Anyone write a To Do List for their Project?



Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2004
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Mill Valley, Ca
Anyone write a To Do List for their Project? Here is mine right next to my computer. This keeps me organized. I know my hand writing is bad.


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Thats a lot longer than mine... I have 5 or 6 things... I also put the price next to the item when it gets crossed off so I can tally up in the spring...

Lists also serve as a motivation... I want to get stuff crosses off asap...
every project, they start long, and end when im driving it out of the garage!
I do it with everything I have to do. From yard work, going to see people, doctors appt, getting hair cut, and of course, building racecars.
I have WAY too many things on my mind at any one time so it helps to keep me organized. I also like to re-write the list after every couple days of work...its motivating to see that list get shorter and shorter.
I have white board in the garage which I use for my to do list and parts needed list.
Yes I do. I have a 5 section notebook thats broken down into body, exterior, interior, drivetrain, to buy/send out. That way I can taking notes and make drawings of items when disassembled. As I get closer to being finished I make a long to do list before driving. I found its also helpful to have a dry erase board near the list so you can add important notes if you didn't get something completely finished.
It would be easier to make a list of what doesn't need to be done to mine.....
My wife writes mine. It starts with "clean garage", then it says "clean garage OF car"...Its been up like that since we were married, still havent crossed neither off yet...;-)
I don't think I have enough space on my computer to list my items--- I always find something else to tinker during the process.
For example, I have cleaned up & re-installed my wiper motor(did not test),
but now concerned of it operational ability.
I'm thinking of re-building the unit--IE-- remove & re-do again,

shoot- it's been apart for over 10 years now.

I make a list on a spreadsheet, then put priorities on them, you can also pit estimated time it will take etc and then use the sort function like if you have 30 minutes nad want to see what you have to do that will only take 20 so you can poke around on FABO for 10 minutes!
I write them all the sometimes gets overwhelming because as soon as I cross something off on the car list, I add 3 more things to it........:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
I have a list of wants for my truck. With every want there is a task required to install said want. Kind of a 2 in 1 list.
Yes I do. I have a 5 section notebook thats broken down into body, exterior, interior, drivetrain, to buy/send out. That way I can taking notes and make drawings of items when disassembled. QUOTE]

I do the same thing on my PC. It feels great to cross stuff off the list...though I have aout 2 1/2 pages to deal with! LOL
I really should do it that way (list)but I always end up doing things the hard way !! They still get done,but sometimes I end up thinking about certain things,and after waiting to get to them I find something else and a different way than when I started !!