Blonde Joke



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Nov 7, 2016
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
A plane is on its way to Detroit when a blonde women in economy class gets up and moves into a open seat in first class section.
The flight attendant watches her do this, and politely informs the women that she must sit in economy class because that's the type of ticket she paid for.
The blonde replies," I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Detroit and I'm staying right here".
After repeated attempts and no success at convincing the women to move, the flight attendant goes into the cockpit and informs the pilot and co-pilot that there's a blonde bimbo sitting in first class who refuses to go back to her proper seat. The co-pilot goes back to the women and explains why she needs to move, but once again the women replies by saying ," I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Detroit and I'm staying right here.
The co-pilot returns to the cockpit and suggests that perhaps they should have the arrival gate call the police and have the women arrested when they land. The pilot says, "You say she's blonde? I'll handle this. I'm married to a blonde. I speak blonde. " He goes back to the women and whispers quietly in her ear, and she says, " Oh I'm sorry , " then quickly moves back to her seat in economy class.
The flight attendant and co-pilot are amazed and ask him what he said to get her to move back to economy without causing a fuss." I told her first class isn't going to Detroit."
dont feel like typing, so here


A blonde, brunette, and a redhead are all sitting down for lunch. All three are pregnant. The brunette says, "I'm going to have a boy!"

Blonde, "How do you know that?"
Brunette, "Because I was on top!"

The redhead, smiling, says, "Well, I'm going to have a girl!"
Blonde, "How do you know?"
Redhead, "Because I was on the bottom!"

The blonde starts crying and the other two women ask why she's crying...

Blonde, "Because I'm going to have puppies!"
A blonde and a redhead were roommates in an apartment.
One day there's a knock at the door, and the blonde answers it. It's a flower delivery boy with a beautiful bouquet for the redhead. Blondie brings her the flowers. Red opens the card and rolls her eyes. "Oh great, they're from Bobby. I suppose now I'll have to spend the entire weekend with my legs up in the air!"

The blonde looks confused for a moment, and finally speaks. "Why??? Don't you have a vase?"