
Best wishes for your wife, sounds like they caught it early. Stay strong and i'll say a prayer to the big guy for you two.
Sorry to hear this ink just try and keep positive they can do miricals these day's with tech out there. My wife lost her best friend at 22 to this that was a long time ago and things have changed a bunch. My family will be praying for you and your wife. God Bless.
Ink, She's going to be OK (prayers) they caught it as early as posible. Chances are great. We went through it last year. Medical advances in the last two years alone are amazing. Keep her spirits up! Sport
Early detection is crucial, thank goodness they caught it early, the odds are strongly in her favor. Good luck. :)
I have been through this process twice. Once I was at the young age of 24 and it turned out okay. It is a scarey thing to go through. I am suppose to get one every year which I am bad and don't take the time to do so. I found another one two years ago and would not have found it if I hadn't lost the weight I had gained. I was lucky the second time as well. It was a lot bigger than the first. I still don't get my mammograms yearly and the doctor never gives a script for one either. I don't understand why they don't tell you right when they take it out. I was operated on and had to wait until the next week when I went to the doctor to find out. It is senseless to make people wait for test results. I guarantee you that if it is them they know right then. My sister is a nurse and she knows her results always before the doctor does. Your wife is in my prayers and I hope everything turns out good. Keep us posted.
My wife had an appointment with a surgeon today. Supposedly "The Doctor" for breast cancer in the area. We had a very lengthy consultation. What she has will lead to cancer if left untreated. Problem is one of the meds she is taking for Lupus, methotrexate, decreases the activity of the immune system which could lead to a serious infection. And this med is the only drug that is keeping the lupus in check. The surgeon said that she will be called Ernie's rheumatologist to discuss the possibility of taking her off of it so they can do a lumpectomy. Please keep us in your thoughts.....
Stay positive Ink, She needs that. The future Mrs is going through the exact same thing, Gotta keep her laughin and happy, Its tuff,...When she calls/cries, I'm there,...Spendin alot more time at home. Prayers sent.
Sorry to hear this Doug but you know she's going to need your support like maybe never before. Give your wife our love Doug and a personel "good Luck" from me to the both of ya.
Sorry to hear this brother. Your wife is in our prayers.
You guys stay strong, an hang in there. Take care.
Surgeon just called, not her ofice staff but the surgeon herself, how impressive is that? Anyway, she talked to the doc that prescribed her the med that is a problem and he said to just stop taking a week prior to surgery and to hold off for 4 weeks after. If any issues arise with her Lupus the other doc said he will deal with it. What a relief...
That is a relief to hear. My wife takes Immuron (sp?) for her lupus and there were some tense moments when she had to go in for joint surgery. Hoping everything else works out for your wife. She will be in my thoughts.

Ernie has her surgery scheduled for June 3. Because she did not want to wait any longer she has to go to one facility for them to insert a marker wire and then to the hospital for surgery. She just wants to get this over with.....
Ernie had a lumpectomy done last Friday, got the call today, no cancer cells were found in the tissue that was removed......Talk about feeling like the world has been lifted off of your shoulders.......
Ernie had a lumpectomy done last Friday, got the call today, no cancer cells were found in the tissue that was removed......Talk about feeling like the world has been lifted off of your shoulders.......

Great news Doug.
Ernie had a lumpectomy done last Friday, got the call today, no cancer cells were found in the tissue that was removed......Talk about feeling like the world has been lifted off of your shoulders.......

That's F@@@ing fantastic Doug congradulations to Ernie and yourself. Be sure to give Ernie a big hug from as all. Who Knows maybe me and Jake will bump into you 2 this summer, stranger things have happened. I'll bet the 2 of you are in for a good night sleep finally.:mrgreen:
Ernie had a lumpectomy done last Friday, got the call today, no cancer cells were found in the tissue that was removed......Talk about feeling like the world has been lifted off of your shoulders.......

Great news for Ernestine and you! :tongue9::tongue9::tongue9:


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