Buncha J'holes toNIGHT



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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All I wanted ta do is go fer a little drive this eve. Seems like everytime I did ANYTHING I ran into a jerk / j'hole/ f'wad/ ....................

Guy in a 35 zone with about 8 of us lined up behind, never could manage to get over about ???? 22 ????? This is a 2 lane, double yellow, so no passing.

He finally gets to the light where I'm gonna turn and he goes straight through --as the light turns yellow / red so NOW ?? he's in a big hurry??

But the worst is some J'hole from Montana with a load in a pickup in the left lane of the freeway going substantially under the limit, will NOT pass the guy next to 'im or otherwise GTF out of the left lane

Finally the guy on the right takes an exit, so I pass this Alpha Hotel and give 'im a little binary encoded digital communcation on the way past

SO NOW suddenly, brights pointing towards Voyager I, "we" can do SEVENTY and manage to speed right up so they can tailgate old cranky 67Dart273.

WELL................ He discovered that tailgating some of us old guys is NOT ALLOWABLE. He discovered that when the Big Brake Bulbs come on that certain actions are to follow.

It really is too bad some of us can't temporarily install blue lights so we can "interview" some of these Mental Midgets and find out WTF their problems ARE

So then we finish off an evening with yet aNOTHER Montanite (say ba ha ha ha b b b b aaaaaa) who cannot decide, again in the left lane, whether he wants to do 61 or 71. Flashed the brights, SEVERAL times, gave him a chance.

Of course JUST as I'm about halfway into the right lane to initiate a pass, HE pulls to the right. I was ready, but it's still infuriating.

RANT OVER we return you to your normal programming
whats a J'Hole ? never heard that before ....I am guessing that's a bad thing but im not sure
Some of your minds are too clean and virgin, LOL

'Course I'm at an advantage. Six years in the Navy "back then" really rounded out my blue words, LOL
Some of your minds are too clean and virgin, LOL

'Course I'm at an advantage. Six years in the Navy "back then" really rounded out my blue words, LOL

I hear ya. but here the idiots do that even if your driving faster than the speed limit, like your holding up traffic!--------------------bob:bs:
That is why I like diesel's. You get in front of them and put the programmer on 6 gear choke. You go as slow as you can flat out in 6th. So much black smoke comes out they can't see. And those little black boogies that you get when you burn plastic gets all over theirs car and winshield. You need bug and tar remover to get it off. It makes me feel so much better. That is why all my Diesels are black ,you don't see it on mine. Once you go black you never go back.
I deal with this almost daily on my interstate commute to work. People really need a refresher on driving etiquette. The passing lane is the new slow lane. So many times I want to put people in the green lane.
when I was younger I had a Pontiac lemans with the dual headlights
I used to take that car to car shows (won best in show in the lighting category once)
I had a bunch of neon tubes and over 20 different strobe lights mounted in that car, including a set of blue strobes in the inner headlights and a set of red ones in the outer headlights
I had one switch that would kill the headlights and turn both those strobes on (3 red flashes,3 blue)
worked like a charm whenever I got stuck behind one of those alphabet cars you mentioned, flick on the strobes and they would pull over every time
kick her down a gear and off to the races I was
What I'm most POed about right now has to do with CBS, Amazon Prime, and Under The Dome. Since there is a 2nd most POed topic ( my poll here got knock down in one day ), and a 3rd most POed topic, and a 4th, and on and on.
I'm not going to rant about them, just reflect....
I think as we get older we loose some tolerance for BS.
We can assume the younger drivers on the road with you were more focused on their stereo, phone, crotch, whatever. They didn't notice any of those things you had focused on.
Considering our high millage, Are we now overly trained or self disciplined to focus on traffic ? Maybe
As for myself.. I don't believe I'm just an old curmudgeon looking for something to ***** about. I honestly believe I've lost some tolerance.
Maybe this will help you reflect. Hang in there :)
What I hate is out here in rural MT, we have I94 with very light traffic. As in when you overtake a car you often have miles of open freeway ahead and behind. Yet when you get passed these city drivers feel they need to pull back in front of you as soon as their rear bumper clears your front. Damn that torques my titties.
That is why I like diesel's. You get in front of them and put the programmer on 6 gear choke. You go as slow as you can flat out in 6th. So much black smoke comes out they can't see. And those little black boogies that you get when you burn plastic gets all over theirs car and winshield. You need bug and tar remover to get it off. It makes me feel so much better. That is why all my Diesels are black ,you don't see it on mine. Once you go black you never go back.

I like to "dust" Prius drivers too.
I always wanted to put a push bar on the front of my truck, then weld a crumpled fender and bumper to it. I think it would send a good message. Here in PA there is a law about clogging the passing lane. Unfortunately it's nearly impossible to enforce unless there is a cop being held up.
You could always travel in one of these, Im sure you could find an open lane with little effort!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7Nug5FZgxuk"]Dillon Aero SUV-Mounted Minigun - YouTube[/ame]
You could always travel in one of these, Im sure you could find an open lane with little effort!

I actually joked at the plumbing warehouse one time "Don't s'pose ya stock some 20mm for the left lane "front fender cannon?"

Today, I practiced my communication skills.

Got off the freeway and the ramp has a light at the end. I'm sittin' there and this pencil neck wad rolls up behind me LOOKING IN HIS MIRROR and COMBING HIS HAIR.

When he finally looked forward, I sent him a binary encoded digital communication.

Later going down the freeway, some C word decides that tailgating is the thing to do, even though I'm doin' 68 in a 65 IN TOWN. So when the guy on the right got off, I moved over and sent HER a little message.

Turns out she didn't want to PASS me, she just wanted to TAILGATE
Just pulled in myself. Had two lanes doing 60 side by side and the jackass behind me had his blue halons on brights.When the car on the right left a hole 2 inches bigger than my car I was thru it and on 85 till I couldnt see brights in my mirrors anymore.
I ended up behind some jack off doing 35 in a 55 tonight!

Who are these people????
All I wanted ta do is go fer a little drive this eve. Seems like everytime I did ANYTHING I ran into a jerk / j'hole/ f'wad/ ....................

Guy in a 35 zone with about 8 of us lined up behind, never could manage to get over about ???? 22 ????? This is a 2 lane, double yellow, so no passing.

He finally gets to the light where I'm gonna turn and he goes straight through --as the light turns yellow / red so NOW ?? he's in a big hurry??

But the worst is some J'hole from Montana with a load in a pickup in the left lane of the freeway going substantially under the limit, will NOT pass the guy next to 'im or otherwise GTF out of the left lane

Finally the guy on the right takes an exit, so I pass this Alpha Hotel and give 'im a little binary encoded digital communcation on the way past

SO NOW suddenly, brights pointing towards Voyager I, "we" can do SEVENTY and manage to speed right up so they can tailgate old cranky 67Dart273.

WELL................ He discovered that tailgating some of us old guys is NOT ALLOWABLE. He discovered that when the Big Brake Bulbs come on that certain actions are to follow.

It really is too bad some of us can't temporarily install blue lights so we can "interview" some of these Mental Midgets and find out WTF their problems ARE

So then we finish off an evening with yet aNOTHER Montanite (say ba ha ha ha b b b b aaaaaa) who cannot decide, again in the left lane, whether he wants to do 61 or 71. Flashed the brights, SEVERAL times, gave him a chance.

Of course JUST as I'm about halfway into the right lane to initiate a pass, HE pulls to the right. I was ready, but it's still infuriating.

RANT OVER we return you to your normal programming

Sounds like a Wednesday morning commute in Detroit. The levels of stupid on the road today are mind numbing. LOL!