Blast gun recommendations

I haven't done anything yet. I caint afford it. I used my last ceramic tip to blast an oil pan and have no tips left. It ain't in the budget for carbide tips right now. Always somethin. LOL
Ouch, I just got the Horror Freight cabinet as well. I hope it works OK, I'd hate to have to spend another 100 bucks.

I just built a roll around stand for it today.

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Just curious Sporty but why does your blast cabinet have to roll anywhere? Might make it easier to wash (roll it closer to the garden hose maybe) ...

I have to stand on a platform to see in the window lol (Billy does a lot of the blasting and is 17 inches taller than me). I couldn't imagine it being any higher than it is, let aline with four inches of casters under it lol.
I have the Summit one with legs. I have it sitting on 4 cinder blocks so I don't have to bend down. It actually could stand to be a little higher. lol
I put wheels on mine too. Nice to be able to move it around and store it out of the way.
Just curious Sporty but why does your blast cabinet have to roll anywhere? Might make it easier to wash (roll it closer to the garden hose maybe) ...

Because of my limited space. I can shove it off to the side, but it's always going to be blocking something (tool boxes, shelves for parts etc). With the casters, I can easily shove it out of my way, lol.
Don't feel too bad there Rob, I had to change guns on the Horror Freight cabinet today. I was fortunate enough to have a different one laying around and it made a world of difference.

It now works very well, with just the gun change, the one that came with it had a ceramic tip, and it was clogging up and being an all around pain.

I don't know how I ever got by without a cabinet.

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Didn't mean to muck up your thread. :???:
You ain't mucked up anybody's thread. It's still about blastin ain't it? Then hush up.

Ok. I have somewhat of an update. I ain't got close to no hundred bucks to throw at a gun.....though the recommendations are greatly appreciated.

But I found this on Ebay. Got it for like 24 dollars shipped. It's a Truman's blast gun, made in Canfield, Ohio. I know I probably could have gotten some tips, but I also wanted a gun with a full length trigger and this one has it. It also has a steel tip......I cannot tell if it's carbide, but it is bound to outlast the crappy ceramic ones. The gun is heavy duty. A magnet sticks to it, so it is not aluminum.

Since Erik brought up his blast gun mod, I thought I would take this one apart and see how it stacks up against the cheap ones that seem to have the problem Erik pointed out.

Guess what? The orifice in this gun is WELL behind the siphon hole where the media is picked up. How bout that? Erik might actually be on to something. Here are a couple of pictures and you can clearly see the orifice is behind the siphon hole.

I have not used it yet, but when I do I will update again.

Erik, I really appreciate it. Without that tip, I would not have known where to start. Now that I have gotten an obviously high quality gun with the orifice so far back, it's a pretty safe bet that the orifice mod you shared is the fix.


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wow. if I'm looking it that correct, there is a big difference b/t that gun and the HF gun where the sand siphon tube enters ! I appreciate the kind words Rob, glad I could be somewhat helpful ..... need to get you back on your feet, a down blaster is no good !
Well, the new gun didn't work any better. I modded the old gun and put the steel tip in it from the new gun in it and it didn't work good either.
Is your sand dry Rob? No reason I can come up with why neither of these guns will work for you. What air pressure do you have going to the gun?
If you hold your palm against the gun tip for a few seconds with the air feed going, does it make a cloud? Sounds like maybe you have a hole in the uptake tube or a line blockage.
Does it "pulse"?

Does it work for a few seconds and then get worse?

Stupid simple thought, but have you checked the line/fitting on the cabinet?

I've had to clear some rock hard crap from three steel fittings in the last few months.

I'm curious as to the CFM you got as well.

...but I LIKE that full trigger.
I bet you have more of a media problem.
What are you using to blast with?
Is it damp?
Maybe too coarse?
I always clean any grease and scrape loose stuff off with a wire brush before it goes in the cabinet.
I currently use glass beads, but I have wore out 100's of lbs of black beauty's on the original gun.
Actually wore a hole in the metal of the original gun, brazed it up and still use it.
Does it "pulse"?

Does it work for a few seconds and then get worse?

Stupid simple thought, but have you checked the line/fitting on the cabinet?

I've had to clear some rock hard crap from three steel fittings in the last few months.

I'm curious as to the CFM you got as well.

...but I LIKE that full trigger.

It does pulse. It's always done that, although now, since I put the old gun back on with Erik's mod it does't pulse as badly.

The new gun came with a 5/16 tip. My old ceramic nozzles were 1/4. And I can tell, there's no doubt I have lost velocity.

About it making a cloud if I stop up the end. Yup. It does that. It blows back so hard that it blows media up into the cabinet.

Also, I am not using sand, but aluminum oxide. The cabinet had ever worked what I would call "good". I have an iron intake in it now and it's taken me about an hour to get 2/3 of it done. That's just stupid.
Damn Rob, if I was close I would come by and help you out. Since I did the gun mod I have been blasting everything I could get my hands on with no issues at all. I think I wore my glass beads out already ! Have you tried shooting under 100psi ? I'm still using the ceramic HF tips, so far so good.
What can be done for the moisture, I'm having problems with that.

I do have a moisture filter.
I have a moisture drop and a moisture filter. It gets humid here, so I guess it could be moisture, but the media is bone dry to the touch.
I have a moisture drop and a moisture filter. It gets humid here, so I guess it could be moisture, but the media is bone dry to the touch.

So is mine, but right at the tip where it draws up through just before being pushed out the nozzle, it's wet when I dig it out.

I don't know what else I can do to help it.
I am honestly getting very discouraged over the past few years. Everything I have touched regarding this hobby has turned into a pile of doo doo. I am ready to just scrap anything to do with it and concentrate on my trains.

These are the simplest of problems yet here I am caint fix a damn thing.
I am tired of it. Keep on keepin on is all I have done for a while now and I have gotten nothing in return for it. I am sick of getting nothing in return. What we got goin is the first glimmer I've had in a long time. I am appreciative.