car show questions

I remember reading a story about a nice older gentleman that would drive his 77 Volare to all of his local shows! It was old, wasnt exactly clean, hadn't been restored, but he loved his car and loved to participate with the local car scene! At one show the judges decided to honor his commitment to his hobby by awarding him a special award for him and his car!

Very touching story, but proves a great point, you should be proud of your car no matter its shortcomings, and enjoy the heck out of making memories in it along he way!! I say go for it!! Geof
That's a great idea, I'm sure everyone will have fun seeing the changes you make over time! Thank you all for your encouragement! There's a show nearby on Friday, so I'll talk to the hubs to see if he wants to go with me! I need to do a lot of cleaning to the car, though! I've never cleaned an engine compartment before! I also don't know what type of wax to use for the car. I heard that I should use a product without alcohol in it for the vinyl top, but haven't gotten any yet! Whew, there's a lot I need to learn!
The voting on cars in a car show is absolutely moronic so if you don't win a prize, it may not be your car.

Showing your car allows you to network with other like minded mopar guys/gals..and that is priceless !
Yes take the Car and enjoy the great time you and the Husband will have together, and dont worry about what others will say, its your little baby.

Enjoy your new ABody
With a name like "crazycarmen" I can't see why you would NOT!! LOL
I agree RaniDart70! I just helped my husband change out the starter on this car the other day! I did all the disconnecting and reconnecting, because his hands are too big! It was a greasy bloody fun time! I like to sew and crochet, but I felt so proud of myself that I could work on my car, too! I want my girls to know that they can do whatever they want! I'm not a feminist, but I appreciate doing whatever I want! :)

My wife would completely agree with you! She loves getting under the hood and getting her hands dirty. The people at the local auto parts stores think I've found a unicorn because my wife knows which end of the wrench to use and loves working on cars!

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My wife changing the spark plugs and wires on her (GASP!) 93 Camaro

Anyway, to answer your question, take the car. Have fun and enjoy the day. Meet people, make connections, and maybe learn a few things. If nothing else, you'll get out of the house for a while, and sometimes that's a good thing!
Thank you everyone! I washed up my car today, and just need to clean the inside and the windows! I tried to clean the engine compartment, but I didn't do the best job! I'm sure it was 40 years of grease and dirt, but it's better than it was! I found this car on craigslist earlier this year right after our truck was rear ended. I told my husband that I needed this car, but he doesn't know much about cars. His buddy told him that it was a good one, so we bought it! We have a joke together, because he doesn't know about cars! He says they're all berettas! We are an odd couple! I washed the car today while he took a nap! I woke him up, so he could make dinner! :)


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Looks great!! Glad you decided to take it! Be sure and post up pics of it at the show!! :D
Thank you everyone! I washed up my car today, and just need to clean the inside and the windows! I tried to clean the engine compartment, but I didn't do the best job! I'm sure it was 40 years of grease and dirt, but it's better than it was! I found this car on craigslist earlier this year right after our truck was rear ended. I told my husband that I needed this car, but he doesn't know much about cars. His buddy told him that it was a good one, so we bought it! We have a joke together, because he doesn't know about cars! He says they're all berettas! We are an odd couple! I washed the car today while he took a nap! I woke him up, so he could make dinner! :)

If you're having issues with getting the engine compartment cleaned up talk to your local detail shops. Don't be afraid to let them see the car so they can give you an accurate price as to how long it might take, etc. See which ones have the best reputation by talking to your friends and family.

Drop a fifty spot on the detail shop and then you only have to do a maintenance clean afterwards.
Beautiful Dart! A piece of American history that most definitely belongs at your local car show. Be proud and enjoy.
Great looking car. I love seeing 4 doors and wagons at shows and almost always stop to check them out and have a chat with the owner.

When me and my buddies go to car shows it's the cars like the one in your profile pic that we talk about afterwards. The super nice cars are awesome, but they all look the same to me, personally. It's the budget builds, unrestored, or daily drivers that have all the character. Rich guys don't have to be creative, but us poor guys do and it's neat.
If you're having issues with getting the engine compartment cleaned up talk to your local detail shops. Don't be afraid to let them see the car so they can give you an accurate price as to how long it might take, etc. See which ones have the best reputation by talking to your friends and family.

