anybody on here ever feel overwhelmed with their project

This is the same/similar system I use. And when it comes down to the big things like body work and paint. I take it one panel at a time. I pick a fender strip straighten prime and block put aside - done. It gives me the feeling of progress.

I,ve been in the same boat before with building one of my cars.I find it easier to make a list of "things to do" then I can work on a single area til it,s done then move to the next part of the list.Having many things to do on a car gets overwhelming sometimes,but if you pick away at bits it will all get done quicker.Maybe thats just me,but maybe worth a try for you.Good luck.
What I find helps is to get a piece of bristle board and write down things you need to get done and put it up on the wall. As you finish a job put a line through it. Everytime you look at the board you will be motivated because you can actually see the list get shorter and shorter. Good luck with your project man. And as someone else said- how do you eat an elephant?- One bite at a time!!!
Definitely know that feeling. There's so much to do on my Valiant...And I'm still in the process of taking the car apart. :(
I know exactly what you mean. I've been suffering the same predicament for years on end, and I think I've finally narrowed it down (for me) to one thing. I have cold feet and a bit of guilt about spending any money on it, especially after I know I've entered the "upside-down zone". After I make a mental note of where I am financially on my '69 Dart....the total ballpark investment so far.....even though I do almost everything myself, it's tough to drop that $500 here, $600 there....on it to finish it.

But I'm over it, I think. I'm starting to drop some coin on it, even if it's only $150 a month. Baby steps.....small goals.....are the name of the game. Months or years of nothingness? Totally unacceptable. Last month was $165 of rebuilt front calipers/pads and brake hoses. Next I think I'll do seals on my power steering gearbox. It's fun to get little stuff like seals in the mail too. =P~

Just remember, you can climb that mountain with baby steps, but you'll NEVER climb that mountain standing still.
Not looking to have my car in a left for dead forum, however sometimes it feels like its never gonna get done. Family obligations, bills that come with family obligations, leaves precious little time or money to work on it. Sometimes if im out in the shop i say to myself, this thing aint never gonna get done, i dont want to be 65 and just starting on it again. I got way to much in it to throw the towel in.

My wife says go out there and work on it, for some reason my hearts not in it. Dunno if its depression or not. I can go and piddle around in the shop and waste a day, or i can waste it sleeping on the sofa, or go to work, and my family will try to find some new way to spend my hard earned cash.

I dont think i bit off more than i could chew. I used to do restorations this in depth years ago as a single guy. It would b nice if there was a fellow mopar maniac in my neck of the woods to help boost my morale, help me keep going.

Oh well

Happens to me all the time.(especially since i tend to me an anxious person as is) There are a lot of times when i think of how easy it would be to sell my car for a 99-04 gt, slap on a nitrous kit and a set of cheater slicks and be right at my goals...but it wouldnt look as cool, and i wouldnt have any indecision about selling it for something else.

Plus there is some pride in going to an event and being able to tell someone that the car was a pos when you started and is now a beautiful ride.
Not looking to have my car in a left for dead forum, however sometimes it feels like its never gonna get done. Family obligations, bills that come with family obligations, leaves precious little time or money to work on it. Sometimes if im out in the shop i say to myself, this thing aint never gonna get done, i dont want to be 65 and just starting on it again. I got way to much in it to throw the towel in.

My wife says go out there and work on it, for some reason my hearts not in it. Dunno if its depression or not. I can go and piddle around in the shop and waste a day, or i can waste it sleeping on the sofa, or go to work, and my family will try to find some new way to spend my hard earned cash.

I dont think i bit off more than i could chew. I used to do restorations this in depth years ago as a single guy. It would b nice if there was a fellow mopar maniac in my neck of the woods to help boost my morale, help me keep going.

Oh well

When reading your story I know what you are talking about! I guess that everybody that's restoring or repairing a car has ups and downs! The ups is more fun and thats the times when you feel that the time doing the work was well worth it!

The downs is the worst part of it! Everybody get into times where family obligations, lack of cash, much work or what else comes in the way. Over the years I have learned that small steps is better then big ones!

Lets say that you buy a car and starts on it! Don't make plans for a full blown restoration. Make it a runner. It's better to have a driver and using it! Start a budget on the money you can throw into the car. If it does not cover a restoration of the engine. Do the trunk, orthe interior, or the exhaust-system or what ever you can afford. When you have done it you can be proud of your work and knowing that you have kept the work within the limit.

I have done these steps since 1980 when I started with this hobby! I works great and I can keep track of what I do and that I do it! For after all, building a car is something I do for myself, not for someone else!!

These cars can be all consuming.... time, money, etc.. etc. I can relate to you on how you are feeling! I restored a 70 Challenger 10+ years ago, and said I'd never do another. That is why I bought my Duster as a 98% finished car. But you must finish what you have started just to prove to yourself that you can do it, and the sence of accomplisment will be extremely gratifying once your car is finished! Hang in there and be patient. I wish I lived closer and could help jump start your enthusiasm level and have some fun! Stick with it.... It will be worth it in the end!
Really. Due to health. Was supposed to be finished last year. Feeling better and keen to start again.

yes i have and sent some to the crusher, still looking for parts for my jeep my get it done some day and looking for another dart
This is the same/similar system I use. And when it comes down to the big things like body work and paint. I take it one panel at a time. I pick a fender strip straighten prime and block put aside - done. It gives me the feeling of progress.

