Cat owners opinion needed



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Well, I decided I would buy myself a Christmas kitty since my cat died in November after 16 wonderful years so I went to the Dumb Friends League last Thursday and got a new "best friend"(11 months old). Since then I have learned that this "nut" enjoys taking showers with me, can open kitchen cabinets and prefers to sleep in them and thinks jumping off the second floor on to the couch on the first floor is easier then using the stairs. Now I'm wondering if I should employ a professional (ie. a feline physiologist) to help me with her "problems" after catching her napping tonight. Perhaps I'm just keeping her litter box a little too clean.
What say you?


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Well, I decided I would buy myself a Christmas kitty since my cat died in November after 16 wonderful years so I went to the Dumb Friends League last Thursday and got a new "best friend"(11 months old). Since then I have learned that this "nut" enjoys taking showers with me, can open kitchen cabinets and prefers to sleep in them and thinks jumping off the second floor on to the couch on the first floor is easier then using the stairs. Now I'm wondering if I should employ a professional (ie. a feline physiologist) to help me with her "problems" after catching her napping tonight. Perhaps I'm just keeping her litter box a little too clean.
What say you?

Has a lot of "Character" haha... Those make the best kitties!
First off sorry bout your last buddy.

Sounds like your new friend has a great personality, I say, seems like she likes you
Sorry I can't offer advice. Marti 'n I have enough problems of our own.....

You have my condolences. I lost Ginger, my "little orange woo" Thanksgiving 2009 from liver failure. She was only five. My wife recently came home with "Seeatee" pronounced, you guessed it, "C" "A" "T". Here he is doin what he does best. Oh yeah, and your kitty will outgrow sleepin in the catbox.


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We had an older cat that lost the litter box. Our vet recommended we try this cat diffuser thing. It supposedly calms them down. Took a while to work but it did seem to help a little. Little pricey though.
Sorry for your loss. After 18 years of freindship, I had to put Chewie down at the end of July. Recently, Smudge, another mutt who loves me moved in, and with her non-stop running has helped get rid of the case of mopes that I had.
Seems to me she the only "constant" that she had was her $hitterbox, so thats where she is most comfortable for now. Cute cat, a lot cuter than me on my $hitterbox!!
Sounds like a great cat! I'd fill up PAGES with stories ...

One thing is certain: You can't be unhappy when you're watching a kitten play.
Riddle me this, Batman.

I just searched for this thread so I could show the cat pics to my kids. Had to do three searches to find it.

First search was for the word cat in the title of the post. No matches found.
Second search was for the word cat in the title or the thread. No matches found.
Finally searched for the word cats in the title or the thread & found the thread.

Can anybody explain why the first two searches didn't work?
my evil kitty at her cutest.... dont let the cuteness fool ya, she will scare the bejesus out of ya ~ 3am...

She kind of looks like my cat:happy10:

As for the other one, all she likes to do is eat, sleep, sh*t, eat, & sh*t again.:toothy10:


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Maybe I should check to see if she's shitting in my bed.

If she is, that means she doesn't respect you as the master. To assert your dominance if she does...**** in hers.
Sounds like a great cat! I'd fill up PAGES with stories ...

One thing is certain: You can't be unhappy when you're watching a kitten play.

You said a mouthful. and don't you think for one minute Seeatee ain't been a BIG help to me about now.
We had 2 cats until about a year and a half ago.

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Then we rescued this critter. Abandoned or lost on my rental property next door to a known cat hater, so I just could not leave him there.

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Turns out he was a killer!

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Named him Mini-Me because he was real attached to the black one we already had. Grew into a beautiful example of an American Bombay.

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We still have all three, plus our German Shepard and they all get along fine.

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The long haired tabby also sleeps in his litter box. I always thought he was guarding the territory against the other cats.
Gorgeous and Handsome lookin' companions here !

I have two wonderful felines :
- "Molly" . American Shorthair with Calico markings , one of which is in the shape of Africa . 8 years old ; 14lbs and ZERO fat one her !
- "Oliver" . American Shorthair / British Shorthair mix . White with red / orange tigre patches ; 1 ambre eye , one green eye . 22lbs ( has a total Brit build ! ) . 7 years old .

Both of them are shelter rescues ( L.E.A.F. in Lake Elsinore , Ca. ) .

Molly is also known as the "Calico Cougar" , as she makes many of the same sounds as a Mountain Lion does ( chirping , grunting , growling , whistling , huffing , etc. ) .

Oliver talks to all of his catnip toys . Picks 'em up in his mouth and carries 'em around while talking to them , just as a mother would take care of her kittens !

I haven't any advice for this thread's author ; I can only remind everyone that cats are still technically wild . Their direct relatives still very much exist : the African Wildcat ; the breed that the Egyptians "domesticated" .

There's nothing like a great animal companion . Doesn't matter what your preference is , you can't go wrong .
I love dogs equally , but prefer to keep kitties . I'm too lazy to rightfully care for a dog ; my kitties exercise on their own :)