April Blizzard



5.9 Magnum 4 speed afficionado
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score

* WHAT...Blizzard conditions expected. Total snow accumulations of
12 to 20 inches expected. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph.

* WHERE...Portions of central, southwest and west central

* WHEN...From 7 PM Wednesday to 7 AM CDT Friday.
Dammit! I don't mind the snow so much but that will mean another load of salt on the roads, and they were just starting to get cleaned up after that last rain.
It's raining and 37° here in NE Iowa. We are on the south end of the snow/freezing rain line. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
Very nasty spring storm. Hope the best for all in its path.
Thanks for pic skep. Helped me get in hockey playoff mode. lol
Minneapolis. We just melted the last of Feb crap. Now April? And this storm only half done. Errrrr. Today we get 40+ MPH winds. Yuppie!

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Pics remind me of a winter storm here in SoCal - yes, SoCal - when I was about 13.
My parents had recently purchased a weekend place in our local mountains and we headed up there for Easter vacation. My stepdad and I were working outside on Saturday and I noticed one little cloud in an otherwise clear blue sky and jokingly said something about how great it would be if we got some snow. The weather was cool but certainly not cold at the time.
The next morning we were sitting in church and it started to snow. I heard some of the other kids say they never had a nice Easter since weather always got in the way. Easter was still a week away.
Well, as soon as we got back to the cabin it started to snow harder. We were the only ones on our street. It snowed continuously from Sunday morning through most of the day Wednesday. When it finally stopped we had four feet of snow.
We'd brought food with us but ran out of bread, milk and other stuff on Thursday so walked the four miles down to the nearest store in Crestline. Thank goodness someone stopped as we were walking back uphill to the cabin and gave us a ride. Our street didn't get plowed until late Friday so we did have to make the hike back in through the deep snow for about half a mile.
Back then as a young teenager that had been raised in SoCal I thought it was a great time.
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Now they call these thing "Bomb Cyclones" When I was growing up in Colorado we called it spring time in the Rockies. I used to carry 2 sets of clothes in my work truck each day...warm ones for the snow and lighter ones for when the sun came out and it got warm.
I grew up in MN and dont ever remember snow in April muchless blizzards !
Maybe I just dont remember.

It is snowing on the Mtn right now though... still 80"s of snow up there which used to be unusual in April.

Down here its 60 and my Tulips and Daffodils are in full bloom.
Now they call these thing "Bomb Cyclones" When I was growing up in Colorado we called it spring time in the Rockies. I used to carry 2 sets of clothes in my work truck each day...warm ones for the snow and lighter ones for when the sun came out and it got warm.
The term “bomb cyclone” or “bombogenisis” is not new. It has been around since the 1940s. Military meteorologists used it during WWII in official weather reports, and it has a very specific definition of the conditions involved.

It’s just a phenomenon that doesn’t happen very often, so it wasn’t really heard by the public in the past outside of meteorological circles. In today’s instant information and sensationalistic weather reporting, we see a new widespread usage of the 80 year old weather term.
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Some spots in Wyoming and Nebraska are closed on I 80.Flodding also.ill be going to Utah across 70 when I hit St Louie