I don't have anything of value to add other than letting you know in addition to all the people that already replied, I also sometimes feel this way at times. It is a bit of a running joke with friends and family.

I think most of us are not millionaires (not that money necessarily solves these problems) and are just doing what we can, when we can. Take it from a guy that spent the last year only working on the engine bay cosmetics, one step at a time!

By the way, reading other builds on here like johnparts scamp (who is rich since he is building a protouring car :p ) and Ross's duster keep me motivated.
I think a lot of us here know your pain! I was their about a year ago, my car on jack stands, then once its painted and running you will feel a lot better just hang in their.
I left two dusters for dead bc I didn t see light at the end of the tunnel. my 71 demon was the first car I ever finished. don t put time limits on yourself. that just adds more pressure to the process. the 72 demon I m doing now...I put no time limit on and I enjoy every second of it. its been a few years now, but I m having fun. that's what hobbies are all about. the more times you do something the easier it becomes and it lets you enjoy it even more when you ve got confidence that ll get done. and I promise you the wait is worth it. just enjoy it. bc as soon as its won t be long and you ll have the urge to get another project. its all worth it in the end.
my two cents.
Are you overwhelmed with the project, or overwhelmed with life? I hear you on the obligations. It gets me down at times. I go out to the garage though, when I am down, turn on some music, have a couple beers and putter on the car and my mind wanders from the stress of life. It is one of the only times when I really relax.

Pick away at it, one job at a time, and find some satisfaction in the small jobs you complete... And who cares, so the f what if you are in your 60's when it is done? My dad is in his 70's and still playing in the garage. enjoy the journey, not the destination.

You have a supportive wife and that is half the battle. to get your drive going again pick a small job that you would like to do on it and get started! Like the Johnny Cash song - one piece at a time.

My 2 cents, I feel your pain
I would say I agree with this you have to enjoy the journey.what helps me is to go to the mopar only drags walk around shoot the bull and get renewed :-D
I really dont get any morale boosters from my wife, im sure the kids think its a joke. I mean she doesnt knock my interests, but i dont feel like she's supportive either. Kinda neutral on the whole thing. Its like nobody sees my vision.

Its like im a hamster on a treadmill every day. The more i make the more everybody wants from me. These cars and myself arent getting younger, dare i say it the parts are gonna get more scarce. At 45 im feeling pains in my body i never had before, im sure it will get worse as i age.

I dont want to end up the bitter old guy who wont part with anything, but wont work on it either and lets it sit and collect dust in the shop. I think i need to just close the door on my shop and leave it be for awhile. I just dont feel like my project or i are getting anywhere any time soon.

I dunno if it all makes sense but it does to me.

You need a helper, somebody to help you out and motivate you--keep you going. I had that in my teens, an older guy would come on by and help a little but more importantly encourage me.

Its too bad your kids or wife aren't too interested, that is your problem. Yeah our "old age" doesn't help. Yet people 20--30 years older then us seemed to keep on going.
i'm not sure taking a long break is a good idea. Heck your down in Texas and the heatwave will be starting soon. You need to get out there NOW and do something. Any pictures of what needs to be done ?

I like doing the hardest parts first and then the easier stuff but sometimes I do it the other way if I can't get myself into it.

Once you get it done, then its hitting the car shows or strip. If money is a big part then skip on what you can and do it better later on. Believe it or not, painting it yourself is possible. Sure it won't be perfect but that can be done another time-year. Primer cars I recall in the 1980's, people would drive their cars around town in primer paint, now that isn't good for the steel so I would slap-yes slap-some real paint on it.

Maybe you could even go down with the car in primer to Mexico for the weekend and get a cheap paint job there. The EPA rules here have jack the prices way up. (i don't know, just thinking out loud)
Amen to frustration and despiration! Just retired and adjusting to lower income. Seems that every minor project comes to a point that another part is needed. Even a can of spray paint brings things to a halt. Just can't seem to go for one item. On a brighter note we went to a local car show last weekend and it renewed my interest and motivation. Also helps to have a supportive wife, especially one who can manage money very well. Doing anything in the garage that will make things easier as your project goes forward can give you some hope.
Good luck. Keep the faith!
Well i do have my subframe connectors all fabbed up, got to clamp em up and weld em in. I usually do things one thing at a time. Once my subframe connectors are in i plan on working on redoing the front suspension. K frame is rewelded, and stiffener plate is welded in. I used my flux core welder on that job. The welds are good and solid, but its a splattery mess. Been working on blending out the splatter a little at a time. K frames got lots of nooks and crannies. If i did it all over again id have a MIG conversion kit on my little lincoln 100 before even starting.

As far as mexico goes its not a place you go anymore. The drug cartels run the streets, and everybodies in the take. The last thing i need is my car on a flatbed at the border, having to pay the mexicali border cops to get it back in the states.

