Back Surgery

Yeah I saw the surgeon in feb. That's when he sent me to get the injections. All I know is what he said that the insurance wouldn't allow surgery until I had injections first and then if they didn't work or last long they'd ok surgery. I don't think it'll take long to get in (maybe a few weeks) once we get past that point. It's just getting to that point. I wasn't proactive enough with the last surgeon. I should have called and told him the injections didn't last any time. I got disgusted and didn't so I'm partly to blame. This time I am going to be a squeaky wheel until they do something.

Your exactly right about the ins. companies. Most are crooks. I've noticed with the one I have now every time I have to go the the doctor for something major they send me a questionnaire to make sure it wasn't something that happened in an auto wreck or a workman's comp claim. Last sept I had to have a simple surgery on my left shoulder to clean out Bursitis build up. They sent the questionnaire and I wrote in big letters "it was Bursitis". How can that possibly happen in a wreck or at work? Are you people stupid or what? Never heard back. Hope they liked my sarcasm, LOL

That is ridiculous,but you cant take it personal.They make you jump through hoops so the Dr is the one who should be helping you with that.He should be on your side not the insurance companies or he is endangering his so called hypocratic oath.

I think that what you have experienced with the US health system is the main reason it needs to change from a for profit business to a lets care for the patient idea.
i've been thinking about getting back surgery due to my scoliosis (30 degree up top and 27 degree on bottom) Just afraid of the dr's screwing up and waking up not being able to walk. I was also born with an extra vert in the lower section. so instead of having 5 i have 6.
Yeah I saw the surgeon in feb. That's when he sent me to get the injections. All I know is what he said that the insurance wouldn't allow surgery until I had injections first and then if they didn't work or last long they'd ok surgery. I don't think it'll take long to get in (maybe a few weeks) once we get past that point. It's just getting to that point. I wasn't proactive enough with the last surgeon. I should have called and told him the injections didn't last any time. I got disgusted and didn't so I'm partly to blame. This time I am going to be a squeaky wheel until they do something.

Your exactly right about the ins. companies. Most are crooks. I've noticed with the one I have now every time I have to go the the doctor for something major they send me a questionnaire to make sure it wasn't something that happened in an auto wreck or a workman's comp claim. Last sept I had to have a simple surgery on my left shoulder to clean out Bursitis build up. They sent the questionnaire and I wrote in big letters "it was Bursitis". How can that possibly happen in a wreck or at work? Are you people stupid or what? Never heard back. Hope they liked my sarcasm, LOL

I'm happy to hear you are getting closer to getting in, get in and get those shots out of the way so you can move forward. The only defense I have for the insurance companies is the world is full of fraudelent buggers that kind of force them to play the game making life miserable for honest folks. I'm venturing outdoors for a few good walks today so we'll see how that goes. I still hurt but I've made great progress 8)

i've been thinking about getting back surgery due to my scoliosis (30 degree up top and 27 degree on bottom) Just afraid of the dr's screwing up and waking up not being able to walk. I was also born with an extra vert in the lower section. so instead of having 5 i have 6.

I have a freind with that, he's lifted weights forever to strengthen it and has done very well to date. Other than that I don't know what the surgical process to correct that would be? Never take surgery lightly, it doesn't come with any sort of guarentee. The first surgeon I saw years ago said about a 1/3 chance I get better, 1/3 stay the same, 1/3 I get worse but I wasn't in nearly as bad shape as I was this time. I guess the moral of that story is make sure you're right screwed up before you take the plunge.

Interesting having an extra vertebrae, that must have given the Doc's something to talk about :read2:
Man back pain sucks. My spine is also out and leans toward the right at about 15 degrees or so.It's very visible and causes me no end of torment. Painfull doing shoulder checks etc.

Thats on top of the ms pain I get all the time.But hey it could always get worse!

I totally agree on strengthening the muscles that support the spine/neck. It can only help.
Man back pain sucks. My spine is also out and leans toward the right at about 15 degrees or so.It's very visible and causes me no end of torment. Painfull doing shoulder checks etc.

Thats on top of the ms pain I get all the time.But hey it could always get worse!

I totally agree on strengthening the muscles that support the spine/neck. It can only help.

Geez I didn't know you had back issues on top of the MS pain, that's really rough. Something's going to happen to help you, it has to, there's a lot of research being done, they'll get it. Hang in there, I've seen what you're going through, it really is a terrible disease.

