


FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
While flipping channels I saw the Challenger that that guy bought.

Took it to someone to get it tuned up and running.

If you get a chance to watch, you'll see what a mopar starts like when the initial timing is WAY too low.... Then he mentions what a weak burnout. Yep, that's what you get when you let stupid people tune your cars up!

Idiot sticks.
I dont like the show either...well to be honest the "restorers" I dont like. I like watching for the old cars...
The head mechanic hates dodge, made some snide comments about mopar, I stopped watching. The owner is a tool, and if you notice he loses his *** on a lot of the cars he buys. I feel bad for the people who buy their cars.
"Idiot sticks" That's something Justin would say. I miss him.
Those guys crack me up. I like the show. I don't take it or any of the other car shows serious
We love it, funnier then heck, it's just TV., which all of it is and insult on your brains if you let it.
I like the show myself.. I don't take it all that serious though... I'd go drinking with those guys lol
Most of you uptight guys need to learn to take these shows for what they are. Entertainment! Some of you guys get butt hurt over them making fun of dodge. Who cares chill out not like they are talking about your family.
Most of you uptight guys need to learn to take these shows for what they are. Entertainment! Some of you guys get butt hurt over them making fun of dodge. Who cares chill out not like they are talking about your family.

If idiocy is entertaining to you, then watch away. If they are talking about dodge,they are talking about family. Im probably the furthest thing from uptight, im just not so easily entertained.
I like the show a lot. If you don't like it don't watch it lol. Pretty simple. I would hang out with those guys any day of the week.
Most of you uptight guys need to learn to take these shows for what they are. Entertainment! Some of you guys get butt hurt over them making fun of dodge. Who cares chill out not like they are talking about your family.

Yep....for the life of me I do not understand why folks get all butt hurt over things, seems to be a somewhat rampant problem in the Mopar world.
If idiocy is entertaining to you, then watch away. If they are talking about dodge,they are talking about family. Im probably the furthest thing from uptight, im just not so easily entertained.

If your life is so wrapped up around these cars that you get upset over what people say in regards to a car YOU need aint nothing but a bunch of nuts and bolts......Let me are one of those folks that throws a tantrum over some one putting a different brand motor or trans in one of these old buckets?
I'm not upset, I laugh that someone would accept that as decent work.

1-53 may apply... :)
I like #3.

"A close relative of an asshat, an assmonkey is best defined as 'any disagreeable idiot who has successfully combined being an asshole with the brainpower of a monkey fed LSD'. "
I like the show myself I guess maybe im braindead or something.they,ve built some cool cars and some not so cool cars,the only guy that bugs me is the one mechanic that talks like he,s mentally fried,cant think of his name.
It works !
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Now if he logs in his wife name got her blocked too....
If your life is so wrapped up around these cars that you get upset over what people say in regards to a car YOU need aint nothing but a bunch of nuts and bolts......Let me are one of those folks that throws a tantrum over some one putting a different brand motor or trans in one of these old buckets?

So wrapped up? You are blowing this way out of proportion. You like the show? Great, good for you. I don't,and neither does the OP,so if anything its you coming into this thread throwing a tantrum because I don't like the show.

I love mopar,so sue me, I figured this would be a site with likeminded people. I watched the show, the guy talked **** about mopar,the owner was a tool, its days of our lives with cars, now I don't watch the show. Nothing more and nothing less.

As for your assumption that I would "throw a tantrum over some one putting a different brand motor or trans in one of these old buckets?" you would be wrong...very wrong. I could not care less what anyone else does with their car. I run HEI ignitions, will be going with a ford rear end, and would use a 200r4 in my car without thinking about it.

Also, im a grown man, so I don't throw tantrums. If I have a problem, I resolve it with words or actions. I don't make assumptions or attack others over their beliefs or opinions. But that is just me.