Bass Guitars

Mike, dont you play at your church ? What are you using know ? Are you looking for something new/cheap ? price range ? ?
im playing the piano now but i also play the drums and bass...NOT at the same time!!!..LOL!!!
im looking for a nice 6-string electric bass,preferably used and as cheap as possible but dont mind paying a little more for a nicer piece.

i just picked up a near mint, hardly used STRAT(mim) at a tagsale for $175.00:grin:
Don't know how good the Alvarez guitars are but they've been around a long time. Is the Strat one of those new ones like they sell in a kit at Sam's Club?
I've got an Alvarez Yairi 6 string accoustic. Beautiful guitar. They are a very good quality guitar and they sound great. I also have a Fender Stratocaster black with a pearl pick guard. That's my favorite! Love to crank it up!
I knew we all the same interest in great cars but I didn't that a few of you guys were musicans as well. I really can classify myself as a musican but I will tag myself a hack! I play a (lefty) Fender J-Bass just a four string, I'm going to stick with what I got until I finish my car.

There was a small local shop that sold Alvarez, I went and checked them out but he didn't have many basses and he didn't have anything left handed either but from what I saw they looked pretty good. The poor guy has gone out of business though, I'm sure that it is pretty hard going up against the big boys at Guitar Center and ProSound.

Lefty J bass.jpg
Yeah he was awful proud of them. He actually used to work with a guy named Carl Thomson. His dont come cheap either!
Yup, hes the one. I had never seen Victor Wooten play until I started working at his shop. That guy is freakin amazing!
you should check out for reviews...they have reviews for just about everything. Also, check out for used and new gear. I have found tons of great stuff, including my '68 silverface bassman on that site. Oh yeah, one more site,, I'm a member there under the same name, but it's not just for fender. People talk about everything there, and there are tons of knowledgeable people there. Good luck on your gear hunting!
Nice lefty BigRichie.. I've owned mine since the 70's. It's an old Gibson G3 with a custom (by me) left-hand pickguard lol. My wife's cousin Barry is the rep for Dingwall, and I got to goof around on a couple while visiting them in Vernon this summer. They are gorgeous - and have a radiused fretboard which is wild. Lucky for my wife they don't make them lefty, or I would have jumped all over one.


JJ has two he has did some add on's on"Hot rodded"
Yep I have seen a few Alvarez guitars on stage.
Setting next to fender's ,Rickinbeckers and so on.
My last on was an Ibenez. Long time ago.:sad:
I sure miss jamming!! Next year will be beter:iconbigg:
Check out the Carvin bass. My son plays one, and is in a band. They make a quality instrument, made in Covina CA. I also suffer from GAS, (guitar aquisition syndrome). Howard
The Problem with Carvin is you really cant try them out. You can only get them direct from Carvin. I had some Carvin cabinets that were pretty nice and a few friends had amps. I just cant see dropping all that money on something you cant try first.
It's a little inconvienient, but they do have a return policy. I've owned a Carvin Sh225 for a lot of years. Ebony fretboard etc... Compares with a lot of high end guitars, plus American made, (almost). Howard