
You just being there will be enough. When one is lying there in bed it really brightens one mood to see a familiar face who made the trek to come some him. He will be pleased. So will his family. You will feel better also because you'll know you did the right thing for the right reason. Human dignity is rare these days and I am glad to see you have it.

Well said!
All the best Doug.
Doug stopped for a meet on his way down Monday and we walked around a bit so he could get out of the sitting position for awhile.
He's hangin in there other than a little road brain damage. :D
Doug stopped for a meet on his way down Monday and we walked around a bit so he could get out of the sitting position for awhile.
He's hangin in there other than a little road brain damage. :D

Cool! Bet he was glad to have a break. Road brain
Doug stopped for a meet on his way down Monday and we walked around a bit so he could get out of the sitting position for awhile.
He's hangin in there other than a little road brain damage. :D

Are you sure that there wasn't any brain damage before the trip started??? :poke:

Just kidding Doug, keeping things light.... :D

It's great to meet other members while travelling... :cheers:
I can tell you first hand the effects of cancer go far beyond you physical being. I've been fighting it since 2011. My retirement account is gone as well as my savings.

The company I work for still keeps me on the payroll but at a 60% cut in pay. Luckily I have insurance from my retirement from my previous employer.

One bit of advice I can give is if your employer offers long term disability insurance GET IT.
I didn't but sure wish I would have now.

Fortunately for me I seem to be on the mend now but it's been one hell of a road to travel.
Cool! Bet he was glad to have a break. Road brain

2 days of driving by one's self is bound to give anyone a little road brain damage.
When we take my Dart to the coast it dings me a little bit, but I love to drive my car so...
Best part of the trip is driving there and back 11 hours each way as far as I'm concerned.:D
Are you sure that there wasn't any brain damage before the trip started??? :poke:

Just kidding Doug, keeping things light.... :D

It's great to meet other members while travelling... :cheers:

I did indeed have drain bramage prior to leaving. Stopped to see EZ on Tuesday. He is not doing well. Sandra said he is only slightly coherent in the morning. She said what is making life very difficult is Joe is flip flopping from day to day. One day he communicates that he has had enough and is ready to move on. Next day he communicates that he wants to fight. I think she has come to terms with the fact that EZ will be passing away. While I was there his boss was visiting. EZ is a civilian military employee. He is retired from the military but I believe is bot collecting his pension as of yet. He was building/servicing weapons systems at Luke AFB. From what I gather in order for anyone to gain access to his life insurance, retirement info and various other things they need his ID and 2 seperate PINS. Sandra doesn't have the PINS. His boss left a form that EZ needs to sign in order to get around this, however he is no longer able to sign his name. Apparently even a certificate of death will not be enough. They have no idea how to overcome this obstacle. Sandra did tell me that EZ is still currently in a pay status and that EZ has communicated with her about his concerns about her financial well beingat this point. His daughter has set up a Go Fund Me gig to help with his final expenses.
Not going to lie, I cried when I walked out. I was upset enough that I had to sit for 20 minutes to get enough composure to drive over to my tattoo appointment. EZ was the fellow that just kept his nose to the grindstone. He often worked a second job in addition to well as taking on body/paint work at home. He once told me that he NEEDED to do this....that it kept him out of "The Gin Mills".
I broke my premise of secrecy I made to EZ about something a while back. Sandra was in the hospital fighting with her heart condition. EZ called me several times, in tears over things. We talked like friends talked. He confessed his undying love of his wife to me. I told Sandra of our conversations that EZ made me promise to never tell her about.
My visit on Tuesday was very rough on me. Hung out with my tattoo artist for a few hours. Did the 80 minute or so drive out to my friends house in AZ. Called home and kept Ernestina up til 2 in the morning talking. Then proceeded to spend the next 4 hours just laying in bed....thinking....
I know a lot of folks here don't read my comments. And I know a lot of folks here don't really care much for me....but for those that do read my ramblings....
PLEASE....if you are not feeling well GO TO THE DOCTOR. And don't just go....PUSH your find answers. From what Sandra told me there was a lot of time wasted, between the doc just saying "it's probably just a sinus infection" and the 3-5 day wait for test results....that if these 2 things DIDN'T HAPPEN the love,of her life may have never happened to him.
That being said..
PLEASE TELL YOUR LOVED ONES THAT YOU LOVE THEM....HUG THEM DAILY WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH...because you just never know what tomorrow will bring.
Hang in there, Ink!

