Anyone ever seen a factory 4-speed console in a 70-71 A-Body



Dartus Interuptus
Feb 20, 2013
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In 44 years of owning a console 4-speed 69 Dart GTS and judging Mopar shows for over 30 years I have never seen a factory 4-speed console in a 70 Dart, 70-71 Duster, or 71 Demon but the parts manual lists them for those cars only. Has anyone owned or documented (by the fender tag) any of these cars with a factory 4-speed console set-up?
At 5:51 it talks about automatic with optional center console. Just prior it talks about 4 spd but no mention of console

I owned a 71 Demon with the console 4 speed. And I have bought one out of a 71 Demon from a member on this site. They are different then 69 due to the boot cover is full and fiberglass verses the half cover made from press board on early models
In 44 years of owning a console 4-speed 69 Dart GTS and judging Mopar shows for over 30 years I have never seen a factory 4-speed console in a 70 Dart, 70-71 Duster, or 71 Demon but the parts manual lists them for those cars only. Has anyone owned or documented (by the fender tag) any of these cars with a factory 4-speed console set-up?
Got any pictures? I have had two dozen A-Body 4-speed consoles and none ever had a push button lid
I owned a 71 Demon with the console 4 speed. And I have bought one out of a 71 Demon from a member on this site. They are different then 69 due to the boot cover is full and fiberglass verses the half cover made from press board on early models
Do you have any pictures? I have owned a couple dozen 4-speed consoles and none had a push button lid or fiberglass cover! I looked in the 69 and 70-71 parts manuals and the base has the same part number...
Plenty were offered in a demon(super bee) in mexico
I have heard that, but I am talking about the United States. All bets are off when talking about A-Body's made outside the US. Lots of left over parts were sent to other countries...
Never seen in usa



The question was about 1970 - 1971 A bodies. The picture shown with the text embedded " H Code Duster" is from a 1972 Duster interior.
The question was about 1970 - 1971 A bodies. The picture shown with the text embedded " H Code Duster" is from a 1972 Duster interior.
True enough, but the OP did state that he has not seen a 4 speed console with a button lid so I figured it was somewhat relevant to the subject.
Nope, not personally...... Have I seen it done- sure. But when I hussled these cars in the 80's I never ran up on an original console car. Interesting thread though....

True enough, but the OP did state that he has not seen a 4 speed console with a button lid so I figured it was somewhat relevant to the subject.
I see it has a Pistol Grip shifter, so that has obviously been added. Does the fender tag show a code for the console?
According to the fender tag, this car didn't come equipped with a console from the factory.
It would have had C16 on it.
And to prove this further, it wasn't even a 4 speed car originally, it was a D13 3 speed floor shift 340 car.
And 3 speed cars never came with consoles anyway.
To me, the console looks like a modified automatic one, and the pistol grip is not legit anyway.
Nice car built to the owner's tastes, but not an example of a real 4 speed console car...
I was just trying to help. I’m not into numbers or originality personally. I know I have seen 4 speed console cars with the button door, but I have no idea if they were original. Could it have been added as a dealer option?
I was just trying to help. I’m not into numbers or originality personally. I know I have seen 4 speed console cars with the button door, but I have no idea if they were original. Could it have been added as a dealer option?
Anything is possible, however welding in all of the needed brackets makes it less likely.
Unless you were a big wig and had some pull, and there were left over 4 speed console parts laying around, no on the console 4 speed for US buid 70-71 A body.

If a car does have one, it likely got installed after it left the factory.