I just went for about a 1/2 mile walk, I couldn't believe it, I haven't been able to walk more than maybe 1/8 for the last year and a half and that was with crazy pain. I'm pretty encouraged I must say :-D
Geez I didn't know you had back issues on top of the MS pain, that's really rough. Something's going to happen to help you, it has to, there's a lot of research being done, they'll get it. Hang in there, I've seen what you're going through, it really is a terrible disease.

I just went for about a 1/2 mile walk, I couldn't believe it, I haven't been able to walk more than maybe 1/8 for the last year and a half and that was with crazy pain. I'm pretty encouraged I must say :-D

Lets hope so.The UBC study still isnt going yet.MS society claims they will give money for it in June. but only $100 000 not the $1.5 million they need to do it..

Im glad that your pain free! Now take care of that back,lol..
I just went for about a 1/2 mile walk, I couldn't believe it, I haven't been able to walk more than maybe 1/8 for the last year and a half and that was with crazy pain. I'm pretty encouraged I must say :-D

Great news Rob! Glad to hear you are already able to walk that far. Before you know it you'll be walking everywhere just because you can. :cheers:
Rob- I hope you continue to improve. Looks like the foraminotomy/discectomy did the job. Is your leg pain better? It is a good sign that you are able to walk farther so soon. The good news is that the surgical/incisional pain will improve in the next few weeks and you should be feeling even better. Just don't overdo it- you probably will feel better than you have in a long time and your back and the rest of your body need some time to recondition to keep up with what your mind feels like doing. I wish you the best of luck.
Lets hope so.The UBC study still isnt going yet.MS society claims they will give money for it in June. but only $100 000 not the $1.5 million they need to do it..

Im glad that your pain free! Now take care of that back,lol..

That's too bad they couldn't give more but they're not the only guys working on it so somebody somewhere is going to nail it. Less pain everday and I will be careful :mrgreen:

Great news Rob! Glad to hear you are already able to walk that far. Before you know it you'll be walking everywhere just because you can. :cheers:

You better believe it, I haven't been able to walk in a long time, there will be no stopping me now. I dropped 10 lbs while I've been at it which is a bonus, didn't have much of an appetite to start with and lost some weight, I decided to carry on with that and eat less and eat better. I've created a monster :-D

Rob- I hope you continue to improve. Looks like the foraminotomy/discectomy did the job. Is your leg pain better? It is a good sign that you are able to walk farther so soon. The good news is that the surgical/incisional pain will improve in the next few weeks and you should be feeling even better. Just don't overdo it- you probably will feel better than you have in a long time and your back and the rest of your body need some time to recondition to keep up with what your mind feels like doing. I wish you the best of luck.

Thanks, the leg pain is pretty much history or at least it is for as much as I've pushed it, I think we nailed it :cheers:

Yeah I know that drill, you get all gung ho to get into shape, overdo it and can't move for a week, I've managed to do that before without surgery. I won't be making that mistake again.
Well everything has pretty much gone to hell :angry7: As the surgical pain started getting better the nerve pain down my leg starting coming back with a vengence. I'm actually worse than I was before surgery, I can't sit, stand, walk or lay on my back. I can sleep on my side with mild discomfort and that's about it. I couldn't be more frustrated :cussing:
This sucks Rob, I pray this is only a set-back on the road to your recovery. Don't lose faith.
Dang,sorry to hear this Rob.Thought you were doing a heck of alot better.I,m having a constant ache in my lower back and know all about trying to sleep comfortably.I,m soon going for another MRI to see if my back has worsened?I,ve been working the last 4 yrs with 4 h.discs and a pinched nerve and now get a pinching that paralyzes me completely for a second.It,s a very scary feeling and I have put a stop to the job I,ve been doing at work(Ford employee,my inspector job consisted of lifting the hood and getting in/out of about 200 vehicles daily)this is supposed to be Fords job placement?WSIB(Workers safety board)isn,t to happy with them now.:thebirdm::stop:Sorry for the long post,but I know what your going through.Hope your feeling better.
This sucks Rob, I pray this is only a set-back on the road to your recovery. Don't lose faith.