Yep its gonna get hot soon. I know i need to get out there. My wife says go play in your shop to me. Its a catch 22. I dont want her to think im ignoring her by going to play in my shop, even tho she says go out there.
Are you kidding me? We had never done anything but mechanical work untill we started our resto. Hell yes we were (are) overwhelmed. Just keep plugging along. It will come together. My dad has more time to spend on the car than I do. He's retired and th car is at his house. I am lucky to spend 10 hours a week on the car. It's a long process and, yes, life gets in the way.
If you can get her involved(enthused) just one tiny bit it will make your progress sweeter and faster. One of my wifes friends owned a Dart years ago. Keeps her aware of progress and eager to see the project completed. Find that connection and the sun will shine 234/7.
My wife says go play in your shop to me. Its a catch 22. I dont want her to think im ignoring her by going to play in my shop, even tho she says go out there.

When she says go, just go. You're not ignoring her. First of all, you'll be more appreciative of time spent with her if you're more relaxed and feel more accomplished with the things you care about. Second, she needs time to herself too.

As for worrying about whether she likes the car stuff or not... don't. It's a huge bonus when they do care, but you can't make them anymore than they can make you care about their knitting, or crafts, or rock climbing or whatever they're into that you are not. You each need your own interests and your together interests.

My wife basically ignores my car stuff (and all my other hobbies) and doesn't truly care, but supports me and basically leaves me alone. She even lets me kick her car out of the garage for about 7 months a year. But occasionally I see her show a little more supportive interest like pointing out a car (hey, she can even identify a Dart now (usually)), or saying she likes a car or color at a car show. For the love of all that's crazy in the world, she even went to a car show on her way home from work without me last summer (with our infant son no less), I was all like WHAT!! when I found out, but hey, it's her way of supporting me (showing my son cars), then... great!

And yeah, it can get overwhelming, but lots of good advice given in this thread. Just go out and do it. One thing at a time, and whenever you are able to, use what you have instead of buying a new/different part, so long as it's safe to do so. It'll help ease the guilt of the expenditure a little bit.
Got some overtime this weekend, so a bit more money coming in. As soon as i can im gonna finish those subframe connectors for sure.

Then im gonna take tiny bites to finish this "elephant". Maybe when patrick is 5 he will want to work with dad on the cuda. My other kids are girls, they dont like gettin dirty, and are not into cars.

My wife hopes patrick will speak "my language" as far as cars go. He is only 7 months old, but i have slotcars, and already have started a hot wheels collection for him.

Thank you for all the kind words, and verbal kicks in the butt. I think sometimes we all need that to some degree.

Members of FABO, you are my car family that i dont have at home.
Mine has been sitting pretty much untouched for about four years now. No time and no money. Sometimes there is a lack of ambition, but once you get going again, the motivation picks back up, especially once you start to see the progress. Mine won't be done anytime soon, but it will be there when I get to it. I hope to at least get a few things done this summer. We'll see.


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moparmat2000 said:
anybody on here ever feel overwhelmed with their project

Sure, happens all the time. I've found that even when I'm tired, once I get started, I'm enjoying myself so much that I get far more done in each little session of work than I planned.

I'm 63 now, and almost retired, I own a small business, and I've cut my hours down to 15 hours a week as of April 1st. I have 2 Darts, a 70 and a 71, ,and now I'm looking forward to doing a pick up truck. With all my new found free time, I should be able to finish it in far less time than either of the Darts, or any of my other project cars over the years. ;)
Got some overtime this weekend, so a bit more money coming in. As soon as i can im gonna finish those subframe connectors for sure.

I think this right here has a lot to do with motivation.

We have a concept of how we want our rides in our heads. When we can't attain that goal as fast as we like because of financial restraints a person can just loose the motivation. It's like some little devil sitting on your shoulder whispering in your ear, "you're never gonna get it done". I have the same lack of motivation at times as well and it's because I want it done right now and there is no possible way to do it.

Boot that little bugger out of the way and do it.
Well i finally got out there and welded up my subframe connectors. I really should have waited and bought a mig attachment for my welder. What a splattery freakin mess i have to grind down. Prob will be 6 months or so b4 i get to do that. My wife says sure go work in the shop today, then tells me she's taking the kids to the Y to swim. Im like ok have fun.

She comes home and is upset with me. It was all about how i dont want to get involved in our babys firsts, including going swimming. WTF !?!. I feel like im always getting set up for failure. I dont get to go out there much these days, when i do its a treat for me. I work really hard, put in extra hours so she can spend time home w the kids, i put a nice roof over everybodies head, nobody in my home is for want of anything, but i get to feel like im somehow not doing things the right way, like my priorities are all effed up.

I think the car is gonna sit. It seems like every time i go to work on it, something happens where im made to feel like im a bad guy. Anybody want a completely dissasembled partially redone 67 cuda coupe with lots of parts? Maybe it needs to get gone along with all my other ****. Maybe its not that im overwhelmed, but more likely that i dont want to deal with the crap that seems to be inevitable every time i go out there to mess with my stuff.

Dont get me wrong i love my wife dearly but just dont understand things sometimes