Best way to use purple power?


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
So I have a 20 gallon parts washer and a gallon of this magic purple stuff.

What's the best way to mix. 10 gallons to a gallon of purple??

Would 10 to 1 be strong enough to clean parts??

How much do you guys dilute and mix?

So I have a 20 gallon parts washer and a gallon of this magic purple stuff.

What's the best way to mix. 10 gallons to a gallon of purple??

Would 10 to 1 be strong enough to clean parts??

How much do you guys dilute and mix?

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Steel? Aluminum? I go straight up with no water on steel and its works great. Wear a good set of rubber gloves or you'll have no skin left. I dilute it a lot for aluminum parts, and check every 15/20 minutes.

Steel? Aluminum? I go straight up with no water on steel and its works great. Wear a good set of rubber gloves or you'll have no skin left. I dilute it a lot for aluminum parts, and check every 15/20 minutes.

Pretty much all steel..... splash shields, bolts, engine brackets, bolts, internal engine parts, and bolts.

I guess the pistons would be the only aluminum I can think of on these old cars.
When cleaning nuts/bolts and other small items, I just soak it. It's a kickass cleaner. Careful with using that on non-ferrous metals though. It'll eat away aluminum if left on for long periods of time. Like other said - wear gloves.
I spray it on, agitate with a brush and then blast it off at the neighborhood car wash (da hood, not da prissy suburb). Mostly use to take off the worst crud on stuff that's too big to fit into my dunk bucket which is a 5-gallon plastic bucket with 3 gallons of water and 2# of lye. Both are sodium hydroxide based cleaners so they will attack/remove paint and or aluminum. I use stoddard solvent in my HF parts washer.
Water based parts washer solution sucks. It will destroy your parts washer in very short time. I use the parts washing fluid they sell at tractor supply. Its the good stuff and comes in a 5 gallon bucket.