Thanks, I'm trying to stay positive but it's frustrating. I didn't do anything to cause it, I've been taking it easy, no sudden pain, just kept getting worse every day for some reason. I have an appointment to see my Doc on Monday, I hope he has some answers.
Rob I totally understand, The disc thing is a monster *****. I have literally been brought to tears where my wife has had to help me put one foot in front of the other. Hang in there bud. I'll say a couple of prayers.
Dang,sorry to hear this Rob.Thought you were doing a heck of alot better.I,m having a constant ache in my lower back and know all about trying to sleep comfortably.I,m soon going for another MRI to see if my back has worsened?I,ve been working the last 4 yrs with 4 h.discs and a pinched nerve and now get a pinching that paralyzes me completely for a second.It,s a very scary feeling and I have put a stop to the job I,ve been doing at work(Ford employee,my inspector job consisted of lifting the hood and getting in/out of about 200 vehicles daily)this is supposed to be Fords job placement?WSIB(Workers safety board)isn,t to happy with them now.:thebirdm::stop:Sorry for the long post,but I know what your going through.Hope your feeling better.

Thanks, I didn't see your post before for some reason. Yeah I thought I was doing a lot better too. That's a tough job with your problem, I have a desk job which was ok most of the time, now I can't sit so I guess I won't be going back for a bit. I was really counting on the surgery to make a big difference, certainly didn't expect to get worse. I wish you well too, sounds like you're going through more than your share of agony.

Rob I totally understand, The disc thing is a monster *****. I have literally been brought to tears where my wife has had to help me put one foot in front of the other. Hang in there bud. I'll say a couple of prayers.

Thanks, sorry to hear you've been there too. It's quite remarkable how many people have major back problems. I hope you're in better shape now.
Rob I'm sure sorry to hear of the setback but if it's any comfort a buddy of mine went through the same exact thing. He had a herniated disc replaced and of course the first couple days were terrible but then he seemed to do much better then all of a sudden monster pain again. It went away on it's own in about 2 weeks and that's been several yrs. now and he's still doing good.
Good morning Rob :wave: I hope the Dr. had some info for you to look forward to.
There is a prayer sent out for your back to heal correctly and hope things make a turn for the better bud, It hurts just thinking about your pain
I hope for a good day for you today and you can breath a bit deeper and relax a bit :angel3:
I got up early this morning and took my med's about 4 am and laid back down just to lay there and day dream and keep things off my mind :-s
After reading this thread I feel for all the folks that are going through so much pain in there life and I am hoping for a pain free day for us all [-o<
It is so hard to just set back and do nothing and watch other folks my age jump fences and clime tree stands and throw a rod and real all day :-(
and wake up and do it again, it just don't seem far sometimes :eek:fftheai:
But I would not trade my child hood with anyone :love7:
Hang in there Rob 8) Your Arkansas friends Mike and Treva :happy10:
Have not had a flare up in a while (touch wood). If I do I'm out for a week.

That's good to hear, move carefully in the morning, every flare up I've ever had was shortly after getting out of bed while the body hasn't warmed up yet.

Rob I'm sure sorry to hear of the setback but if it's any comfort a buddy of mine went through the same exact thing. He had a herniated disc replaced and of course the first couple days were terrible but then he seemed to do much better then all of a sudden monster pain again. It went away on it's own in about 2 weeks and that's been several yrs. now and he's still doing good.

Thanks, those are encouraging words :cheers: I sure hope the same happens for me.

Good morning Rob :wave: I hope the Dr. had some info for you to look forward to.
There is a prayer sent out for your back to heal correctly and hope things make a turn for the better bud, It hurts just thinking about your pain
I hope for a good day for you today and you can breath a bit deeper and relax a bit :angel3:
I got up early this morning and took my med's about 4 am and laid back down just to lay there and day dream and keep things off my mind :-s
After reading this thread I feel for all the folks that are going through so much pain in there life and I am hoping for a pain free day for us all [-o<
It is so hard to just set back and do nothing and watch other folks my age jump fences and clime tree stands and throw a rod and real all day :-(
and wake up and do it again, it just don't seem far sometimes :eek:fftheai:
But I would not trade my child hood with anyone :love7:
Hang in there Rob 8) Your Arkansas friends Mike and Treva :happy10:

Thanks Mike and Treva. I see the Doc Monday morning so we'll see if he has any thoughts on this. I know you've had a lot of pain to deal with in your life and it is frustrating but I think we both share the same quality of appreciating what we do have and not getting down about what we don't. Like you I have a great life and wouldn't trade it for anything, a little less pain would be nice but if this is the way it has to be, so be it. Take care