film this, with no attempt to try and help? Very sick sh*t.