Back Surgery



Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Jamestown, ND
Anyone out there have a microscopic discectomy done? I am scheduled for one in a couple of weeks due to a herniated L4-5 disc pushing on my sciatic nerve. I am wondering how the recovery went and how long did it take to get back to life as normal.
I haven't had it done on the low back but I had it on my neck. Took about 6 weeks before I could do much. Even then it was light duty. I had low back surgery also but they just went in and ground out calcium burrs that were rubbing on the nerves. I'd swear that hurt more than the full blown neck surgery. I have known quite a few people that had a low back discectomy and each case is different on how long it takes but generally speaking the least amount of time I'd figure to be back to normal activities is 8 weeks. Good luck. Hope all goes well.
Lower back is a cake walk compared to upper and neck. I've got a bunch of donor bone in my neck replacing discs. Surgical scars in middle and lower back too.
The very worst part of any surgery is the possibility of opioid addiction. Odds are you already take those. Prescribed dosage only causes us to focus on the pain they are supposed to relieve. Truth is, pain killers work only when the dosage takes the brain to comatose/lights out state.
Please see a documentary on Netflix titled Prescription Thugs. We'll here about those celebrities like Prince, Michael Jackson, Anna Nichole Smith, others. There are millions more average Americans we don't here about.
Did you know complaints of back problems increased in unison with automobiles replacing horses and horse and buggy ? Google it. I read somewhere that the very worst car seat was placed in first generation Mustang. Riding a horse wouldn't harm one as much as driving a auto named after a horse. I find that soooo ironic.
It's true that we get wiser with age. I certainly have. It's also true that the knowledge comes when its too damn late to do anything with it. Anyway... Don't fret lower back surgery. You'll dance away from it ( If you really want to ). Best of luck to you.
Anyone out there have a microscopic discectomy done? I am scheduled for one in a couple of weeks due to a herniated L4-5 disc pushing on my sciatic nerve. I am wondering how the recovery went and how long did it take to get back to life as normal.
Had the same around '98-'99. Could hardly stand up for the "5 minute standup" pre-shift meetings.
It was a one night hospital stay. What a difference a few hours made. Back to work LD in one week. FD after 6 weeks. No issues there since, just everywhere else.
Had lower back done in 89. Had been struggeling with it for 11 years. Best thing I ever did . It was like day and night. Took about 8 weeks for full recovery . Main thing
is not to baby it.
Good luck...
Had a microdiscectomy and foraminectomy in 2006. Was out 8 weeks per the surgeon's guidelines. I am on no meds for pain (took Lyrica 3 times daily prior to surgery) and wad walking without pain within 1 hour of surgery. For me it was as successful as I could hope for. Hope yours goes as well as mine. Good luck!
Glad to hear many of you have found relief! I am no stranger to back pain, so I can probably avoid taking too many of the opioids. The hardest part may be a two week restriction on driving! Another hard part will be resisting the kinds of activity that got me here in the first place. I am going to remember the advise of a fellow that just went through shoulder replacement: this thing cost $40,000, so I probably should take care of it!
Anyone out there have a microscopic discectomy done? I am scheduled for one in a couple of weeks due to a herniated L4-5 disc pushing on my sciatic nerve. I am wondering how the recovery went and how long did it take to get back to life as normal.

Thanks for posting this, I'm off to do some research... I have the same problem but was told there is nothing that can be done.
Just an update here. I had a microscopic discectomy done on Friday the 20th. All I can say is WOW! I can once again stand like a human being again! The only pain I have is minor, mostly at the incision sight. Dr. gave me oxycodone for the pain, but I hardly take any. I am hoping to be able to drive myself around again in a week if I can avoid taking the narcotics. I was nervous/sceptical about the potential results before the surgery, but now I,m a believer. The next step is to NOT put myself in this situation again. PLEASE take care of your backs!
Glad to hear it went well. I know your feeling a lot better but remember it needs time to heal so even if you feel good don't push it until your dr says you can.