The post-death stuff is a huge PITA (even if you have everything you 'need') - Mom passed almost 4 years ago and we're still trying to tie up one last loose end to close out her estate...
Hang in there Ink... :banghead:

the gov likes to put obstacles in your way so they don't have to pay... :finga:

They pad their pockets with our tax money, but won't let anybody who needs it at it when they need it.... :finga:
On a much lighter note I got to see a buddy from work....who is now a DPS Officer. I asked about going for a "ride along" with him one night. Just not enough time on my current trip, my friend I am staying with has a cabin up north....and we will be leaving to go there as soon as I go pick a few things up. But I will get to go on the "ride along" during my next trip. Will not be 3.5 years this time. Also got a bit of chair time at the tattoo shop, got some much needed touch up done and have Tim working on something new for me. Talked to my friends trans builder about a problem I am having. Got the parts now I HAVE to come back later this year to get it fixed....

I just hope that my friend EZ is not in any pain. His wife told me that he wants the sedation and pain meds lowered. But she said it has been difficult, at best, to have their wishes granted. Sandra EZ's words...."a tough old broad".....I am sure in the end she will be ok I just hope that EZ does not linger for months. No one needs to see their loved one wither away due to this rotten disease.


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so sorry for these bad times with your friend. no one should have to endure such but,unfortunately, it happens so often,..
yes life can be so short. I lost 2 of my best friends, and a cousin, that did not make it to even 60. life is not guaranteed.

I should not have made 30. her e at 68 ( in a few days)....

yes, you have to go to the doc, YOU have to tell him of your concerns, and many times YOU have to demand he spend more than 3 min with you!????/
especially as you age.
so sorry for these bad times with your friend. no one should have to endure such but,unfortunately, it happens so often,..
yes life can be so short. I lost 2 of my best friends, and a cousin, that did not make it to even 60. life is not guaranteed.

I should not have made 30. her e at 68 ( in a few days)....

yes, you have to go to the doc, YOU have to tell him of your concerns, and many times YOU have to demand he spend more than 3 min with you!????/
especially as you age.

The most frustrating thing Sandra has had to endure....the delays. 3 -5 days for test results is ridiculous. Back when Joes troubles started there was multiple delays....for damn near EVERYTHING. The standard "new patient" crap..."Sorry but we can't see you for 3 months" crap. Here you have a guy that has been healthy his entire life out of the blue just start hurting g damn near everywhere. Coughing up blood. Dropping pounds. Docs told them all the aches and pains were from a sinus infection. Hmmm....sorry, I have been fighting a sinus infection since I moved to AZ in has yet to make my shoulders and rib cage area hurt....they were told that "don't worry about the unexplained weight loss, everyone goes thru this as they age".....guess that means something must be wrong with me....I have gained weight as I have aged lol...
The most frustrating thing Sandra has had to endure....the delays. 3 -5 days for test results is ridiculous. Back when Joes troubles started there was multiple delays....for damn near EVERYTHING. The standard "new patient" crap..."Sorry but we can't see you for 3 months" crap. Here you have a guy that has been healthy his entire life out of the blue just start hurting g damn near everywhere. Coughing up blood. Dropping pounds. Docs told them all the aches and pains were from a sinus infection. Hmmm....sorry, I have been fighting a sinus infection since I moved to AZ in has yet to make my shoulders and rib cage area hurt....they were told that "don't worry about the unexplained weight loss, everyone goes thru this as they age".....guess that means something must be wrong with me....I have gained weight as I have aged lol...
Being a care giver drains the life out of you. But if you are caring for a loved one, especially a wife or husband; mom or dad, you forge on until the end. I'm sure EZ is on a morphine drip since he has reached hospice combined with cancer. Ink, I'm glad you went to see him but also kept some sense of your routine happening during your visit. Got to take care of yourself or else you can't take care of others. Peace out bro(from the 70's, I know; I think I'm stuck in 1972 somehwere).
I have trouble commenting on this kind of thing.. not because I haven't dealt with it, but because I have. I get about half way through the thread (if that far) and emotions start to well up and I have to step back or "risk" tears at work.. (yep, I'm one of those "no sees me cry" types). Lost an Uncle to Agent Orange related cancer, my wife's mom to lung cancer and then her sister (another aunt) to the same thing. As simply stated in another thread - cancer sucks. May God guide us through.
Sandra made mention today that Joe is no longer having X-rays taken. Doc told her he is in Stage 4. Sandra is afraid Joe will be gone by tomorrow.
Today was my last day in the Valley. My buddy wanted to come up to his place in Crown King. It is only 27 miles of dirt road back to the freeway. I was running g errands prior to leaving. Was driving by the Cemetery that my Mother in law is in.....did something that I have never done before...paid her a visit. This was the first time in my life I have ever done this.