Drop a fifty spot on the detail shop and then you only have to do a maintenance clean afterwards.
Robert, that's a great idea! I'll look into it!
When me and my buddies go to car shows it's the cars like the one in your profile pic that we talk about afterwards. The super nice cars are awesome, but they all look the same to me, personally. It's the budget builds, unrestored, or daily drivers that have all the character. Rich guys don't have to be creative, but us poor guys do and it's neat.
We just got back from the show a bit ago, and it was a lot of fun! There were a lot of cool cars there, and the girls had fun seeing them! We didn't win any awards, but that's alright! I talked to so many people! They all like our dart, and it was fun to hear their stories of their past cars! I met a man that might help me learn more about fixing the car up! He was nice! I got a lot of tips on how to stop and prevent new rust, I needed those! It's funny that you said that us poor guys have to be creative! I don't work outside the home, but I do sew for others. I make quilts, and some crocheted animals, and my friends buy them. I'm saving up for body work on the dart! I'll get there someday soon! I used to want another baby, but I'm over that now! This car doesn't wake me up in the middle of the night, and it doesn't talk back!
Thank you all for your encouragement! I don't think I would've gone, if you hadn't said that I should! :)
Car looks super, and what Rementh said is right on. If you're lucky enough to have a body shop nearby that details used cars for a dealer, they will do a great job under the hood and might be more careful not to ruin something as well. That's what I was able to do, but I worked at the dealership at the time.

My buddy and I took our cars to a local show, his is a 78 Corvette Pace Car edition, mine was a plain jane 318/auto duster in golden fawn (tan). Got best of show because they liked the patina of a survivor and it was detailed really well. Have fun. And I still go to shows with my girls and they are all grown up now.
Car looks super, and what Rementh said is right on. If you're lucky enough to have a body shop nearby that details used cars for a dealer, they will do a great job under the hood and might be more careful not to ruin something as well. That's what I was able to do, but I worked at the dealership at the time.

My buddy and I took our cars to a local show, his is a 78 Corvette Pace Car edition, mine was a plain jane 318/auto duster in golden fawn (tan). Got best of show because they liked the patina of a survivor and it was detailed really well. Have fun. And I still go to shows with my girls and they are all grown up now.

I think I might need professional help in the engine compartment! I did break a washer fluid line! I hated that! Everyone did like the fact that it hadn't been all fixed up. I think it makes them seem more real somehow. We bought this car for $3000, earlier this year. I don't know how long it will take to get rid of some rust, and fix the leaky motor, but I'm just glad to have my foot in the door! I'll try to find another show nearby!
Love the Dart! The fun thing is that it's a "Car" Show. It's not a "Completely Restored Trailer Queen With a Snarky Commenting Owner" Show. Not that I don't love the trailered-in cars. They are beautiful but I'd much rather look at the uncommon cars and the drivers.

I don't get it. Some guys are sitting behind their car and you compliment them and ask them a question about it and they act annoyed that you dare speak to them.

Other guys are so cool and fun to talk to. Why bring a car to a show it you're just going to sit there with a pickle face. Then you have the "experts" who go from car to car with a buddy and knock everything about them. Not constructively but jerky about it.

I just smile at all the negative guys because I know behind the next car in the row is a guy who loves the hobby and wants to share.
Love the Dart! The fun thing is that it's a "Car" Show. It's not a "Completely Restored Trailer Queen With a Snarky Commenting Owner" Show. Not that I don't love the trailered-in cars. They are beautiful but I'd much rather look at the uncommon cars and the drivers.

I don't get it. Some guys are sitting behind their car and you compliment them and ask them a question about it and they act annoyed that you dare speak to them.

Other guys are so cool and fun to talk to. Why bring a car to a show it you're just going to sit there with a pickle face. Then you have the "experts" who go from car to car with a buddy and knock everything about them. Not constructively but jerky about it.

I just smile at all the negative guys because I know behind the next car in the row is a guy who loves the hobby and wants to share.

I hear that! I only talked to one other car owner, the fun one's were there to see the cars! Granted, I didn't introduce myself to the other car owners, either. I horned in on some showgoers conversation, because I wanted to learn about what they were saying! He was talking about some carburetors that had been made with plastic. I had, what I think, is the original carb in the trunk, so I showed it to them. I learned a bunch from him, and might go over to see how to charge the ac! That would be great! He showed me all kinds of stuff, and I showed him some undone vacuum hoses! :) I can't wait to know more about cars!
Here are some pics from the show! Sorry I didn't take a lot of them! I'll do better at the next one!


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I forgot this one!


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a little story. had friend that made his first trip to Nats ( back bout '89?) he saw SO many hemi cars that it got boring. seeing one back home was a treat. but at nats there was an ocean of them, all restored. but the cars that never get old lookin at are the FEW true survivors cars, slants, 4 doors, or whatever!!!!
we can admire the work and $$ that goes into a full blown resto but the survivor car, that's different!!!
Great have one happy daughter there !

Our car shows tend to be small here ..and the number of mopars is even smaller..

I think if you like what you are driving..regardless of what you see, it is perfect..

We had a survivor but we wanted more...the car was modded for us, not the viewing public..

I like it when the owner has done the majority if work...I will spend far more time with that car than the dude that has had a big resto by brand X garage.. but that is my thing..