Bill the Goat!



I used to reMember
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Eastampton, NJ
Went to the USNA vs. Tulsa game today with my brother (Navy won 42/40). Great time and loved to see all the great young people who volunteered to serve our great (soon to be greater) nation! I salute you and you futures! (Note that this photo was taken just before the game started.)

On a lighter note, I was the only one wearing USAF garb and no one tried to attack me as the enemy. Bill didn't want to have his photo taken with me at first, but he relented. We all need to learn to respect each other and thank them for their sacrifices and service. Thank you!!!

Back story: my niece graduated from the USNA in 2012 and her dad is still active in their parents association. My niece is a CH-53 helo pilot in the Marines now.
Nice win, congrats!! I didn't get a chance to see the game since I was working. Sounds like a good day out at the football game.

Good to see Bill decided to stand with a Blue Suiter!! Actually makes him look better, lol. We tend to participate in a lot of "friendly" ribbing, but when it comes down to it we're all on the same team and join together to get the mission accomplished.